was it autism
Was it autism
If anything, the MC is more autstic
Oh man, Kai was literally one of my absolute favourite characters despite how petty he was.
Okay seriously. Do you assholes have something against people with autism?
Everyone is autistic about Beyblades there.
I'd say only Ray would pass off as normal from the main cast.
i thought everyone on Sup Forums has autism. why else would we be here?
This and B-daman are the only two shows from my childhood I have yet to rewatch as an adult. Is it worth it?
I have re-watched Beyblade recently since I was feeling nostalgia (tho, I haven't finished yet) and trust me, no. It's not because it's absolutely ridiculous, but the characters are still likable.
what the matter guber
I love ridiculousness though. It's part of why I watch anime
You're not wrong. Funny how the people who always post about "autism" are autistic themselves. Sup Forums in a nutshell.
If the characters are still likable I'd say it's worth it. But then again, I'm one of those fags that could watch absolute trainwrecks as long as they happen to have a likable enough cast.
Why was the OST the epitome of bad buttrock? Why can't I stop fucking listening to it?
SWITCHBLADE, do what I got to
Stop talking like autism is a fucking joke, you guys are not autistic, just losers.
You're a fucking joke if you don't know autism is a spectrum and not a specific disorder, and that plenty of people on this website display minor signs of it.
t. grew up around people with varying degrees of autism
>that plenty of people on this website display minor signs of it.
To be honest you atleast have to be on the spectrum to visit this place to begin with.
>you guys are not autistic, just losers.
and how the hell do you know that? we are Anonymous. i could be a a rich company man of just happens to enjoy anime, a CIA agent on a break or a black guy with mild autism that can take a joke out of my own expense.
calm you titts you autist.
He found his place in the bench. It was frustrating.
Never did get that black dranzer, one of the things I wanted most as a kid.
no, you don't
t. memers
I found the officials sans Draziel pretty terrible. Dragoon was just bad.
>lol I'm totally an expert on autism guys
>even though I don't know it's a spectrum with various degrees of severity
You're either stupid or baiting.
Autist spotted.
I had an original Driger that spun around so insanely crazy and beat every other beyblade I put it up against, so much so that one day it literally exploded when I launched it.
Now I'm a 22 year old who wants to go find my beyblades and start playing with them again, good fuckin' times.
What makes you think I don't know about that?
the best offense is the best defense
It was good? I had 2 forms of Draziel, 2 forms of Dragoon and 1 Dranzer. I had Galeon too, pretty savage but it broke.
My brother owns the whale from Demolition boys. It was very sturdy.
Yeah it was one of the best I ever used
>take the little metal tip out from the tip of a beyblade
>fucking zooms all over the place like a madman
They sure dressed like wack for kids who play tops
Found the survivors.
Watch it in Japanese. Makes rewatching more interesting.
V-Force was better.
Beyblade was my autistic teenage hood, I even went to the world bey champ on the Intrepid. Found my old box im 27 and they are just as fun i cried
>Plz subscribe below thx
what makes you think that you're gonna make even one single person in this thread stop joking about autism?
I was surprised i heard beyblade had a "comeback" among kids in 2010s (?)
>what makes you think that you're gonna make even one single person in this thread stop joking about autism?
They were too expensive 4 me. I had to settle for the pleb beyblades like the knight dranzer and pumpkin beyblade that bounced and had a spring.
I had the whale beyblade as well. It was huge but slow as fuuuck and I always lost spin and lost.
Legit Bey blades werent expensive, but some were just hard to find.
I remember wanting a M-Draciel and there were only walls of the monkey beyblade
Yes, actually.
The toy was made of metal and was much more satisfying to play with, as well as considerably less complicated when it came to terminology.
It had nothing to do with the original series anime wise, although Dragoon did get a new toy.
Ma nigga! That top for offense but with pic related for endurance was unbeatable!
I always hated the monkey faces of the characters, especially Tyson's
Man this gave me so much nostalgia, holy shit.
I had completely forgotten about beyblade, fuck man...
I remember waking up in 7am watching this shit being so hyped, then going to school and playing with those things in recess.
I had a fucking badass black lion/tiger beyblade forgot its name tho...
But on topic, he was indeed an edgelord, hated that faggot.
