Post your eyes
Post your eyes
Fuck off PJW
am i puer enough
>DHS will next make a thread to post your nose including the upper bridge between the eyes
inb4 sauron
Am I white?
I can post my full face
Am I Based guys? I pretty much RED PILLED and based. Rate me pls
t. American
Yeah, share your biometric data with some kike. A smart move
Kill your self
No Mr. Soros. You’re a jew.
Ignore data mining threads! SAGE
mine are pale blue
nigga looking iffy
Posting hair too
>tactical bowlcut
nice try nsa
Also best eyebrow you will ever see
Posting in a bio-metric data-mining thread.
la creatura...
t. mutt
Daily reminder that brown eyes are literally shit tier
Lo demonito norte-americaño...
iiiiiiiiiiii's there I posted all of them.
Arabs are white
am i white?
I see eye I send clubs
Are very dark eyes considered white?
Data gathering thread for concerned citizens
>no timestamp tattooed on sclera
You first OP.
I i
nice try fbi
dont post in datagathering threads u mouthbreathing retards
you all guys have good looking blue eyes.... and i have shit colored ones that i will not post.
world is fucking unfair.
>tfw half hispanic
have my full body
>Post your eyes
go away Orochimaru
PJW, what are you doing in Spain?
Smokin that reefer??
>retards saying lol datamine thread
Don't remeber that your phones are monitored by NSA 24/7. If you have ever looked at a cell phone screen with a camera all your shit is already known.
Based albino
Good to see I'm not the only one that though that.
are you a girl
I'm not buying that poll which said 30% of Sup Forums are women. Why are only men posting here then?
Nice try, faggot.
Didn't know that this was /soc/
Kill yourself OP
Hah, the NSA operates in Brazil?
am i white? i have blue eyes too
Well you see, now you're just 1 of out of 17 agencies by looking at smartphone. But these threads post you to 17 out of 17. And that's just the US, think about the children.
>taking pride in the colour of your irises
People with hazel eyes have done greater things than those with blue eyes. F A C T.
>Being unable to perceive the polarization of light