Kemono Friends

This is a table made by Komica showing what's happening with regards to the power play that's played out in Kemono Friends production committee.

Green are affiliated with Tatsuki
Red are Kadokawa and Bushiroad
Blue are neutral players.

The bottom of this table lists the committee members by their total revenue in units of 100m yen.

Other urls found in this thread:

Kemono Friends is dead until both parties come to an agreement. Chances are slim

Here is a flowchart that I have translated which outlines the role of the committee members. This should help explain things.

The info on Komica corroborates with this leak by an alleged Kadokawa staff who posted it on 2ch.

Here's the gist of it that I posted in the last thread.

>This isn't a Tatsuki vs Kadokawa, but Yaoyorozu vs Kadokawa
>Reasons of the dispute is not 100% clear (likely that Kadokawa is giving Yaoyorozu a pittance), but a fight over the contents to s2 broke out
>Yaoyorozu had no chance to win given that Kadokawa holds the IP

>Kadokawa did the following after having won this dispute:
>-Kick Yaoyorozu out of the production committee, which dragged Tatsuki down with Yaoyorozu studio
>-Cut the Voice acting agency affiliated with Yaoyorozu (bye bye Fennec etc)
>-Yaoyorozu and Tatsuki banned from any future involvement with Kemono Friends

>This is common in animation production committee.
>Tatsuki's likely to be outraged, and I being on the side of Kadokawa am also dissatisfied, so I am airing this laundry.
>There's a general feeling that S2's going to tank among the partners in the air from all of this, which is obvious given this change in staff and VA
>Sorry for rambling, hope that this helps Tatsuki out


Thank you for sharing these.

>JUST Production
It's appropriate atleast

>Crunchyroll in red
Those bastards

>Crunychroll in red
Like I need more reasons to despise them.

>people are making allegiance charts
Oh man.

That's not way to talk to a friend.

Aah, so it's like that, huh. I understand everything now.

What exactly is irodori anyway? A group of animators?

Oh look a Western company we can realistically boycott.

I'm confused.

Who is Just Production
Who is Yaoyorozu?
Who is Irodori?

I thought JustPro was a Voice acting agency and Yaoyorozu contracted them. I thought irodori was another handle for those involved in Yaoyorozu.

Can someone explain please?

Irodori's Tatsuki's doujin circle.

Everyone already boycotts them by downloading torrents from HorribleSubs instead of paying for their subscriptions.

Maybe go tell reddit and discord to cancel their memberships?

Just owns Yaoyorozu.
Yaoyorozu is the animation studio that made Kemono Friends.
Irodori is Tatsuki's doujin circle name.

Sup Forums was right again.


Thanks for your efforts user

>cruncyroll made more than tatsuki

Really makes you think


If true, this confirms that the contents of Season 2 will not be Tatsuki's vision. Welp.

Gee, you think so?
What did clue you in? Kadokawa's statement where they say they aren't working with Yaoyorozu anymore?

CR is shit. They need to be nuked by North Japari Park.

everything was going along so well

Not yet anyway. there's still a chance the good guys will prevail, or this will turn into game of thrones and the villains win

Tell me if I'm getting this right. Yaoyoruzu didn't want to play by Kadokawa's rules, so Kadokawa refused to renew their contract? And thus, Tatsuki, Fennec, Arai, and everyone else are cut from the show?

I can't believe all of this business stuff is killing such a good show. Couldn't they have reached a compromise or something?

This is the CEO of Kadokawa. Say something nice about him!

There's no telling how much work has already been done on Season 2. It had been in the works for a while before this happened. There was a good possibility that Tatsuki had already finished a script. That's why it was uncertain before now.

Jesus Chris he looks like a jewish pedophile.

Don't attack the CEO. He probably had little to do with this. It was most likely one of his underlings.

I wonder how many idols have sucked his dick

Apparently no, and it's proven to be a huge powderkeg if we consider that Kadokawa's already facing scrutiny and has admitted on business newspaper yesterday that they fear stock value drop.

