Watching american history x for the first time, half way through.
What are some other based Sup Forums films you would recommend ?
Watching american history x for the first time, half way through.
What are some other based Sup Forums films you would recommend ?
Stop watching after he stomps the nig. The second half ruins it
3 Cocks in OP's Ass by Ingmar Bergman
Falling Down
101 Dalmations
>101 Dalmations
Eh, that movie's a little to black and white for my tastes.
It's not a pro Nazi movie. It's fiction. How do people not see that?
Requiem for a dream.
They Live
I too saw it yesterday. Sounded like a Sup Forums wet dream.
But then second half is actually nicer.
1/4 niggers are not niggers.
And 1/4 whites are niggers.
The penis is violence. Use these guns to kill the penis.
Fucking redpilled as fuck.
Syriana. At the time it was a big lefty movie with lefty actors. Seriously watch it again.
>calls out Islam
>calls out deep state
>calls out American meddling
Patton for sure
He got redpilled when it was too late
the greatest story never told
The newsies.
Named my turtle Zardoz.
>American History X
>based Sup Forums film
It's a clearly anti-racist film.
Lord of War
Another good one is Master and Commander (not political, but a personal favorite of mine)
That movie kind of steals your soul if you watch it and understand it.
Go to bed, Jess.
I did notice a lot of Jewish names in the intro credits... I think it can be seen pro/anti up to the point i'm currently at
how so?
dont want to spoil the end but from what i understood is dont turn your backs to niggers.
Empire of dust
ROMPER STOMPER, fucking bad ass skinhead movie.
This is England
Thanks for suggestions I will check some of them out. Have seen falling down before, top film.
brokeback mountain
Elysium is pretty cool, dont know about how Sup Forums approved it is
Google literally said this is what we want for the future, ofc they where talking about the super healing machines and not the technology based aristocracy with robot police, thats why they bought up a bunch of robotics labs and keep censoring everything they dont agree with