Why dont you want free healthcare el goblinos? I thought you were all about 'muh freedums'

Maybe the USA should withdraw all their military and let those countries deal with Russia and the jihadis by themselves.


We could very easily implement socialized medicine if we didn't have 30 million+ illegal immigrants paying nothing into the healthcare system and sucking up as much funds as they can.

America is a country built on alcohol, gambling, and the ownership of human life and the sooner we embrace this fact in every facet of our society the sooner we will realize our true form.

>state enforced dysgenics
wow great idea


Socialism doesnt work when you factor in niggers, which is why it works to well in majority white countries, which is why sweden is slowly falling to pieces

>healthcare in a non-hemongenious society under a government made up of small governments
You're retarded.

In socialized heath care you dont just waltz in hospital and get treated. You have to have medical ID which is proof that you are citizen and that you should have access to health care. If you dont have card you can get treated but you will be billed.

Yeah free stuff is great!
*pays 50% tax*
That comic looks like it was drawn by a cocksucking queer

ID!? Proof of citizenship!? How bigoted can you get? I'm literally shaking right now at your intolerance! NOBODY IS ILLEGAL WE'RE ALL CITIZENS OF THE WORLD REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

American public healthcare would collapse in a month due to the money spent to cure landwhales

>unironically posting Scandinavia and the world to make a political point
please for the benefit of everyone you included kill yourself

>Massive credit card/student/mortgage/car/healthcare debt so you're owned by the bank
>Service based economy where slaves service other slaves so they don't blow their heads off at the end of their 60 hour work week
>All American culture does is convince you that you need the system
>Freedom of speech so you can say what you want only to be heckled back into silence by the thralls that surround you

land of the free
home of the brave

>Wahhhh Its not the land of the free because I have to work waaaahhhh
Kill yourself

>It's the land of the free because I can supersize my soda for a quarter and own a firearm that will probably be stolen by a nigger and used in a crime that you will be blamed for as a gun owner

You're low IQ

Doesn’t understand freedom at an American level or how far certain states in the US will go to feel morally superior.

>my gun will be stolen by a nigger so that means its not the land of the free
No it just means you're a retard that can't put his gun in a secure location

Free as in "free" dessert

Free stuff is the opposite of freedom.


We can't even get voter ID without the democrats losing their shit. Do you honestly think we could restrict any socialized healthcare to an unidentified citizen?

>be me
>0 debt
>26 yo - educated
>$1000 in bank
mfw i have a net worth greater than 70% of americans

pfff, they first tell you that, then when it is implemented they ramp up the propaganda of thee poor refugee children who died of a cold next door to a modern hospital that could have save them if not for racist greed
next thing you know, all the poor countries around you send you their sick

or at least that happened here

>they visit the doctor in time
Lmao in Sweden there's a huge problem of people being stuck in queues to get treatment for months because of a lack of doctors and shit
>isn't burdened by student loans
The loans aren't mandatory and you do get some cash "for free" if you're studying but it's not enough to actually survive so you'd pretty much have to work if you don't take loans

And in the end the goblin is right, we pay for that shit with our taxes that are stupidly high

The increase in taxes for working whites would be more than what I currently pay in insurance.

The only people who want "free" healthcare are niggers, spics, poorfags, and people who have no intention of ever contributing to society.

Americans are descended from the Anglo legal traditions, which hold that rights are NEGATIVE in nature, not positive. A negative right means no one can interfere with you enjoying the fruits of your labor and your freedoms (as long as you do not violate the rights of others in the process).

Positive rights means that you are entitled to have someone provide you that right. In other words, positive rights is a contradiction in terms because in order to receive it, you have to enslave other people. If I have a right to own guns, that is a negative right. I can buy a gun from a willing seller with my own money. No one is forced or enslaved. If I have a "right to health care," I am forcing others to pay for or provide my health care, i.e., I am robbing other people.

Positive rights is a crap concept for less advanced peoples who don't have the brains to think through what makes a sustainable rule-of-law system.

