Who has the biggest penis?

who has the biggest penis?


The one with the biggest nose obviously

Considering that Lelouch has both all the girls and no stamina, I guess he's got to have Something that brings them back.

our guy Akagi

Must be all that oxygen he breaths in

Stop with these 4 brainlets


Clockwise from Hiruma

But he is talking about dicks, not brain

source? search gives me nothing

Golden Boy


Just kidding it ain't Golden Boy. If you weren't a dirty saucefag you'd have seen this anime.

This is the same shitpost chart always posted except without the titles for some reason.

Lelouche might actually just have a vagina down there

There must be a reason why Mikoko fawns over Kaiji so much despite him being a deadbeat loser, just saying

Girls love losers.

I think this site's userbase is the biggest counterargument to that

Pathetic scum used as the extreme of jokes aren't exactly losers




girls can't have penises


Tokichi, it's not even a contest.

>he thinks theyre girls

why is my man Kindaichi so low?

>not a single axis

Lol ok