Mass Readings: >EX 20:1-17 >"In those days, God delivered all these commandments: "I, the LORD, am your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, that place of slavery. You shall not have other gods besides me. You shall not carve idols for yourselves in the shape of anything in the sky above or on the earth below or in the waters beneath the earth; you shall not bow down before them or worship them. For I, the LORD, your God, am a jealous God, inflicting punishment for their fathers' wickedness on the children of those who hate me, down to the third and fourth generation; but bestowing mercy down to the thousandth generation on the children of those who love me and keep my commandments.
"You shall not take the name of the LORD, your God, in vain. For the LORD will not leave unpunished the one who takes his name in vain.
"Remember to keep holy the sabbath day. Six days you may labor and do all your work, but the seventh day is the sabbath of the LORD, your God. No work may be done then either by you, or your son or daughter, or your male or female slave, or your beast, or by the alien who lives with you. In six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth, the sea and all that is in them; but on the seventh day he rested. That is why the LORD has blessed the sabbath day and made it holy.
"Honor your father and your mother, that you may have a long life in the land which the LORD, your God, is giving you. You shall not kill. You shall not commit adultery. You shall not steal. You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor. You shall not covet your neighbor's house. You shall not covet your neighbor's wife, nor his male or female slave, nor his ox or ass, nor anything else that belongs to him."
Jason Richardson
>1 COR 1:22-25 >"Brothers and sisters: Jews demand signs and Greeks look for wisdom, but we proclaim Christ crucified, a stumbling block to Jews and foolishness to Gentiles, but to those who are called, Jews and Greeks alike, Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God. For the foolishness of God is wiser than human wisdom, and the weakness of God is stronger than human strength."
Nathaniel Richardson
>JN 2:13-25 >"Since the Passover of the Jews was near, Jesus went up to Jerusalem. He found in the temple area those who sold oxen, sheep, and doves, as well as the money changers seated there. He made a whip out of cords and drove them all out of the temple area, with the sheep and oxen, and spilled the coins of the money changers and overturned their tables, and to those who sold doves he said, "Take these out of here, and stop making my Father's house a marketplace." His disciples recalled the words of Scripture, Zeal for your house will consume me. At this the Jews answered and said to him, "What sign can you show us for doing this?" Jesus answered and said to them, "Destroy this temple and in three days I will raise it up." The Jews said, "This temple has been under construction for forty-six years, and you will raise it up in three days?" But he was speaking about the temple of his body. Therefore, when he was raised from the dead, his disciples remembered that he had said this, and they came to believe the Scripture and the word Jesus had spoken.
While he was in Jerusalem for the feast of Passover, many began to believe in his name when they saw the signs he was doing. But Jesus would not trust himself to them because he knew them all, and did not need anyone to testify about human nature. He himself understood it well."
Liam Murphy
Kept away from all candy and alcohol. Ate less. I feel amazing, lent goes extremely well along with /SIG/ since i started working out too. Feel more concentrated in prayer.
Jaxon Sullivan
>the Sup Forums flag as that and not as a Swastika
I get that you're doing this for your general thread, but here's a reminder to fix your church or shut the fuck up and stop having meltdowns over people making slight criticisms of it.
Noah Thomas
Saint of the Day: St. Casimir (God bless Poland)
Born the third of thirteen children in 1461, Casimir was committed to God from childhood. Some of that commitment was the result of a tutor, John Dlugosz, whose holiness encouraged Casimir on his own journey.
Rejecting even ordinary comforts, he slept little, spending his nights in prayer. And when he did sleep, he lay on the floor not on a royal bed. Even though he was a prince, many of those around him must have laughed and joked at his choices. Yet, in the face of any pressure, Casimir was always friendly and calm.
Though his father must have wondered about him, he must have seen and admired Casimir's strength. He showed that he misunderstood this strength when he sent Casimir as head of an army to take over the throne of Hungary at the request of some nobles there. Casimir felt the whole expedition was wrong but was convinced to go out of obedience to his father. He could not help but feel at every step that it was disobedient to his other Father. So when soldiers started deserting, he was only too glad to listen to the advice of his officers and turn back home. His feelings were confirmed when he discovered that Pope Sixtus IV had opposed the move.
