What animes have girls with detailed lips?
What animes have girls with detailed lips?
I wish so much that lips like these were the norm in anime.
Pic related has great lips in the show but you have to find them as it's lost on me.
For being apart of the superior nords, she looks like shit.
It would be nice.
Valkyrie Drive has quite the varying pair.
Sena besto
High Tier waifus have lips,noses, ears.
Good Tier waifus have noses, ears.
K Tier waifus have ears.
Shit Tier waifus have none.
Don't mind me, just posting best lips in anime.
What about waifus with four ears?
I like them, but they're like most other animes that don't define them, other than that line of light that passes through the bottom lip.
Extra k.
Feel like I'm starting to run out. If anyone else has a quality dump that'd be great.
>looks like shit
>posts Sena
Almost every post in this thread looks defined solely because they're wearing lipstick. Snek has expressive and sexy lips.
That's a fair point. Watanabe Kanako is a favorite in that regard, because they're defined without lipstick.
Post what you like, then. I want to see more that I haven't ever seen before
Does it count if they define them exclusively on closeups?
I wanna kiss dem duck lips.
>posts shoujo
congrats, wish granted
Good Luck Little Duck!
Pretty much all girls in Gundam has defined lips.
At least the blondes.
OP post said GIRLS
But that's fine I guess it counts
Good Luck Little Duck
Good luck little duck
Lips you say?
but onizuka is best girl of GTO
I don't know waht it's from but the lips are too perfect to not post
I thought this was a pregnant/bloated woman spreading her legs in the thumbnail
ararararagi karen
Good Luck Little Duck
That's a pretty good looking mouth but
>no nose
god bless shaft
this one's gold
congratulations, you're wrong
pls go
I never gave a fuck about Monogatari but man she's so fucking beautiful.
SNK girls have some pretty cute lips.
Most Dezaki works.
jesus CHRIST source(s)
god fucking damn it summer
google's got nothin
if i should know the anime then tell me what it is and i'll watch it
start with Bakemonogatari
I would like to say that MOST works from the 1970s whether they be Sup Forums or Sup Forums related do qualify in this regard
Am I the only one who finds hyper realistic mouths on moe girls really creepy?
The best
Every time KyoAni does it
That's not what I thought it was. Guess it's gif time then.
>Not showing the gif version of this
God damn it OP, you had ONE job.
Yukimura Lips 4EVER
well if you've got it, I'll keep it for future threads
>titty monster
>member of evil organization
>huge slut
Really wasn't expecting her to end up being best girl
What's with the grasping?
I see you are a man of taste as well.
She is the best
Did you intend to spoiler that?
Shit taste
Shinonono Houki
Ryoko mikado
>No afterglows with Mamimi.
Why live?
I don't even like smoking.
Echidna's got it going on.
Too bad Airi doesn't have emphasis there.
Remember kids, evil is sexy and sexy women have lips. Therefore, lips are evil.
Take it back.
Make me, nerdo.
The softest also has the softest lips.
How can a loli be that sexy?
Monogatari lips best lips
Which ones?
I am with you. SHAFT make nose realistic too when they draw a realistic mouse, which is very very smart.
Just because the character is evil doesn't mean the lips are evil, dork.
I stuttered
I'm not convinced, dweeb.