Fucking found it.
Since we are having a Beyblade thread, can someone tell me what's Takao's problem here? I always wondered since I was kid.
I remember all my friends liking Tyson, Kai and Ray, the "cool" characters, so I went out of my way to favorite Max. The boring shit. Simply to be different. That was autism.
I'm watching Max beat his mom's team captain right now. Max had some really good moments in the series. He also had the best beyblade in real life too.
Did anyone watch the nip version wadn't that being translated?
They mase modern metal versions of the OG dragoon as well
I haven watched it in 10 years, but wasn't he struggling with some real ass sportsman problems or something
Wasn't because of Kai? The whole scene didn't make much sense, but I thought that they found Kai's unconscious body and Tyson got really upest about it since the whole time he was Kai this and Kai that.
It was after Kai's match with Brooklyn so maybe you are right since he was thinking about Kai.
>Stop talking like autism is a fucking joke
It is to non-autistics aka normal people.
literally phoenix ikki if he had a normal childhood
Wasn't he abused in some Russian abbey?
Captcha: edgewood
>Wasn't he abused in some Russian abbey?
I think? His grandfather was really creepy.
>Aunt was going to get me black dranzer as gift
>Dad convinced her to not buy it because it was stupid
god damn, after all these years im still mad
This. He might have been my first anime hero. I wanted to be him so badly.
I think my younger self wanted to name my kid after him
Did Kai "transcended common sense"?
I liked that he defeated that guy at the end that was supposed to be invincible, but he used his spirit or something, and later the other kid with a hat challenged the other weird kid and his team won, right? did that happened? my memory is hazy.
TFW I have actually won second place in a beyblade tournament. Only reason for losing was because the other kid was pretty much cheating , but whats worse I think judge was also in on it. Anyway instead of winning a trip to water park I got huge card board box full of cheetos and a ridiculous size tub of ice cream. Which I guess it was good for when I was 10.
He's better than Kaiba.
>Ha! I invented the word impossible. That's why I'm the champ. Whether I like it or not.
When was the last time Seto Kaiba invented a word that was commonly used in the English language?
Why did Tyson become so attached to Kai in season 3 anyway? I remember that he couldn't stand him in s1 and was closer to Max.
He was kinda gay.
sounds better than a water park
>he couldn't stand him in s1
Didn't he cry and was really about Kai when he left the team in the Russian tournament? He was always quite attached to him.
>Kai when he left the team
*leaving the team
>I used to worship Kai
>I used to paint my face the same way to school
>I used to wear the replica gears to school
Why didn't your parents stop you? At least I didn't go further than buying fingerless gloves.
I'd say G-rev is a pretty neat season with a killer OST, but the first two seasons are great too..
My parents thought I was going through a 'phase'.
Well I did not mention this in my post, but first place got everything I got + the water park
Max is smart. When everyone was maxing on ATK, SPD and SP, he put it all on DF.
Well, they were right. I hope.
>vegeta complex
Every shonen ever
Kai was favourite to many. There was just something about him that made him so likable.
I never did get Dragoon MS
I still have this one. The metal rings are all beat up and the whole thing is full of scratches. It looks cool.
Does somebody have beyblade pastas ? They are always good for a laugh.
What did you want to do to her, Sup Forums?
In general Beyblade is shittier, but the first season had the worst character designs of all time.
Was Beyblade the only show you ever watched? Because there were far worst character designs.
>not the fucking movie
Those villains were fucking hilarious looking
children spinning top game is serious business
Fine. One of the worst. You happy now?
>Children used to spin tops
>Now they just use fidget spinners
I'd see how far I could fit a sawed off shotgun into her cooter and pull the trigger
Why would anyone think Sup Forums's use and definition for 'autism' even remotely matches the actual medical condition of autism
>anime about a bunch of adults trying to take over the world through spidget spinners that were imbued by the power of ancient holy mumbo jumbo magic soon
I'd watch it
Man I don’t know what the fuck happened to my box of beyblades. I had like 2 dozen of them too.
I wanted to do more to that cat girl on the chinese team. was probably my first fap
She had a crush on Kai, right?
Wasn't she Tyson's waifu?
They both looked retarded as fuck