His father, however, was furious at being deterred from his plans and banished Casimir to a castle in Dobzki, hoping that imprisonment would change Casimir's mind. Casimir's commitment to what he believed was right only grew stronger in his exile and he refused to cooperate with his father's plans any more despite the pressure to give in. He even rejected a marriage alliance his father tried to form. He participated in his true King's plans wholeheartedly by praying, studying, and helping the poor.
He died at the age of 23 in 1484 from lung disease.
Casimir is patron saint of Poland and Lithuania.
Joshua Young
Brody Nelson
I-is it ok to be trans if I still worship God?
Logan Adams
I planned on working out for lent as well but I got the flu and now am stuck with a sinus infection. /SIG/ and /RCG/ go hand in hand!
Things that existed today and have for 2000 years: >The Roman Catholic Church
Things that do not exist today dispite it being claimed they would exist for 1000 years: >The Third Reich
Justin Sanchez
Great job. Enjoy your mostly non-white followers in Africa and the Third World.
Grayson Perez
I've got things to do and moved off my wifi. Great deduction skills though.
Christopher Nelson
>Great job. Enjoy your mostly non-white followers in Africa and the Third World.
>Archbishop of Canterbury He doesn't know.
Logan Smith
Oh sorry, I forgot you take things so seriously as to start a new church just to divorce your wife and then have the population follow it and become Anglican regardless. And then when they revolt against the British Monarchy and form the United States, they just became "Episcopalians", because they take it so seriously...
But yeah, they're missing the BASED popes...
Joseph Reyes
>Implying your Third Reich wouldn't get co-opted,infiltrated and corrupted by Lefties and (((them))) >Just like the Catholic church
Adrian Torres
Do you feel so threatened by the Church that is a pillar of Western Civilization? No one mentioned Nazis until you showed up because you were buttmad that Catholicism is politically incorrect and I didn't use your LARP flag. Go away. You're not even informed enough to be misinformed.
Landon Watson
Cameron Lewis
Cameron Richardson
Nathaniel Martin
Jordan Flores
Would have been an actual NatSoc
Pic related
Adam Garcia
Erradicating communism in your lands and executing them kind of prevents it, but there was treason in the third reich, mostly from generals formerly associated with Political Christianity, who formed part of the "Schwarze Kapelle" to spy for the (((allies))). Oh, and let's not forget our greatest allies at the catholic church, who opposed eugenics because it was "sinful" and propped up militant groups like "The White Rose", in the middle of the war, siding with the Rothschilds and the Soviets over the European people.
But yes, only "leftists" are corrupting your church, nothing to do with any problem with your doctrines whatsoever.
Himmler, who left the church and was openly against christianity. Oh the irony, but hey, you believe the "church" and not white blood, built muh "western civilization", because ethiopia has such a civilization despite being christians before us...
I don't like you guys, you put "christian identity" above racial one and distract us from our real goals, by bitching all the time about "muh protestants" and "muh pagans" while having a meltdown at any slight criticism of your churches.
It's National Socialism, that will deliver us from the yids, not "Political Christianity", which Hitler saw as even worse than socialists on Mein Kampf, just bourgueouis people who misused religion to herd votes from the goyim and then serve the same jewish interests,
Blake Campbell
The popes,who invited and maintained the jewish comunities in Italy, when not being jews themselves, shielding them from persecution and calls from expulsions. Who consented with giving jews usury privileges and even defended them against "blood libel accusations".
They even consented with the Rothschild's banking practices. They are completely owned and blackmailed through pedophilia.
Jacob Brown
I wish you guys were BASED and our greatest allies, it would be so much easier if so, but in doing such you turn a blind eye to the fuckery going on inside, thus people parroting "chuch historicity" and church narratives, like "there are pedophile priests, but there are bad sheep everywhere"...
TAKE THE REDPILL, it goes beyond mere "christian identity".
