Who do the dems realistically have to run in 2020 outside of:
Do any of them have a real shot of taking on trump?
Who do the dems realistically have to run in 2020 outside of:
Do any of them have a real shot of taking on trump?
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Biden his time, since '69!
catchy, no?
Just a few years ago the Dems had the JFK haircut boy-band of Kerry, Edwards, Dean and Clark. All smart, proven, healthy, reasonable guys who could be POTUS/VP and well as Sec of State, Defense, etc, etc in any order and it would make sense and be fine.
How did they go from that to "Hillary OR Bernie?"
Clinton will hopefully be dead. Warren and Biden are fucking clowns. Bernie's out because the majority of people do not want to expand the welfare state.
Their best option is to put up some literally who white male candidate who will keep his mouth shut and hope that Trump fucks up enough for them to garner protest votes. But honestly, it's too early in the Trump presidency to really tell.
Kamala Harris
Tulsi Gabbard
I don’t think they have any really strong contenders, they probably “can’t” run a white man due to their incessant muh white privilege, muh glass ceiling rhetoric. They’ll have to go back to the drawing board, so to speak, and try to get another Obama elected. They have no real message anymore except for “Hurr durr Adolpf Drumpfler is le kremlin n guns r bad n sheeit” The DNC is rudderless and broke, they overplayed the identity politics card and now no matter who they pick, they’ll alienate at least some of their base. The only course of action they have left is to continue trying to de-legitimize Trump, they’ll trot out some more celebrities and the “breaking news bombshells” will ramp up. No doubt they’re really hoping for the blue wave midterms, but it’s probably not gonna happen. The country is sick of their bullshit
i can't wait to one day squeeze the blood of pedophiles in my hands as i scream in domination of their corrupt soul and send it to the astral realms to be purified of it's evil.
They don't. It's time for buttfuck round 2.
All of those will be annihilated
The dems have literally nobody. There best bet would be to have a Tea Cuck member officially change camps and run for the dems, and they will still lose. After 2016, the media lost its gatekeeping power, the pollsters lost their influence and the wedge issues have become unimportant and unable to get others than illegals to vote. Dems are lost for the next 2 to 3 decades
if the Dems were smart they could easily have droves of 2016 Trumpers staying home in 2020 if they hired a Few Good Men to start crap flooding and memeing about how Trump has sold out on all his promises and is now basically Hillary in drag.
The answer to "What will Trump do?" is always "What would Hillary do?"
Remember Hillary is a conserve-Dem and Dixie Mafia, and caged millions of Negroes as co-pres.
So it would be perfectly expected she would do exactly the same as Trump on The Wall. Pass out some Pork to some insiders for "studies" and "prototypes" but keep the Border and Inner Cities and Welfare Offices wide open for the Drug Cartels and Human Traffickers. Oh, and do a few highly publicized but piss-ant "ICE raids" of a couple hundred Wetbacks every couple months.
The entire Trump effort on Illegals doesn't even add up to 1/2 the number of anchor babies being born in LA alone.
Since Trump has taken office, the flood has only increased, according to my spies actually at the border.
Tulsi Gabbard is still too young to be a viable option, although she is probably the most promising candidate within the party. I image they will bring in an outsider like Oprah or The Rock, based on the success of the POTUS. The problem for the left is that Trump has seasoned veterans from the great meme war on his side.
What Trumpers forget is:
1) just how close Hillary came to winning
2) that she won the POPULAR vote
3) that demographics in key states like Florida have moved enough to make it a lock for Dems in 2020
4) that "The Swamp" still holds congress and hates Trump, and would still obey any orders from Hillary et al.
5) that the Jewish Deep State is still in complete control
6) that the JDS Federal Judges remain unchallenged and more powerful than ever after the series of soft coups where they took over all the real power of Exec branch
7) last but not least, that Trump has sold out on The Wall, Deportations, Wall Street, Russia, Israel, Syria, trade, Black crime, guns, etc.
they can put up just about anyone and probably win, minorities will be agitated by DRUMPF and they have been moving Puerto Ricans into key swing states, since Mexican demographic warfare isn't happening fast enough.
What's with the image you pedo-fag?
also they can run a cuckservative candidate to siphon off some of the Principled Conservative voters away from Trump, but it might actually backfire and siphon Principled Conservative votes from the Democratic candidate instead...
8) that Hillary ONLY lost because of a series of unfortunate events such as her obvious bad health, and numerous scandals, the crowning glory being new penis pics of Mr Weiner on State Dept laptop.
Democrats have no originality. They've been grooming Cory Booker for it for years. It's not even up for debate. He is their chosen one and there's no point in even arguing over it because it's already settled.
He will lose though because he's just another old school styled scripted politician and Trump will make mincemeat of him in the debates.
I know that this is a really fucking overused and dead meme by this point but did that man just get cucked by an Italian?
>crooked cory
Sylvester Stalone, he's got the right age.
Trump runs as Democrat, world stumped, they finally win.
World holds its breath awaiting a "Sign from GOD" as to whether or not Oprah should run for POTUS.
The answer is nobody.
Gabbard has a shot in a few cycles, the current regime is a bit frustrated with her because of syria though
I've been saying this for a year or two now. Unless the Democrats can find a candidate named Stalin, Lenin, Marx or Pol Pot this guy has a bright future in the Democratic party.
won't run. he'll be far too old. I think he's even confirmed that he won't be running
possible. he'd get crushed by Trump though
she's a political pariah at this point. she won't run
also possible. she's already been branded b a Trump meme (Pocahontas) so her chances are negligible
I'd say the only other options are cory booker, joe kennedy, gillibrand, and oprah
Warren doesn't seem to want to run.
Biden and Sanders will be too old.
Clinton is absolutely hated by a lot of dems.
Kirsten Gillibrand is hated because of Franken.
Harris will sperg out scaring YT
Gabbard is young, but maybe.
I think it'll be someone we haven't heard too much about.
gabbard is literally the only viable candidate they have. if the dems weren't completely retarded, they'd realize that
1. Trump loses Republican primary over guns/trade.
2. Trump runs as an Independent because of ego.
3. Vote gets split resulting in a dem president.
That's my nightmare scenario.
Isn't Michael supposed to be running as well?
Awww, sweeite. You forgot Winfrey.
warren is all talk and knows how many dems are really uncomfortable with marxist ideologies
Warren and clinton are obviously out. The dems aren't going to risk another #I'mwithHer, and suggesting Clinton after such a humiliating defeat is risible. Sanders is very, very old, and already got his nomination stolen by the Democratic party and wasserman-schultz (he also has that pesky socialist label). Biden is the only one of those that is a viable candidate for 2020 so far, in my estimation.
Argreed. I did forget about the Syria thing, and a lot people think she abandoned Clinton during the campaign. Identity politics will kill them in the primary. Blacks will be pissed if the nom isn't black. Women will be pissed if its a guy. So on and so on. It is going to be a bloodbath.
Kamala Harris will be the nominee.