Thank you for the nudes
Jennifer Lawrence career is done
Once you've seen the asshole, you've seen everything.
Why hop in your car and drive to the theatre and fork over another $12 to see more ???
Do losers actually go see movies just because a person is in it?
That seems really pathetic...
The idea is supposed to be "oh this person does good movies."
It was done in 2014 when i saw her asshole.
She's simply not a good actress.
I refuse to see movies with specific stars in the movie- like this one
Should have given her superpowers.
>saw her asshole
Uh... gonna need that.
oh gee - you mean getting all political and alienating half the audience, typically the half with actual money was a bad call?
Keep giving us your opinion you gaping asshole J.Law.
DiCaprio usually does 10/10 movies.
Tfw you will never eat her delicious anal hole
I do... I have to see every Sylvester Stallone movie. On the flip side there are actor and actresses that I refuse to watch their movies. Yes Jennifer Lawrence being on of them.
Rate and comment it on her every movies. On rotten tomatoes
It used to be like that. A John Wayne movie was a John Wayne movie, and they were generally pretty damn good. You knew what you were in for.
The only star that can do that nowadays is Tom Cruise - you know what to expect in a Cruise movie.
She is sticky.
Sick in the back of your throats sticky. I can't see anything except gaping holes and ballon knots when I look at her and when she looks at us she knows what we are thinking. It's gross. Pooing in India tier gross.
She is done. Catching fire and disappearing is her best option at this point.
This. NFL dropped Papa Johns when he spoke up about their weird political stances picked up Pizza Hut. Wonder how this will play out.
I'd go see James Woods
I mean, I’ll go see any movie with Mel Gibson or Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson in it.
That's a very nice asshole desu.
How can u take someone seriously after seeing them kneeling with jizz all over the face?
I’ll watch anything with Kurt Russell in it
>15-20M fucking dollars to get tastefully naked a couple times, shoot a fake gun, and speak in a generic russian accent in a BWAAAA fart noise spy movie about strong women assassins
can you imagine? i could live off 2 million dollars for the rest of my life doing whatever i want - what the fuck do you do after 10? what is there that you could realistically need or want that is out of that boundary?
of course, if it's a christopher nolan movie or if tom cruise is in it I want to watch it
Red Sphincter ruined her career long before Red Sparrow came along
it's funny because given the life she wants/is accustomed to living, I doubt that lasts more than 5 years tops
Last time it was posted moot left Sup Forums.
I haven't seen any hollyjew propaganda in years but I'll go see anything Mel Gibson directs
That pic wasn't her
Could be even less like how much in debt is she
She never was. She's a stupid fucking whore who got an oscar because she was willing to fuck that kike Weinstein and now that he's gone there's nothing left to prop up her career.
Good. Now bring back Brendan Fraser.
Not her
Good, this brainwashed whore took the Jew and now she's one of them. Hope she goes in the ovens with them.
>Red Sphincter ruined her career long before Red Sparrow came along
Kek. Nicely done sir.
what is and what should never be..
She just buys designer labels and wastes her income on stupid shoes and purses. For all her feminist thought and supposed depth of character, she's a fucking barbie doll, who performs in movies to fund her over priced fashion interests.
>‘It was a fabulous dress, I wasn’t going to cover it up with a fucking coat. Also, I shoot in below freezing weather, in record breaking winters – I can stand outside for 90 seconds in a dress. I want the dress photographed like that.’
Typically, movie studios release their shit-tier movies during February.
Got too many. This her?
Is this legit?
the most trailer trash looking actress of all time. she looks like a child of wal mart.
The one or two with a facial are not her. All the rest are.
I cant ever remember her giving a "good" performance, and I think I've seen all her movies. She should sell her LA mansion, personal Jet ,Cars ect...
Buy or build a beautiful house somewhere in a small town and retire for 5 years. Anyone could make that an amazing life.
Yes. Where the fuck were you during 2014?
