Thousands of videos with great information all gone.
He's also currently banned from posting on Facebook.
I'm so tired of this shit. So fucking tired.
Thousands of videos with great information all gone.
He's also currently banned from posting on Facebook.
I'm so tired of this shit. So fucking tired.
Goddammit, I'm pissed.
Sounds like you need a nap. Lets sleep.
a youtuber that was popular here years ago.
JewTube is shutting it down.
So another Alt-Righter shits the bed, good lmao
For real?
For those who don't know, Ryan Dawson is /ourguy/ 100%. He's been calling out Israel and Mossad for years, and he found what I would call hard evidence that Israeli Mossad and Saudi intelligence were involved in 9/11. Find mirrors of his videos and download them, if (((they))) are shutting him down it's because (((they))) are scared.
>surprised it lasted this long
I never understood why he was not more popular.
The guy knows his shit.
He must of seen this coming because he made a second channel last week
He was so fucking based. Nobody btfod Destiny like Ryan did.
Also taken down
His thinking on 9/11 comes off as willfully ignorant in some respects to me, he's very quick to discard all of the physical anomalies of the day and just ride home on the indeed pertinent political fronts. He might possess semi accurate views on these latter portions but lacks appreciation for just exactly how it was carried out.
Maybe it's for the best because the political linkage is easily the most understandable. The evidence of more tangible fuckery that day is overwhelming and very fucking strange, though.
The great purge of all sources of Anderer Gedanke by the Jew has begun all over the Media.
Don't lump him in with those Israeli semen slurpers.
>Ryan Dawson is /ourguy/ 100%.
actually he hates white nationalists and anyone "racist."
Who's this soyboy?
Well, isn't it about time we get out own fucking youtube, our own fucking google, ourt own fucking facebook, our own fucking twitter, our own fucking instagram?
You know, we do have free enterprise, still, we're not communist yet, so are we taking advantage of that, or just sitting around complaining that the Jews own everything? Yes, they do, but that doesn't mean you can't own something too!
If I was exposing the perpetrators of 9/11 I would also play it safe and say bad shit about racists. Maybe he isn't 100% our guy but what he is exposing is way more important that race realism.
It won't stop til people start attacking these social media companies and their employees in real life.
that's extremely fucked up
>not knowing who Snowden is
Goddamn, someone light the SPLC on fire. These anti-goyim censors have to go.
Yfw for decades Jews like Howard Stern railed against censorship, and now they're censoring whites openly while courting minority support.
Can you imagine if Hillary won? This is their leftover play book. Honestly, the FEMA Camp conspiracy Jones discusses is probably 100% real as well.
Dawson is the most based 9/11 poster ever. He also lives in Japan, he's from North Carolina originally, so that's semi-notable. He's not posting from the US.
Does he have a Gab account?
We need to start promoting alternative social media, so that globalist kikes can't just ban all of /ourguys/'s speech.
He certainly hated Jews but for a posteriori political reasons rather than a priori racial ones. He's part Native American so he was never going to get on board with the white nationalism thing.
This. Bump.
Dawson is requisite Sup Forums. Everyone here should be familiar with him. Watch his movies. He's the 9/11 redpill on Mossad, no tinfoil /x/ crap.
that's kind of interesting that people like abby martin haven't gotten banned for being anti-israel
This is the only real answer. Unfortunately most of them are stuck deep inside the Peach Trees complex in Mega City One.
I'm dismayed by the general acceptance of social media bullshit by the minorities because Tyrone could have been fucking up all these Twitterers this whole time. Somehow Tyrone needs to hate Google, Fagbook, etc. Take over that golem.
RAYN DAWSON - even though he doesn't entirely agree with the alt-right movment - is of INCREDIBLE value for alt-right and the `truth movement`
If you haven't seen it yet watch `911 war by deception`
What channels should we download before the purge is finished? Where can we find videos of this RY Dawson fellow available now?
Sure thing there bubba, I'll get right on that...
Which one do you want me to code first? YouTube? Facebook?
Tell you what, I've do the codez, you pay the hosting bill.
