My boku herodamia

So he's going to become a villain and Deku will BTFO him right?

Idiot, he wants to be a hero more than anybody else

if he wanted to be a villain he'd have done it already

>wants to be #1 hero
>he'll become a villain!
at the very least he'll be some sort of vigilante but i cant see him becoming villainous towards anyone but deku

ummm then why is he so mean sweetie?

doesn't yet!

mean =/= evil

you should know this better than anyone bessie

>ummm then why is he so mean sweetie?
There can be a hero with anger issues, who says there can't?

The Sweetieposting gave it away but l'll bite. What about Endy? He is an asshole but still one of the greatest heroes.

Pic related almost happened to save him from becoming a villan. If he does it that would be the stupidest plot twist of the century

Villains never win so it'd be the same as saying he's weak.

Fuck off and kill yourself

He will continue failing the hero course like he is doing currently, be forced to switch classes with Shinsho from the general education course and realize being "THE STRONGEST" doesn't equal being a hero. Then he will start to realize what it means to be a hero, get back in the hero course and still fail becoming a hero.


Would Deku visit Toga in prison if she asks him nicely?

Nah, Baku is going to become the big hero of the series, and the true predecessor of All Might. Of course, this shocking revelation will dawn on us in the last (time skip) chapter where we'll see a dopey heroic Baku saving civilians.

Deku is either dead, quirkless, crippled or in jail.


Time travel arc?

Fuck off you animeonly fag.

Maybe when he realizes he can't surpass Deku as the #1 hero, he will then aspire to be the #1 villain

So, are we going to get a chapter tomorrow? Did Hori recover? Poor guy, he can take another week of rest if he needs to.

No, we'll get it on friday

Nope. Bakugo is simply too stubborn to ever give up on his goal of becoming the Number One hero to turn to the dark side.
To him villains are losers that will always get defeated by heroes and that is unlikely to change.

Literal spoilers, please do not look unless you want it spoiled.

He gets captured by the alliance and they try to coax him into being a villain. He genuinely has zero interest in being a villain and tells them to fuck off and also tries to attack them the very first chance he gets. It's a little bit of a rescue arc but no he does not ever become a villain. He's an asshole alright but not a villain.

Rescue arc? Didn't they let him go after he won?

Would you say you desire Himiko sexually?

I wish I had seen the thread with the reaction of the guys in the chapter where Baku tells Shiggy to go fuck himself.

The gang went to go rescue him and if I remember correctly All Might went as well and this was that climactic AFO vs OFA fight.

Unless the villians prove to him they are better then the chance of him becoming a villian is 0. Bakugou did grow up seeing All Might win, and probably a lot of other heroes winning too, so why would he join the losers? Unless the villians prove to him that they are the winning team, he won't go to their side, and it would be very hard to prove they are the winning team, after all All Might did beat AfO, even if the villians start winning now, they weren't before All Might retired. .

>Didn't they let him go after he won?
>forgetting about All Might's pizza delivery

That's not how I remember it.


Batman is kind of an asshole too, but he is a villain.
Good is not nice, look it up.

Batman actually cares about saving people though.

Ded thread
Ded series

He won't need to.
because he'll marry her and live with her for the rest of his life.

You don't need to care about people to save them. And I think Bakugo DOES care... to an extent at least.


Who are those people?

A fate worse than death for Shouto

>#3 in Grades in Class 1-a
>top three in terms of combat
Uh... no.

Im hoping Deku becomes a "villian" simply because the system didnt allow him to rescue people he could have saved and then there will be some interaction between the classmates and him

There are 4 threads up

>My boku herodamia

Congrats, this is the worst (best?) bastardazation of the title I've seen.

if you're the guy who keeps doing these, just letting you know they're fucking hilarious

>Todoroki traded to the bills
Comedy gold man

You already know them. they are your brother and your sister. your father and your mother. your classmates, your neighbors. they are coming, and you can't stop them.

Why are there so many fujos in these threads?

Is Toga meant to be attractive in-universe?

It's superheros. Unless specifically called out as such, everyone is supposed to be attractive.

Sweetiefag Is one of the Sup Forums characters

Bakugo is one bad day into becoming a villain.

Plenty of bad days by now and he isn't a villain yet.

Left or right?


Who is this guy on left?

Not really digging that Mina, but Jirou seems even more off model. So Mina.

I still love Iida's getup. He can't help himself, even disguised as a punk, he has to do something, anything to his get-up to make it seem somewhat professional and complicated. He NEEDS it.

The protagonist of the manga?

A guy who's about to fuck shit up

I have a feeling Deku will lose a hand or his damaged arm to Overhaul. Bakugo losing a hand would actually make his fights interesting and teach him some humility.

I'm taking into account Bakugo's bad day tolerance if you get what I mean. Like, for others, a bad day for them might bring them to the other side, but for Bakugo that's still normal.

I had forgotten this get up part
God bakugou rescue arc is best arc

Oh yeah, forgot to point out I meant the bowtie.

This is way better. But Toga has always been best


>look he's a bully and he's like super tough at school
>didn't rescue a single living being in his whole pathetic life
>rescued by Deku countless times
>only cares about winning but ironically he didn't defeat a single villain yet
Face it, Bakugo will never gonna make it.

>kill yourself deku is a hero

kek, no wonder this will never be as popular as one piece or naruto

>Protagonist becoming a cripple

Unless its the end of the anime or he gets a prothesis power up it isnt happening

I wasn't just talking about generally being pissed. That is not a bad day for bakugou. That is the status quo. What I am talking about is the drowning villain or the abduction and then feeling responsible for All Might losing his Power



Its okay
Being too popular can be a curse

Bleach skyrocketed way faster than kubo was mentally prepared and it became a trainwreck
Dragonball is a shadow of its former self and just look at all the changes toriyama was forced to do due to popularity (like gohan as protagonist)

Ash from Evil Dead is a cripple.

If he were to be a hero, who would want to work with him.

a deito with neito

Everyone who can recognize talent. And needs someone who can beat up strong villains.

He hasn't had any real chance to fight a villain one on one or with a group really (unless you count those random mooks... or noumu, which is silly.). Most of the students haven't rescued anyone either.

Poor Kouda

Probably someone strong enough that he'd respect them, and chill enough to put up with his bullshit. Best Jeanist was honestly a pretty fun match up for him.

Who are you quoting?

Endeavor's the #2 hero in the world and he's a fucking asshole.

Batman is only an asshole to criminals though.

So why isn't Endeavor Baku's role model? Clearly there is more to Baku because he prefer All Might and doesn't even care a little about Endeavor.

And other heros
And his sidekicks
And the police
And his butler

>Deku travels back in time and turns into a woman

Right, not even a question

Because Endeavor isn't Number One, which is the only thing Bakugo really cares about. Plus Endy has the charisma and media presence of a rotting log.

His reasons for being a hero is literally money, fame, and being stronger than All Might.

Literally Villain material.

That is fucking hideous, why would you post it?

Because if I had to see it, so should everyone else

I can't think of any villain that description applies to.

Source: My Ass

Pic Related