>Lmao in Sweden there's a huge problem of people being stuck in queues to get treatment for months because of a lack of doctors and shit
Top kek
Exactly like Brazil. Wait until your government decides to import cuban "medics" to fund that leftist dictartorship.

> doesnt understand the difference between freedom and free

where do i get my free guns

Become a police officer and go to California.

because our obese would destroy universal healthcare in a week flat

also free shit and freedom aren't the same thing

Because their system can be abused and let them down. Someone post that news article about Sweden army vets forced on the streets to house refugees.

It's funny how they make his skin brown.

It's like they think brown skinned people are inferior

Simple, the only reason we generally oppose healthcare is our belief that we will be wealthy one day while other citizens of other nations do not. In most nations around the world they are born into their status and wealth is less meaningful than hereditary right. Its not that they do not believe in trying to improve their station, but they are more readily willing to fall in line if their needs are met. They are more conditioned to putting the needs of the entire group ahead of their own because their system focusses on birth right much more than ours.

We value achievement, individual right, and money above all. We believe that money is the great equalizer and that we are more important than the state. So we hate taxes. We hate tax because we dont want to be told how to manage our source of status. Liberal minds in the US see that the needs of the whole are better cared for in Europe, but cant understand that people there never believe they can be elite and are readily willing to accept modest living. In the US people will take advantage of the situation if healthcare is free. You see this in weight. In Europe, being heavy is frrowned upon more because of a much more hidden reason than they will admit. It means you arent sacraficing and you are over indulgent. Modest living and less ambition, plus it is risky behaviour and could be a burden on healthcare. Could you imagine how fat Americans would fet if healthcare was no longer a privledge???

We reject the social structure of Europe and we believe we can all rise to the elite as lobg as we have noney and I cant do that if I have to share. Its the same reason why a Korean Airline plane flew into the side if a mountain. It happened because Asian people will go as far as willingly die instead of correct their elder coworker or higher ranked Captain. They suggest correction, but accept fate because its rude and unethical to go against the Captain. It would dishonor their family.

waiting queues are the biggest flaw of universal healthcare systems.

i read that in sweden 60% patients wait over 3 months for a hip replacement, while in america 90% of patients were able to get that surgery in less than 3 weeks

Le 56-face insults a 95% White country.
>La Cretura

Check out how much are Americans pay in taxes and what they get for it

I was perplex by voter ID question. How else you can have normal voting? Why is there debate about it? If you are citizen you get to vote and there for before voting you need to prove that you are really you and that you are citizen.

>Whiter than you Mohammed
Oh the fucking irony

leftists oppose attempts at voter ID laws because they claim minorities are too unintelligent to get a photo ID and that's bad since minorities are an important part the DNC voter base. i think the real reason is that they want illegals to be able to vote.

pic was for i'm not sure what we get for it though other than paying for others to get gibs

found a better image for tax burdens, looks like it's between 25% when you add in the non-federal taxes

>Lefty comic
>No arguments
>"Can you believe he actually just said that??!!"
That's about what I expected

Ethnostate first.
State healthcare second.

Humans only.


"nordic welfare model" works when your not importing a large parasite class

Me on the right

> telling lefties about taxes
Don't bother, none of them have ever worked an honest day in their lives. The idea of 'taxes' simply doesn't compute.

Freedom =/= Mandated by the State
Paid For By Heavy Taxes =/= Free

> that cringeworthy filename

if the US had an educated population we would be a superpower. since we're not, were just some awkward mix of south africa,poland and lithuania.

Why would anyone want to pay $100 in taxes when they could avoid that and instead pay $200 privately? Taxes suck.

If those ideas are so good why can't they convince people to contribute to them voluntarily?

America has created animosity between Russia and Europe. Russia is an ancient European nation, and a pathway into the European Union should be open to them.

His point was that sweden has socialist policies and is being slowly filled with niggers and this hurts their country.


How much do vehicle and gas tax cost in these countries? How much of a capital gains tax on investments do they have? How much does a home with a proper land/yard cost?
Yeah....I will keep paying for my healthcare, thanks.

unironically this, feels bad man

>but not really

The russians literally conquered half of Europe and the British spent the 19th century fending off their advances you fucking retard