I have a Patreon already setup for this!
Lack of production value. He never cared about the image he presented in general. Look at his videos (well, you can't anymore), his grammar, the way he dresses... Impressions matter and he never understood that. People like Black Pigeon get it. If your aim is to persuade people, the packaging is almost as important as the product. Shame.
Download all of ThealternativeHypothesis's videos
This was expected. Dawson was 100% redpill and no desinfo. Sure, he had some cucky opinions on race but he was always genuine and he knew his shit.
I'm getting really fucking tired of YouTube now. This is Dawson's website:
Don't let this thread die. Maybe it's time we started a general for YouTube Censorship -- /YTC/, for example
We need to get these guys on d-tube
Well he DID have an american flag behind him on the wall in his latest 3 videos or so he was working on it.
The problem is that we all say this and no one does shit.
Sure, I'll call Joe up right now.
Opposing Zionism is not racism. You stormfags are repulse people for a reason.
another 56% mutt
ryan only dislikes ethno-nationalism because he's a mutt, like you are
He's got a Twitter account that he barely uses.
On a related note, Syrian Girl's videos also got taken down a few months ago.
This has gone too far.
This board needs less generals desu.
BPS was a crowd pleaser. Though he is babby's first redpill and sometimes he shills pretty insidious stuff, he generally said all the right things and had godly production values. You're absolutely right about the package, user, and unfortunately so.
>We need to get these guys on d-tube
The real moral of the story is "there is no such thing as a free lunch". Their website, their rules. Dawson has an autistic website, he took freedom onto his own hands and one should. But the fact of the matter is that we "internet consumers" won't mold to this new reality of the internet so easily. The purge is very real but most normalfags are but boiling frogs.
We need a general, we need art and we need a pastebin with reroutes to these people's content, be it DTube, BitChute, their own websites, etc.
I understand that. But right now it is important for us to compile information and spread it in an organised fashion. It pains me to suggest a general, it really does, but it's the most rational solution.
I saved like a hundred, but he had thousands. I'm so pissed I didn't save them because I got lazy. So much amazing stuff on Israel, Syria, Yemen, etc. All lost. And there are barely any mirrors on YouTube. Fucking hell.
They are not lost, I am sure he still has them, and he will find a way to get them out there again. Doesn't east asia have tons of social networking and video sites?
Dude, this is the last thing on his mind right now.
He was going on Warski this week, but after this I don't know anymore.
Actually he's part Arab.
He despises white people and white nationalism
He lives in Japan and has an anime wife.
>He lives in Japan and has an anime wife.
living the dream
He's not going to spend months uploading thousands of videos so that they get taken down again. The guy has like three jobs.
Nice try, JIDF. Dawson isn't "part Arab" and he doesn't despise white people though he is a civic nationalist. He is for closed borders but thinks that is only a workaround for the real solution to the problem. In his own words: "if you don't want ants, don't pour sugar on the floor".
RIP Ryan's channel, had some really great stuff on there
Tommy robinsons twitter is currently being fucked with too
His father is Jordanian moron
Is a mixed-race mutt who has mix raced kids, while living in fucking Japan
Just because you gave kike media and other platforms endless revenue and support doesn't mean you OWN them, idiots. It's your fault they became so strong.
Now go shop at wallmart like a good goy.
internet speeds in Japan are blindingly fast, and it would be a batch process. Fifteen minutes tops.
Jordanian is caucasoid, imbecile. Your le 56% meme is glowing in the dark, fuckface.
Yeah and I bet that your Portuguese Brazilian and Angolian admixture is also 'Caucasoid'
Mr Barbosa
I'm not arguing race here. You're the one derailing the thread with your nonsensical rant about him "being part arab". Kindly do fuck off now, newfriend, go glow in the dark elsewhere.
Like a snake tightening its grip on its prey, and what are we doing? They are pushing us underground, in 10 years we WILL be the resistance, an underground organisation fighting for freedom.
He's part Arab, making him a mutt
Just like you are Moor and Berber, mutt.
