Is he /our guy/ ?
Baschar al-Assad
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no, it's this guy
Never !
>""German"" flag
>Is Muhammad al-Something /our/guy?
He is your guy, Achmed, he is.
The germans and arabs are brothers in the struggle against the jewish race. I‘m 100% aryan btw
Fucking kike shills
Bashar is the only man who can bring stabikity in the region
I'm more of a Zionist myself
Yes, he's the only morally correct man to support and who can bring stability to a Middle Eastern country.
>secular state
>most pro-western, liberal arab nation on Earth
>somehow our enemy for no reason
Donald Trump betrayed us. He‘s just a dirty jew
I hope you mean liberal in a societal way. Syria was a market socialist economy prior to the war (and I imagine it still is).
Why would we give a shit about ""stability"" in that fucked up region?
Not my problem, Mohammed.
The one who helped set off the Israeli 9/11 False Flag?
Dat U Shlomo?
So they don't come here you faggot leaf
based kraut
A lot of Syrians end up in Canada though.
He's your standard americunt at the end of the day.
Yeah, that's called "borders" you stupid cuck.
Your "brothers" are taking over your country you stupid cuck and you're distracted by some Jews living 1000 kms away.
Better Syrians than niggers, and the problem is border control, btw, not whatever war they're having.
Bashar is okay, but he's not //my// guy because I'm not Syrian.
This mass immigration is caused by the jews who secretly run the world. They are the ones we should fight !
>this butthurt leaf
You're not fighting them, though, you're letting the immigrants in and worrying about Syria instead, though.
I name you, honorary sand nigger.
>thinking sub-Levant and afghans are arabs or even remotely white
these glorified goatfuckers are the ones ruining the west
>pic related average syrian/lebanese family
Yep, the Syrians are just fine as people which has no bearing on the fact that we don't have secure borders.
Syria is a pretty cool guy, eh shots the Mossad agents and doesn't afraid of anything
Ba'athism is unironically the best thing for the middle east.