This paper even put Tatsuki's firing as one of the 2 reasons for Kadokawa's share to drop in prices. The second one is Nico Nico Douga bleeding money for 3 years straight.

To make matters worse, Kadokawa's having its shareholder meeting in October.


>contents of Season 2
Do you still have any hope it'll happen?

He might even crack down on the retards after seeing the stocks.

The fat, bald, corrupted, old man archetype.



What did we do to deserve this?

Here's the official announcement on Kemono Friends Project. My translation is the following

Report on Kemono Friends’s Animation Project

Kemono Friends Project has officially announced of a new animation project, and there been no decision on whether or not if the original arrangements would be preserved or if something new would be put into place to bring out something fresh.

The original setup based on the original TV animation run of January-March had priority, and we wanted to adjust based on customer expectation, but Yaoyorozu animation studio turned down the offer to take part in this, so the committee is now looking into how to proceed with the production.

Kemono Friends is made with “animal first” in mind, and encompasses the work of many people who are involved with games, manga, anime and stage plays. We’ve opened our doors to anyone who share this philosophy in taking part in expanding this world. Kemono Friends as such is not a project that belongs to any single person, as it is “Kemono Friends” for the animals.

However, Yaoyorozu studio chose to utilize the project’s intellectual property on its own without having informed or shared the news with the committee. The committee has hoped to continue the partnership with the studio and we have asked for normalize full information sharing from the party in advance, but Yaoyorozu would not accept these conditions, and have asked to be withdrawn from the project.

The above is the reason why the animation project of “Kemono Friends” have come to a partial halt. As mentioned above, Kemono Friends Project will continue to work in protecting this work, protecting the fans, the animals as we hold true to the original aim of the project. We will update everyone on the situation of the new animation project at the earliest possible date.

I was originally planning to draw some cute fanart of owls and shoebill (got lazy cuz of summer), but now I don't even know if it's worth doing anymore. Like, would it be for the S1 that I loved or the S2 that I hoped for? What is my purpose anymore?

Always been like that...CAR it's nothing but a cash grabbing scheme that is simply not meant to support the good people involved in the creation of our favorite shows, all disguised as an okay-ish service.
>けものパレード 〜ジャパリパークメモリアル〜
>Kemono Parade~Japari Park Memorial~

>protecting the fans
How's that working out for ya?

I am still trying to comprehend how everything managed to become so shitty in such a short span of time.

Found a beautiful artifact from happier times.

>units of 100m yen
>Crunchyroll 1.0

So if 100 yen = ~ 1 dollar; CR got 1 fucking million dollars to stream it? WHAT THE FUCK

I feel bad for the guys that are in the middle of huge fan projects like building games.


This sends a message far more sinister than just another 'the nail that sticked up' tale
It kills the aspirations of future Tatsukis and Yaoyorozus. It makes it clear that creativity and freedom have no place in this industry, and if you don't play by the rules of the greedy corporate swines, even having good ideas for the work you enjoy doing, you're out.
No wonder Comiket only gets bigger and bigger year after year.

>There's a general feeling that S2's going to tank among the partners in the air from all of this
Not only S2. Pavilion is sunk now that fans are embittered.

The journey started with a dying mobage
It ends with a stillborn mobage.

>No wonder Comiket only gets bigger and bigger year after year.
And Comiket is not working it's ass to find a place to be held because Tokyo Big Sight is being used by the Olympics.

>It kills the aspirations of future Tatsukis and Yaoyorozus
Good, I like KF but I don't want eyecancer CG to become the industry norm even faster than it already is.

I tried to draw Tsurai-san right before the bomb fell but she turned into smug Batman midway.

It's just an estimate of how much they would have earned from the revenues based on their contribution to the committee. They aren't necessarily just paying for streaming rights but may also be buying part of the rights to the overall revenues hence if they contributed enough to say get 2% of revenues they end up with that amount. It's a return on their investment, not a payment for their services.

Here's the other thing though.
This also sends a really cautionary lesson to all the MBAs in that your business decision on one project can backfire and cascade to the point that the entire corporation's revenue is at stake, and your senior management better not be asleep when it comes to just how far reaching the products being offered can get.


