I'm a Communist Because I'm Educated

If you're educated why are you not a communist, OHHH right because memes.

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Ah this copypasta again.

I just wrote this like 2 minutes ago

For the 5th time today.

Because, communism is a pyramid scheme and does not allow for this.


Economic Communism won't be viable for at least another 50 years when AI and technology is advanced enough to support the majority of the population with minimal human labor. Even then it won't be your version of LE EBIN GLORIOUS GOMMIE REVOLUTION :--DDD it will just be technology doing our jobs for us with most people living on UBI.

So what position are you going to hold in your imaginary communist state?

There's no law in communism against singing and riding horses dude

I disagree. I think communism worked pretty well in the USSR.


It worked terribly and it wasn't even true to Communist principles.



Dude, I love Rick & Morty!



Please explain how a Nintendo Switch could be invented in a communist society.

muh guns n liberti n shit

Wow you really showed me.

>"I'm from Hollywood, I have the brains"

It worked terribly as you said they didn't follow the communist principles but this time it will work because we will follow them.

Nice satire dude


It wouldn't since videogames are degenerate shit.

how pathetic is your political ideology if its failure is meme related

Nice argument bro!

Anarchy is not natural law at all, hierarchies exist in multiple animal species.

That's literally what your argument was, screaming FALSE, isn't an argument.

Either one is fine.

I don't understand how anyone truly educated can be committed to any ideology.


It couldn't hope to follow them because if it did it wouldn't of even survived for as long as it did.



>vidya is degenerate
>”highy educated” uni marxcuck

Social democracy > democratic socialism >>> communism > anarchism

Don't even bother. Sup Forums is so brainwashed by Americanism they won't see anything other than MUH MAWKETS.

>If you're educated why are you not a communist
I relatively lived through communism and I can still see its effects. I'm educated and I despise communism

>b-but it wasn't real communism

And screaming "USSR SUCKSS BRUH IT DIDNT DO WELL BRUH" isn't an argument

Nice meme bruh

If you're not committed to an ideology you aren't educated

>hurr durr capitalism will work this time

>wasting your time in videogames when you could be working out, stock trading, reading, or learning isn't degenerate


>educated people willingly subordinate themselves to kikes under an ideology by and for kikes
You Jewish?



But that's not what I said, I stated an historical fact that the standard of living was terrible, it collapsed and it wasn't true to Communist principles.

Literally every person there is clothed, some have glasses, those flags cost money to produce. I could easily see that being the richest area in America if the flags were painted red white and blue.


Because I know I know not everyone else is.

guess again degenerate swine

They look disgusting, not even white.

>proletariet fighting for his masters
What a fag

I'm ethnically Jewish but im in no way connected to the religious Jewish community or the "establishment" or whatever. And im only Jewish on my dads side so im not really Jewish at all.

My grandfather did business with the USSR when the sanctions were lifted in i think the late 60s. He said that the ship they did businses on made the Buckingham palance look like a shithole. Obvious hyperbole yes, but you get the point.

Utopia is always just one more bloody, genocidal more purge away!



because if you do your research you will find out in most cases international capitalist elites were the ones supporting communism abroad simply because it served their interests and businesses relative to those countries and places they desired communism

Ultimately in many cases communism is just a proxy for an arbitrary capitalist elite to take power in an arbitrary society, except under the guise of communism

Any questions, gentlemen?

America's not white either

Guns are a masculine thing. If a women is using a gun and you are attracted to that, doesn't that mean you're atteracted to masculinity and are therefor gay?

Even if that were true that doesn't take away from the fact that the country was a backwards hellhole where starvation and poverty for the norm. Again though you proved that they weren't loyal to Communist principles.

I attend University of economics. This might play some role when it comes to me being right wing.

>what is propaganda
this is what was happening behind the scenes

Workers Party My ASS

Fool, Germany and the USA should have been allies during WW2. We could have rid the world of communism and degenerates.



