you ready to give them up yet?
You ready to give them up yet?
Who needs so many bracelets
now shes an astronaut, ok nigga.
She literally has the Casey Neistat odor about her. The stupid wrist shit. The strange jacket. The weird male haircut. It's all a ruse.
those are those sex bracelets that represent what she's done
I would tongue terrorize her turd tumbler.
la cafeteria....
WTF is wrong with women?
The fallout from this pew pew gun stew looking more positive for her everyday. Talkshow by next year! 60 minutes of yelling head shaving tips, screaming about quirky jackets and crying about gun control
Unironically wearing the Nazi Space Program jacket, kek.
Sagiest, but a C for shilling this trash. Who do you think are going to give their firearms up? They will be kept on the D L, only to be brought out on them special occasions. But they ain't gonna be turn in, ever
ewww fucking gross
She's doing a version of the masonic bending over taking it up the ass initiation pose
I want to give her my cock in her mouth
Hitler took the guns, Stalin took the guns, Mao took the guns, Fidel Castro took the guns, Hugo Chávez took the guns. And I am here to tell you i won't take your guns. because your going to willing give them up
Does that armband say BRAP? It does in my mind.
Not even a little bit. The gun control meme is already dying out again despite CNN/Hollywood bolstering their teenage actors with millions. You know they're really desperate when they start pushing gun control at the Oscars.
she is cute. imagine if she would have died during that shooting. would have been to sad
It would be so funny if someone accused her of a #metoo moment. I can't imagine the reaction.
Are you ready to stop sucking cocks?
Dont even like ARs but just bought one cause fuck liberals.
she's the living embodiment of the mutt meme, I actually feel sort of bad for her.
Was she even at school that day?
i heard that she was at home when the shooting happened.
so how could you be a survivor if you weren't there.
Looks like they're putting makeup on it now because it's not convincing enough people to work against their own interests
who can say. is there any actual proof of anything that happened that day? something seems off about them being actual teens
built this just because of la creatura. thanks!
Nice rig user.
>you ready to give them up yet?
ReAdY tO gIvE tHeM uP yEt?
I thought amerimutt meme are just a joke. Im not laughing anymore. They are too real.
Still believing what our shit burger education says?
Hitler only took guns from Jews. He actually loosened gun control laws that the (((Weimar Republic))) imposed in 1928.
It was obviously a joke autistic audrey
she is cute
Yes Queen Gonzales. America is ready to bow to your mestizo dyke tyranny, please make me suck your toes and lick your armpits
underrated post, keked heartily
Did this Creature just have 6 gorillion dollars in plastic surgery on a poor attempt to make "It" look like one of us, or is this just your shitty photoshop.
come and take it
From my cold dead hands.
Gee, taking gun rights away from Jews in the 30’s totally invalidates the argument and Gun Confiscation is A-OK!
>Gun Confiscation is A-OK
it is a ok as long they only take it from kikes and commies though im going to update the list for modern america and say spics and niggers are ok to take from guns as well
They will start with the soft targets in the urban areas. Police will voluntarily turn over personal firearms. They will offer a cash buyout. Niggers will be stealing guns from other niggers to make dat moni! Then they will move to the suburban areas constantly shilling the successful hand over in big city america
They will leave places like Compton, Chicago for last.
Imma masturbate to her, imagining all the while a world where woman cannot vote.
>Caring what underage bald lesbians are saying about your guns
Reminder to you yanks, SHALL!
This is fucking child abuse, dems are using these Mk ultra like crisis actors to fan the fires until the elections for congress. Someone needs to point out the fact that dems are ABUSING CHILDREN (once again) to further their political agenda. FUCK THE DEMOCRATS and their bullshit agenda.
Where did she even go?
The jew boy withdrew to Twitter and started smack talking Alex Jones and the rest vanished into thin air.
>la goblina safica
She qt as fuck. Would totally act like a left leaning faggot to pop that pussy.
That will get you in orbit but you won't smash unless she gets drunk and that is kinda a risk.
cutting scars
Those who are willing to give up liberty for some nice brown lesbian putang will deserve neither and receive none.
Naaa, wacha ta re loca bo
What else did Hitler do to the Jews afterhe confiscated their guns, dearest user?
I'll give you lead first
I remember that episode of degrassi
AR selling out left and right. Come and take them
Whose that? Seems like old news