Who /regret/ here?

who /regret/ here?

i regret it everyday

I think it’s time that we all face up to the facts; Hillary was by and large the better candidate when it came to the 2016 election. I’m having major regrets voting for trump right now. He’s majorly embarrassing our country, he doesn’t seem like he knows how to lead, and the blatant racism, sexism, and misogyny is really starting to bother me. This is all barring the fact that as each day passes, it becomes more and more clear that Trump has inside help from foreign powers in order to win the election, through various methods like hacking and troll farms. If i could go back in time I just wouldn’t have voted, I feel like I’m complicit in having doomed this country forever.


Stfu you fucking faggot

Yeah, Trump has been the shittiest prez ever and it hasn't even been 2 full years yet.

Makes me embarrassed to be an American

Nope. Fuck off, shill.

I regretted it at first but once I stopped watching the media outrage Trump isn't so bad. They're really grasping for straws these days

Not gonna lie, former Trump voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Trump crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes.

if you're not feeling hyped, you're feeling despair. Don't ever change Sup Forums

>trying this hard


I wish I had a President like Trump.


Really couldn't care less about the man himself, wish we could get rid of our stereotypes, but they have to come from somewhere....

finally a sane thread

trump is a statist

No regret because I voted for Hillary. I am not country rural white trash like most on here.

He's doing exactly what I wanted him to do through his election. He is showing that the media are mostly propaganda, that there is a deep state, that the world doesn't work the way they pretend it does.

I couldn't care less about the rest

Yeah I agree with this tbqh I think that when history looks back on time and sees that we elected this clown it’s just going to be a total embarrassment to our country’s history

Selling out to Israel instead of making your country great again.


Then again, Hillary defends rapists too.

enjoy the ban faggot


>nigger detected

yaoi is bannable?


>I didn't vote for satan, I voted for the other guy...lucifer

porn is on that board retarded degenerate

>tfw I'm unironically beginning to believe this minus the "blatant racism, sexism, and misogyny" part and could almost take this for a genuine post

i cannot believe i voted for donald drumpf (the most racist person to ever exist) to get the nuclear codes. #imwithher now

You had Lula, you cunt. Both are the same bullshit.

The candle that burns twice as bright burns half as long. What we needed was consistency, why didn't we vote for Jeb?

you could pick shillary or literally commie - sanders and second one is definitely anti-white.
so at least you had some delusional positive fun.

Lula is a fucking commie, how can you compare this illiterate drunk fucktard with Trump?


Cuck off shills.

I regret every single post. Every single one. We would have been on Mars by now if we just shilled for Hillary instead, fuck this timeline.

Oh, shut the fuck up. Both are illiterates fucktards. And Trump is able to be evem more retarded than Lula and DIlma combined.

Trump is an embarrassment to the human race. If was not by a bunch of retarded redneck trolls we would not have this cunt fucking the world.

Enjoy your trade war America, this one you will loose big time, Vietnam revived. And economic collapse is on the corner.

A nation of idiots with guns, idiots kill themselves.


>Kathleen Kennedy
What the fuck does the Star Wars lady have to do with anything?

Fuck off CNN. Nobody believes the Russia conspiracy plotted by the (((DNC))) except you.

stop bumping
in all fields liberally spice this bullshit thread

I regret voting for chrump

I'm PRETTY sure that a illiterate person would never be the President of a serious country that is the United States.

Thats Funny, seems gun violence in Brazil is off the charts. Don't you have a excape motorcycle to jump onto?

Wut do's?

When a fucking leaf calls you out on being a faggot.

i regret it voting for him.

Americans and Trump are just like a cockrouch who invented its own insecticed.

You guys just do net get.

They both were bad candidates. We need an alt righter in the white house, not a jew cock sucker.

Every single hardworking Brazilian Citizen needs guns, only the narcotraffic monkeys have the most powerful and modern weapons.

You don't go to mars, mars comes to you

Oh it's you again.

Changed your personality I see.