Do some reserach, and drop the conspiracies. When communist elites took over they were all poor people like Stalin. Name one capitalist elite that benefitted from the USSR

Yeah every time I see the “educated commie” meme I just think of those blue haired losers who don’t even go to class because they’re too busy protesting or watching Harry Potter.

I'm not Jewish

I attended economics in University as well. This is why im communist.

You just your father is Jewish, by genetics you are half Jewish. So it isn't all that surprising your a Communist as it comes natural to you.

Which strand of communism? Mind you I will judge your intelligence by your reply so make it good.

I'm a communist because i'm working class and I refuse to let capitalists drive wedges between us, the people they exploit.

I know friend, I know


Oh capitalism works pretty fucking great actually. Launched us into the most prosperous era thus far. What did communism achieve? Oh yeah, a lot of bodies in the dirt.

That's complete BULLSHIT. Every citizen had access to medical care, education, food, housing, etc

Doesn't look that bad to be honest

Most farmers are rich as fuck. Farms on average cost about 1.2 million dollars. A farmer could easily liquidate his property and become a bourgeois if he wanted. They are not real workers.


I'm not because I'm rich.


>communism works
>has nevet worked
You guys are fart sniffers. I'm sure if marx took a giant dump you would redistribute it.

It'll never work commie. And if you ever try, I will personally cut you from your mouth to your toes. Show you how red you actually are

>stock trading commie

I don't see Guns as inherently masculine, I don't know why you think they are.



Go~od night, everybody!

Everytime I hear "right-wing" i think of Cleetus high on meth in the trailer

Genetics doesn't determine ideology and my dad doesn't believe in any Jewish religion.

Marxist Leninism.

>Degenerates should have allied with semi degenerates to remove degeneracy???

Berlin-moscow axis forever!

They also have "access" to these in Juche North Korea.

The Communists sided with China, and as we all know China doesn't make anime. Also you have shit taste in waifus.

Watch how the Juden recoils as if being hit.
“I’ve been found out.”

You mean those ranchers who use "their" land to grow a luxury item filled with antibiotics, subsidized by the federal government? They are the definition of petit bourgeoisie, but doubtful you even know what that is.

Genetics determine everything, they determine your nature and how you think. Jewish people naturally gravitate towards the left more.

All communist are this stupid, thats why it always fails.

>Doesn't look that bad to be honest
Hope you starve as the people did under communism in the 80s you piece of shit.

>Genetics don’t determine ideology

And what kind of marxist leninist? Do you support papa joe and uncle kim?

go to venezuela

Communism gave us all the technology we take for granted.

Define rich? Because I'm in the 2-3% i don't know if that counts as rich or you have to be in the 1%. But that doesn't mean you can't be communist. My grandfather was an executive and was a communist as well. Lenin was rich

My dads an investment banker so he got me into finance and everything. I mean i use my marxist understanding of economics to benefit from the capitalist economic model.

They are about killing and power They are very masculine.

My grandfather was a hard head commie after fighting side by side with Soviet Soldiers in WW2, after Independence he went to Leningrad and spent a decade there studying and getting educated, came back home and saw how Maoist/Communists were exploiting and killing farmers and landlords. So he took part in a militia and funded them in village areas which killed over 500-600 Maoist Guerillas and their family members.


You know the people that hate communism the most are the people that lives under a communist reign, right?
Now, why would they hate it so much?
Really makes you think.

pic related: your average anti-communist on half chan.

if you love communism so much why don't you redistribute your own wealth


Yeah i know, North Korea isn't like what you see in the propaganda dude

Because im not jewish and even if i was it has NOTHING to do with this douchebag

Communists are intelligent

I am not a communist because I believe that I am not equal to someone who spends his life doing drugs, drinking, someone who isn't putting any effort into his life or someone who doesn't care for himself.



Wow another rich soy boy who thinks he's a communist.

no conspiracies, literally communism was supported by major non Jewish and Jewish financiers. Youre just a tool supporting the very fucking bourgeoisie you claim to fight against you fucking hypocrite