SHUT THE FUCK UP GOYIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
SHUT THE FUCK UP GOYIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
bit redundant. could've just went with jew
The article is from October and the dude said he meant "sneaky Judas" not "sneaky Jew" and apologized.
You did not even read the thing, did you.
who the fuck reads articles? the headline always has about 55% of the information you need, and the rest is boring nonsense
sneaky was an unnecessary adjective. jew implies all of that and blood libel.
They don't even contain information, just agenda pushing
A more american thing has never been said.
>who the fuck reads articles?
murricans everybody.
you answered to the proof that youre wrong. fucking retard
This post sums op Sup Forums perfectly.
BASED gen z strikes again
this is Sup Forums mentality. they still think trump wants to ban violent videogames and is meeting with "industry leaders".
(((accurate))) reporting
Guys, I'm fairly sure it was sarcasm.
Was the other guy actually a Jew?
God I hate my fellow americans sometimes
Judas was of semitic origin.
It works 55% of the time every time
>and apologized.
this board doesn't understand what that is and will fall for even the most blatant bait. it's really fascinating
Is le Fourth Reich rising again?????
Was he referring to Schultz? If so 100% true.
fuck if love Die Linke now