Lucas Ortiz
Aaron Brooks
Isnt rather National Socialism an already degenerated form of European traditionalism? I mean, they had the right idea about Judaism, but they fought the fight purely maerialistic and not spiritualistic. They tried physical removal and failed. The Holocaust (although higly exagerated) is now the sharpest weapon in the hand of the Jew. Leading Nazis like Hitler became raging degenerates in their late days, leading to critical mistakes. Their slaw-hate pushed away natural allies against jewish bolshewism. They lacked the proper spiritual guidance.
Caleb King
Interesting redpill, but isnt it the consequence of subversion then catholic doctrine itself? I really much believe that
Zachary Hall
But user, black sheep are everywhere. Do you accept drug-addict Neonazi skinheads as proper representants of your ideology? I guess not, and I do not so either
Kevin Price
>everyone who triggers me is a shill
This mentality is what kills imageboards...
National Socialism is a political front for the defense and upholding of European traditionalism and white blood. It was not "purely materialistic", because opposing the satanic kikes is opposing evil in our world.
Hitler only became less of mind after he lost the crucial battles and the war was permanently lost - it would be hard to stay sane facing that prospect - but he maintaned his duty to the german people to the end, up to when the enemy troops where above his bunker.
As for "jews hating Christianity", indeed they do, but they also hate muslims, pagans and so on. They hate everything, they hate the "goyim". They do reject christ and christianity, because it reformed their jewish traditions, not rejecting it would mean they wouldn't be jews.
William Allen
Ethan Johnson
Well, maybe, but when you look at the history of the church, you begin to see a pattern. See here, the "Spiritual Father" of the Third Reich:
>"In the case of the struggling young Christianity, for example, the Jews, quick as a flash, began hanging onto its coattails. Consider Paul, properly called Schaul, who was a rabbinical student. As a Jew, Paul certainly knew that of all the peoples of the world the Jews, first and foremost, needed their souls saved. 'Go not ... to the Gentiles, ... But go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel,' demanded Christ (Matthew 10:56). Paul ignored it. He went to the Greeks and the Romans and brought them his 'Christianity.' A 'Christianity' with which the Roman Empire became unhinged. 'All men are equal! Brotherhood! Pacifism! No more privileges!'… And the Jew triumphed." - Dietrich Eckart, "Bolshevism from Moses to Lenin, a conversation between Hitler and Me" (Eckart was honored in the second book of Mein Kampf)
That is, if you don't look through it with the "church historicity" lens, that justifies attrocities, like killing entire sects of heretics, and massacring pagan lords at parley, because it was "bringing them the church who built civilization and sheit". The church allowed for the Thirty Years War to go on, over religious interpretations, which killed almost half of the german population.
Well, they are. But when they are among your leadership, you should begin to worry about it. There were no pedophiles among the high ranks of the NSDAP...
Alexander Walker
You picked the wrong church fool!
Kayden King
Wow chcked and definately approve
Anthony Torres
Chase Scott
>Hitler: Christianity is the basis of the entire morality of Germany
Numbers 14:18 >The Lord is patient and full of mercy, taking away iniquity and wickedness, and leaving no man clear, who visitest the sins of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation.
Zachary Morgan
I'm a very bad Catholic pls help. Haven't been to confession in 10 years.
Julian Peterson
Pius XIII when
James Reyes
I would recommend calling your local parish priest and having a meeting and confession with him. If you're serious about coming back to the Church the door is always open.
Cameron Rogers
Executed and "catholic martyrs of the Third Reich":
I gave up smoking. Idea is that I keep it up after lent ends. I feel like shit but it's worth it. I want to live to see my grandkids grown.
Carson Bennett
Oliver Perez
>Nazi larpers Every thread
Dylan Russell
Worship Chirst
Robert Wright
Gotta be honest, I wish I could believe in God again and see Jesus as the savior of the world. But I just can't bring myself to it, I really wish I could. I have read scripture and I have gone to church but I just can't get my faith back. I just try to live a honest and good life by this point. Is there any hope for me?