You sure are retarded, aren't you?

Tatsuki really was on a shoestring budget.

I'm surprised nobody has talked about worst possible bad end we could have with this situation: Tatsuki getting depressed over losing his precious work and taking a one way trip to the Japari park

I can't even imagine what would happen after that

>Kemono Friends
>Supposed to be a feel-good show
>Turns into serious industry and /biz/ discussion

>To think that a real-life company would coolly do something more horrifying than anything I wrote in Girlish Number

Shots fired. Reality is stranger than fiction in the end.

all those members on the production committee should have been a dead giveaway, especially when you see just how little JustPro was getting out of it.

You need to know exactly who are your allies and enemies before go to war, don't you?

Has he been fired from Dengeki G yet for that or is Kadokawa waiting for the dust to settle?


The whole situation still seems so surreal to me.
Something going from dead to hit of the decade and then dying again within the same year.

So let me get this right, all this happened because this?

Not everyone becomes a little bitch after one set-back, some people grow even stronger.

And the madmad is under Kadokawa and he still said that. Balls of steel.

Looks really good, user, I'm jealous of your willpower to draw it through this crisis.

"She's the hero Yaoyorozu deserves, but not the one it needs right now. So Kadokawa will hunt her. Because she can take it. Because she's not our hero. She's a giant aho, a true baka. A trash panda, nano da."

Apparently Kadokawa's going to hold an emergency meeting of the board of directors just over this shit.
It makes me wonder if heads might roll from just how badly this whole thing has gotten out of control.


1 Rotation has passed and Animal Friends is not fixed. 7 more and I begin the judgement.

For reference which area of planet should I start with? Nippon is for last so as to not risk hurting valuable staff members until no other choice with decomposition virus.

>JUST Production: 0,1M
Tatsuki wasn't bluffing when he said his budget was tiny.

>KanColle (TV) : Production
>(The) irregular at magic high school (TV)
Oh god you really dont want these guys behind S2.

Tatsuki essentially did the whole thing on some toaster PC rig.

It's not possible for nice things to exist in this world after all...

>JUST productions

Making S2 isn't the problem. Getting anyone to watch it or play the game while they wait for it, is the new problem.

This really does give me more respect for the franchise.

So will grape kun lose his cardboard waifu?

I guess Kadokawa assumed Kemofure was like the Kancolle anime, and that nobody would care about having different staff.

Could somebody fill me in on what happened so far on House of C/a/rds?


this really is our episode 11... but will we get our episode 12?

It will happen but it will be a mutilated version of the S1.


Irregular at magic high was probably the most generic shitty anime I think I've ever seen.

>harem MC
>he's the definition of gary-stu
>invents gravity in his bedroom
>sister wants to fuck him
>does not have a single fault

Can we? Sure Sup Forums has its share of streamfags these days but they at least have the sense to do so illegally, I can't imagine even 1% of Sup Forumsnons have CR subscriptions to cancel.

Let's see.
-Kadokawa staffer leaked out the dirt
-Kadokawa in max damage control mode
-Fallout is likely to be big, involving revenue projected loss and shareholder fight
-Nips, Gooks and Chinks banded together in letter writing and boycott campaign against corporate sponsors and collab partners, not bothering with Kadokawa proper.

Yes in 5 minutes episode 12 will be released again.

They've got one hell of a problem making S2 now and even the most aggressive Kadokawa shill right now knows it.

Tatsuki delivered us from Episode 11, but there is nobody to deliver us from this hell.

That "animal first" bullshit is such a cheap thing to use to try to hide behind.

This shit was about Kadokawa first and nothing else.

There has to be some way to undo all this

I'm going to put my head in a blender if season 2 is terrible

No more healing.

So this is the faceless bald oldman IRL?
Just like my drawn mongolian porn!

That's 0.1 * 100M, not 0.1M... which is still really nothing.
10M with a staff of 10 people means 1M yen per person. Across 500 days that's 2000 yen per day. KF was made by people getting paid less than $20 a day.

Don't forget about "protect the fans." I'm feeling more protected already.