Stop being a pussy

If your a white man and you don't fuck ethnic women, your a low T faggot. Men of previous generations wouldn't even associate with you because your an embarrassment.

Its our duty to spread our seed and breed the black out of ethnic women, and ethnic women want this. Jump to the 9:50 mark of this video

Its also not your responsibility to raise the child or even stick around, biologically men take every opportunity to spread their seed, ESPECIALLY when you see an opportunity to impregnate a girl and move on with no repercussion.

This is how we save the race and enjoy our lives, by being men as nature intended.


I’m white natsoc but I’d sniff that brown brapper

How does it feel to be a low T faggot.

White men are not niggers, so they tend to feel a duty to hang around and take care of their offspring.

cringe, just stop. nobody wants ro raise niglets here ? Ok.
let me repeat that, nobody wants to raise niglets here.


Best conquest is total conquest = bioethnic absorption. Conquer the enemy in arms, in will, and in womb.

>you will never know the burden of telling your son that he cannot ever be as good as his father because he is not fully white, but that you have given him the gift of being twice the man any brown subhuman purebred could even dream to be

How does it feel being a literal muh dik-tier nigger?

cringe, stop.

>stop being a pussy and breed with black people lol based this is how we secure the existence of white people
>based lol stop being a puss and race mix now low t fag
are you going to tell me next that traps arnt gay?

"If you are"

Sup DJ Rays Mixxer?

Having sex outside of marriage is degeneracy.

No fornicator shall inherit the Kingdom of God.

your not a real man anymore, how does that feel? biologically you have failed.

Im not saying dont have a family with a white woman, Im saying take every opportunity to spread your seed.

Every white dude I know is an embarrassment, they have one or 2 kids max and they are soft men.

We should be having at a minimum 4 kids each, preferably have a family with at least 4 kids, and blow your seed in every ethnic woman you can on the side, go out of town/ out of the country, tell them fake names, DO WHAT YOU HAVE TO DO.

how do you deal with illegitimate children?
I know it's our male nature to fuck every wet hole reflecting a shadow, but this monogamous christcuck society tells you that you've got to breed with only 1 WOMAN in your lifetime.

my biggest concern is the fatherless children becoming wiggers or mental trash

My current Latina GF is the damn exact mirror image of your pic. But I won't breed her. Why take my 140+ IQ and mix it with shit that I hope only comes out to average children with nigger features in their face?

And before anyone hates on me for my degeneracy, I look for a white girl I can tolerate and breed with EVERYDAY.

Are white women ethnic women? I know an Italian girl who is one some spicy meatball. I would probably wife her up though if we had sex and she got pregnant.

stop the fucking cringe jesus christ

Its what the niggers in the US do , they arent very successful

flag checks out

You just sound like a nigger desu. Strength doesn't come from fucking women.

Why do you give a fuck, its one more white baby, thats all that matters.

If IQ of the child crosses your mind you are a failure.

it comes from numbers you dumb cuck

Demelanation baby

The only ''ethnic'' woman I need is a Quebecois woman you absolute hedonist faggot.

I know a few guys that race mixed even with 'good' girls, but the kids ALWAYS come out brown. For all intents they dont even look like you.

Kikes aren't content enough with their BBC propaganda, now they also try to push the other way around.
Racemixers need to hang, doesn't matter which way they mix.

This man is a connoisseur

Absolute retard.


>Implying I'm not a Quebecois and that I don't understand the implication of breeding an anglo/germ/nordcuck woman

Creating more niggers will never help us you retarded faggot.
Kill yourself.

Because my dream is living out my years with a large happy family with my (at least 1) wife and my children. I am not a nigger degenerate that walks away from his children, you nigger degenerate.

Why am I getting the feeling OP is a Black Gash?

you faggots are a lost cause just like the LGBTQ SJWs. Your the reason we will become a smaller and smaller worldwide minority until the last of us are hunted down a few hundred years from now.

Shitskins of all varieties are breeding with whoever they feel a primal urge to breed with, thats your biological purpose, to breed like a nigger, not be a christcuck.

Make another Obama Oreo? why would I spawn my Enemy?

Yes goy, breed with a nigger to save the white race!



I unironically agree with you. It's not like we can't impregnate BOTH WHITE WOMEN AND NON-WHITE WOMEN, BECAUSE WE CAN. LET'S FUCK SOME COON POON!!!!!

And get some half-coon offspring that will eventually inject its fucked up genes into a white woman. Great plan.

>fuck niggers
>be a nigger father
Yes that worked out wonderfully here. Brazil's existence is all needed to bring down your point. Sage your kike ass

It's written you're not "your". Stupid mutt.

shitskin women are going to have babies regardless of anyones "hur dur racemix bad" opinion, so it might as well be us, because babies with european blood are better then babies with no european blood.

If you cant see that this is the path to success, you are a fucking failure, please eat a bottle of aspirin.

>If you cant see that this is the path to success, you are a fucking failure, please eat a bottle of aspirin.

I'm agreeing with you, you faggot.

If this chart is on your hard drive you should just end your pathetic life because your a fucking embarrassment

I know man I was speaking to these pol failures


how does it feel to be a racemixing kike?

so you would rather a full blooded nigger breeds with a white woman? because that's essentially what you are saying you low IQ failure of a man.

Beastility is a sin

Ah, my bad.

i agree as long as the nigger is part of a concubine of white women

No, it's not at all what I'm saying. What I'm saying is hang race mixers.

>still caring about filthy, smelly, dumb 3DPD whores
Take the 2D redpill~!

I already have a redpilled brown qt gf but would never touch an american negro unless she was stacey dash tier

men from your tribe would beat you to death for this opinion hundreds of years ago.

When us white men breed with non-white women, we're actually doing the non-white women a favour by literally ensuring that their children receive genetic upgrades.

Trips of truth!

>unironically linking soygoy videos here
>unironically watching soygoy videos


great idea! what could go wrong.

but thats never going to happen and you know that.

we are never going to kick all of the niggers out of america, or hang racemixers, or whatever other fantasy you white nationalists racial purist fags dream of.

time to accept reality.

It will happen in your lifetime.