We were already the resistance. What we need is to decentralise and have enough redundancies in place.
some retard who exposed mountains of american secrets to the world in order to show that 0.05% of those secrets were bad
he is an ignorant traitor
>Ryan Dawson
Man I used to love his videos several years ago. YT is destroying controversial videos on their platform. It's over.
What a fag...
I ain't got time to download every single 5 minute video from these guys. We need you autistic neets with no jobs/families to get to work compiling this stuff into some huge 50gig torrents that us anons who have to do shit all day can download and store.
Get to work anons! we need a censorship general page everyday with links to what we should be backing up so we don't lose all these valuable videos from youtube forever.
you're the one with money. you could buy an endless amount of storage. i'm limited by autismbux
What is the point of having freedom of speech and freedom of expression if you make the public discourse in a private arena governed by some faggots' PC terms of service?
>public twitter?
>muh big government
>public youtube?
>muh big government
>public facebook?
On Certain Aspects of American Economics Relevant to 2016
>muh big government
>Thousands of videos with great information all gone.
>great information
Lol nope. He only attacked Israel, and that's only because he loves Palestinians. Check out Ramirez - who's MUCH more work on the JQ - rip Ryan Dawson apart and exposes him for being a shill, an RT shill nonetheless. Fuck him.
We really should go decentralized. If it's just another website it'll eventually get shut down no matter who starts it.
We need a phone book of sorts.
Did anyone archive his videos?
ok, so we would have a peer-to-peer service? can you establish communities on p-to-p systems? if so, then we could have our own youtube, etc.
We definitely are smarter than (((they))) are, so this is solvable
>Ryan Dawson
stfu you stupid bitch
are you really? do you think the average retard that watches ecucks has the attention span to sit through more than five minutes of substantial evidence and arguments? simple fucks want simple answers. thats why molymeme and nigger pigeon speaks get big while actual journalism and research goes unnoticed
Insofar as he is not a neocon or a cuckservative, he's alt right. That was a nebulous term for the longest time until it was defined as a ethnonationalism synonym relatively recently.
his flight to LA got canceled
He was just anti-Israel, wasn't he? More proof that progressives/SJWs/Dems/Marxists actually support Israel, contrary to what stupid or dishonest 'conservatives' and Jews claim.
>He lives in Japan and has an anime wife.
The final stage of the white supremacist
This shit needs to be made illegal and fast, before the mid terms.
Gotta love the shilling. Dawson is more Libertarian than the fucking LP presidential candidate.
its called making realistic and practical goals like cutting off finding to Israel instead of trying to start up a whole meme movement you fucking retard
muttlander calling others mutt
I just woke up.
Wow such enlightening opinion wow, me WN now due to u.
Oh shiiiiiiiiiit........
Fuck off with your bullshit lies. He had great information and opinions on a wide verity of subjects. Dont try to condense him into only 1 subject, that he was correct on. Go defend Jews elsewhere.
>le autistic weeb
He makes pro-Confederacy videos, he's from the South, he's dedicated a decade of his life to exposing 9/11 and Mossad, his mentor was MICHAEL COLLINS PIPER, he's whiter than you are, and certainly a much better, more productive person. Stop dividing the board on serious topics. We need every redpilled senpai we can get for this final showdown. Dawson is 100% legit, go fuck off the a Shapiro eCunt thread.
This is literally like a science-fiction dystopian movie. Shit, even big corporations are like quasi-governments now. How powerful are they if they can censor shit and not be afraid from the social retaliation of the fucking president?
This is the first round of purging. So make sure everything is backed up and archived. They almost got stormfront, and that place was there when I was a kid. One day, I feel like this place will also get the same treatment. They are censoring the sciences (IQ and genetics research). They are censoring the media.
To be fair, I have no idea who this incel was, nor do I care, but if his content was good, then good information was lost; and perhaps even lost forever. Once that information is lost, they control the narrative.
It's literally coming to that point where you have to go underground and broadcast leaked information from some offshore radio tower ala Deus Ex style.
Stay safe bros.