don't do art kids
New game!!
>tfw Momo was best girl all along
Art will make you suicidal. Spend your time doing something else.
Rin is such a cuck that I can't help to feel sorry about her
It's her own fault.
>I want you to properly break up with Yamagi-san before I let you touch me
aoba-san's intensity!
Yun is so drunk she passed out. You better take her home safely user.
I can't wait until Yun get fired.
The game they made should be rated R for extreme gore.
How are you guys dealing with the fact that this is the last season of new game? There's no way that we are getting a third season
i was really hoping to see a wedding ring on rin at the end but i guess that would be too gay
Hazuki already writing hardcore smut in her head.
Kou is a stunner
New Game S3 by TYO.
>Spoiling the final boss on the game package
Run is just making a risky investment. By being so emotionally devoted to Kou she's betting on her to be unable to not take responsibility eventually.
Call me delusional but I was totally expecting a kiss or something, poor rin
Only because she usurped Hifumi's position on the show as lead autist. Why are they always such a cocktease with Hifumi? I can't speak for the manga but it's the exact same in both seasons of the anime.
Beginning of season:
>Hifumi gets a lot of screentime and funny scenes focusing on her awkwardness. Her friendship with Aoba seems important.
Midway through season:
>A new character barges in, eats up Hifumi's screentime, in S2 she literally moves to another room to accommodate the new character
End of season:
Seriously, I'm surprised she was barely present in the finale, considering how Kou leaving means Hifumi is suddenly thrust into being the actual boss of the design team now with no one to turn to for support, not to mention they seemed to be good friends with the "Kou-chan"/"Hifumin" thing.
I don't mind Momo, she grew on me, unlike Naru, and also unlike Nene in season 1, but still, it's annoying.
Naru and Momo killed S2, you can thank them for no S3
...won't be missed
New Smug S2 is the smuggest anime since New Smug S1
I'm a huge fan of this hyper-chromatic style. I think it started with NGNL? Maybe they were exploring the new possibilities of OLED TVs
>there will never be a newer version of this collage
>peco is complete, now we have truly become NEW GAME
>get to work
>see this
How were they able to finish this game so quickly? It's unrealistic. I would understand if that was sequel on same engibe with mostly same assets, but it's new ip, it should be at least two years.
momo's avatar is a pig
France? The fuck does Japan know about french game company and who are they talking about Ubisoft?
I'm gonna miss them.
nip games confirmed for shit
>peco comes out
>lead artist jumps ship and heads to france, of all the places, for work
eagle jump is done for, screen cap this post. i preordered peco, but i probably wont even touch their next game
>immediately die from hhhnnnnngggg
>using your platform to stab the corporate fags in the back
10/10, Kou.
france makes games?
What is Hajime going to do with that shell?
>games overseas seem to have higher standards
Puzzle games in which you have to uncover the germans to surrender to them.
Shove it up Yun's arse.
arkane, infogrames, ubisoft paris/montpellier are the only "significant ones"
it would be cool if kou went to work on dishonored or something. either way, shes gonna come back a fierce feminist lesbian with a smoking and wine drinking habit
Kou was hired because of diversity quotas.
thank you Red Bull for season 2
Did she say that?
I miss when Aoba-chan was the main character.
she was hired at EJ for being cute, whats the difference?
less sexual harrassment in france, thats the difference
Gee... reminds of some other extremely colorful anime series.
>less sexual harrassment in france
i mean they removed the best character of the show so I'm not too mad
I already miss Yunposting
>tfw Yagami is found dead in a ditch in the outskirts of France after being raped and strangled by a Muslim migrant
What is this bullshit? CGDCT shows need to stop making me tear up.
2D France is not 3D France.
Then don't stop. Yun shall be remembered forever.
So is Ubisoft going to teach Yagami how to make less problematic character designs?
Will we get a dojin of her taking a wrong turn in Paris and getting gang raped by Muslims?
>less sexual harrassment in france, thats the difference
I'm sure she'll enjoy being subject to sexual emergencies
I hope they let her design some of the new R6Siege characters.
Indeed, one must never stop.
S3 Eagle jump hires a boy
And then S4 never happens.
She does. Though I don't know if "bake-ero" really translates to "asshole".
delet this
>implying 2D France is any safer
S3 Eagle jump hire a boy[\spoiler](girl)[\spoiler]
We should migrate to /trash/ and make threads about gangbanging and sodomizing Yun.
All Aoba can think about is Kou's pantsu. I wonder why.
yun is for love
But my love for Yun is pure. I would never do that
Physical love, with lots of fluids.
O-one more episode? Right?
Nice array of jackets in this show. Anime set in winter always makes me envious of the 2D world with all its fashionable, well-dressed girls
Wouldn't you take advantage of a drunken Yun?
By reading the readily available scans of volume 7 of the manga.
I want umiko to dekopin me
Only cuddling allowed with Yun.
Female fluids.
how will kou cope with suddenly being forced to work around men? overly romantic, hyper sexual french men who want to put their baguettes in her warm, moist oven?
surely her french employer wont be an old, lecherous lesbian again
Nope. And no 3rd season. Hold me, user.
What are my hands allowed to do while I'm cuddling Yun though? Can my middle finger go up her butthole?
Is Aoba a furry?
I just have to be sure.
You know what I mean anyways.
Why is Nene so dumb?
Obviously not. You need to consult with Aoba regarding butt-stuff.
What did they mean by this