Kayden Peterson
>le church building meme >everyone who disagrees with me is jus "larp" pretending LOL
Eli Miller
Seriously. Can't wait fpr tjat day
I already discussed this. Catholic Kings killed other Catholics, including Catholic Priests, such as one certain Arch Bishop who sided with the Holy Roman Empire in a famous battle, the local Romans fought and tried to kill him, with the backing of the Pope
Charles Myers
Origen was condmend by the Pope and trhe Church for doing that
Ryder Martinez
I'm an atheist but I'm trying to convert my Pentecostal GF to the only valid form of Christianity
It seems like the one thing she can't get over is praying to Saints/Mary/etc. She thinks it's heretical.
Any tips on showing her the light?
Nicholas Carter
Latin Massacre
Ethan Hill
Dont LARP, convert because you know it's real
Lucas Reyes
If you believe Hitler was acting just like any other "Catholic king", while decrying the christianity of the main churches as "negative", espousing the belief that St. Paul was a jewish infiltrator on the church, while systematically persecuting chuch influence, banning political catholicism and religious organizations and publications, while surrounding himself with non-christian symbols and party members, then you're seriously missing a point here.
Nathan Powell
>Be of the same mind one toward another. Mind not high things, but condescend to men of low estate. Be not wise in your own conceits
Levi Cooper
No. The effeminate will not inherit the kingdom of heaven. Go to confession and repent
Nicholas Lee
How do we fix the Anglican Church? Does the royals have to go full Henry 8th again?
Tyler Barnes
>St Paul was a Jewish infiltrator His rabbi, the leader of the Pharisees and the grandson of Pharisitism converted to Catholicism before even he did, and Paul disobeyed his master, telling him not to persecute Christians. Certainly if any Kike repented of his evil ways, it was surely Saul
Hitler never decried Christianity. He affirmed it in public speeches and in Mein Kampf and assured all men that Liars have subhuman blood, because they cannot rely on strength and truth to win
Joshua Reyes
Isaiah Cooper
>888 I think you know the answer to this.
Gabriel Moore
>Larpbishop of Canterbury
Comments like these only help the catholic faith
William Young
catholic server /bkXHBgq
Nathaniel Myers
Thomas Sullivan
This is unironically one of the best posts I've ever seen on a religion thread on Sup Forums. Idiot.
Zachary Brooks
You can find the Anglican general over at /lgbt/.
But yes we agree with you Anglicanism is a retarded heresy
Mason Edwards
>the same natsoc pagan that raids christian threads everyday
Kayden Scott
God bless user
Grayson Gomez
Sirach 16:1-6 >Rejoiice not in ungodly children, if they be multiplied: neither be delighted in them, if the fear of God be not with them >Trust not to their life, and respect not their labors >For better is one that feareth God than a thousand ungodly children >And it is better to die without children than to leave ungodly children >By one that is wise a country shall be inhabited, the tribe of the ungodly shall become desolate >Many such things hath my eyes seen, and greater things than these my ear hath heard
Ian Hernandez
Take the Breadpill. Become Catholic.
Samuel Morgan
>natsocs get butthurt when everything doesn't revolve around them
Robert Ross
Some elites were converted peacefully, for the populace at large things had to be imposed. There was a lot of violence done in Rome when Christianity became the official religion, massacres and executions of pagan officials and so on. In some places, people had to attend mass under punishment of death, and could even be executed if they ate the host wrongly. The claim that "everyone converted peacefully" is a myth that is far away from the truth.
There was always "true europeans", those of european blood, like it was referring to, heretic sects like "the Cathars", but even the Orthodox, and pagans like the Prussians who were constantly attacked by the church for religious reasons.
>justifying the sack of Constantinople, which included the rape of nuns, and led to the creation of the Ottoman Empire, after you SKIPPED muslim Anatolia to go crusading…
And they were obviously taking credit in the very first picture, and massacres happened in nearly every kingdom who adopted christianity. And, to call events like the Thirty Years War, fought over religious interpretations, which killed almost half of the German population as infighting was correct, these were their christian brothers, like it or not, don't matter their denomination…
>attacking germanic tribes on your northern border was more important than attacking Muslim Spain which was extremely rich and had over 10x the population
Yeah sure… Doos voolt my friend, that will solve our problems when our lands are completely ruled by jews...