She's not obese. That should go to Amy Schumer. Or maybe Lena Dunham. Lena Dunham is an actress, right? ...What is she famous for again, besides being an ugly pedophile who stalks Taylor Swift?
what kind of slut doesn't even care that someone takes a pic of her showering
Keanu Reeves and Robert Downey Jr for me
Anything with Christian Bale desu.
>another feminist approaches The Wall
Utorrent and Piratebay for me
Of course. I won't miss a Tom Cruise movie.
The kind who desperately wants an oscar
Have you ever spent time in Kentucky? I spent a lot of time in her home town. She looks exactly like every trailer trash single mother there. Add 20 pounds and she'd be indistinguishable from any of them.
DiCaprio movies often succeed despite him, not because of him. He was actually a really mediocre actor up until these past couple of years. He doesn't know how to express emotion without yelling and he manages to come off as a pompous prick even when he's playing a humble character. Oh, and his accents are atrocious. He ruined "Gangs of New York" for me with that terrible fake Irish accent.
She's on track to become the next Meryl Streep - another dingbat who's movies I've never seen. I'm sure she's even win a few oscars for those inevitable shitpiles.
Brad Pitt
Christian bale
Joaquin Phoenix
My kind.
Don't support Robert Downey Jr.
No, A-listers get everything like that for free, as it's considered promoting the brands.
Their main expenses are the big houses price + maintenance, staff, private jetting, but no idea how much that lifestyle costs a year
I will quite literally watch anything with Mel Gibson's name in it.
She got paid $15 million for what kind of skills?
Lmao this world
She literally is Kentucky white trash. She got her start on that redneck comedians show. Bill ingval or some shit.
That is kinda nice as far a sphincters go.
Winter's Bone was the only decent movie she's ever been in and that was because it had better actors than her in it
It feels like this is a part of larger trend of A-list actors losing their prestige. It seems like being actor who did a breakthrough is no longer enough to build automatic life long career. General public isn't that interested about actors as celebrities anymore, in these times when any fucker with a drop of charisma can attempt to gain following and fame on the Internet.
goes without saying, Mel knows what he’s doing.
that said I still need to watch the Passion. is it kino?
I agree. I like him as a person but he's an overactor. The only role of his that I thought was solid and appropriate was in Blood Diamond. And the accent, though tough, wasn't done too badly.
There are only two actors that are/were talented enough to draw me in for their presence alone...Philip Seymour Hoffman and Jack Nicholson.
lol this might be why she's doing every shitty interview show right now and pretending that she's down to earth and likable. Her career as a leading woman is finished.
The Hunger Games was laughably bad. Just terrible terrible acting on her part.
Winters Boning wasn't too bad though.
Don't fall for his Joe Rogan podcast appearance
no but there are nudes of her
>the original hunger games movie was 6 years ago
i came back to this thread and was starting to wonder why exactly she just fell off so quick and then i realized it's been more than half a decade since she had her star series, where does the time go?
Shut up, Dwayne. Nobody wants to see your shit movies.
She's finished unless another powerful rich Jew comes along who wants to lose his Rolex in her keister
No need it’s your run of the mill non bleached butthole. She doesn’t have flappy lips which is nice I guess.
>weinstein goes down
>talentless actresses suddenly struggle to find work
yeah sure he was raping them alright
F for the nudes, S for everything else about her sjw career.
Passion is intense.
is this Sup Forums or Sup Forums? fuck off
Bucketlist wasn't that good though
Good. She can't act.
one of the only movies that has made me feel something afterward. just make sure you have the time to watch it all in one sitting.
This is exactly how I choose what movies to see.
The actors pick which scripts to try out for, so if I like their previous work I go see the movie. Same with directors and producers.
I don't watch movie trailers or read plot summaries so this is the only way I make decisions.
Saved you money. Your welcome.
If your an actor, act. Don't get into politics, it's short term gain, long term loss. Your bound to alienate some of your fan base.
Your an actor, you say lines act your part, for pay. Who can trust what you say, deceit is your pay master.
>Not buying a super computer to make AI and upload your soul into internet