James Gutierrez
Stop writing books. Romans were not Europeans they were Trojans
Mason Rodriguez
>For the Son of man shall come in the glory of his Father with his angels: and then will he render to every man according to his works.
Owen Walker
>Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and behold I am with you all days, even to the consummation of the world.
Juan Thompson
He used christian symbology in public speeches, but had very sharp criticisms of it even on Mein Kampf. And if you're going to go about his symbology, take a look at all the germanic elements the NSDAP used...
>"Each one of us today may regret the fact that the advent of Christianity was the first occasion on which spiritual terror was introduced into the much freer ancient world" (...) It may be objected here that in these phenomena which we find throughout the history of the world we have to recognize mostly a specifically Jewish mode of thought and that such fanaticism and intolerance are typical symptoms of Jewish mentality.
Asher Jackson
I will not repeat myself again. Your words are now vain and fit for nothing
Evan James
Read Thomas Aquinas
Kayden Sanchez
Cooper White
Xavier Nelson
Have you ever heard of Mit brenneder sorge? Google it, read it, read how Hitler did his absolute best to supress it.
Owen Richardson
>other christian denominations are just "larp" pretending
That's the peak of that mentality. But it's not "True Christianity™"!!1
Stay mad.
Guess what the Trojans were...
Nice arguments.
Kevin Clark
Me too user, me too.
Luis Diaz
Wisdom 3 -4 But the children of adulterers will remain without issue, and the progeny of an unlawful bed will disappear. For should they attain long life, they will be held in no esteem, and dishonored will their old age be in the end; Should they die abruptly, they will have no hope nor comfort in the day of scrutiny; for dire is the end of the wicked generation. But the numerous progeny of the wicked shall be of no avail their spurious offspring shall not strike deep root. Their twigs shall be broken off untimely and their fruit be useless unripe for eating and fit for nothing For children born of a lawless union give evidence of the wickedness of their parents When they are examined
Elijah Butler
No they weren't they were from the near east. Neither do they bear the Characteristics or the physiology of Europeans. Europeans naturally have Type A blood, the middle east had Type O and B. If you know anything about Roman diet you know that they had Type O at large.
Charles Gray
Psalm 1:1 >Beatus vir qui non abiit in consilio impiorum et in via peccatorum non stetit et in cathedra pestilentiae non sedit
Kayden Peterson
What the fuck are you talking about, Europeans have type 0 blood and Trojans were known to be "blondish". Anatolia was, a White place.
Ryan Perry
No Europeans have A blood. Nords and Celts have A blood. Eastern Europe has higher frequency of B because of the Mongols and all that. Just ask Germans what their blood type is, theyll say A. The diet of a Roman is nto something a German nord could bear eating. This is why they all ate bread and gruel day in and out, and why the German slaves in Rome ate nothing but bread. O Blood needs flat bead and fish and nuts and wine. That's a O diet. Also Figs are a O blood thing, that they crave. You need to more research. Romans said they came from the east not the north
Middle east used to be white. Having blond hair and Blue eyes is a white man thing, not only a "Nordic/Germanic" thing. It came from Noah and Adam
Kevin Baker
You clearly have no idea what you're talking about. 0 is the most prevalent blood type uniquely in Europe. The Germans ate those diets because they had to, not because they were "incapable" and Germanic slaves would eat bread because it was the cheap food masters would give to their slaves.
I will not talk to you further on this, lurk more.
>It came from being of european blood
Jonathan Mitchell
Also Spartans were recognized to be Shemites from the Middle east as well. White men, able to have red hair. the jews called them their "brothers".
Jeremiah Nelson
I'm not LARPing, you're LARPing [spoiler]Christianity ain't real[/spoiler]
Now tell me how to convert her to Catholicism
Lucas Gray
No, O blood is more Prevalent today in the North Africa region and The South and latin Americas