>gay men
>degenerate, dooming our future, spreading diseases
>lesbian women
>omg so HOT! I hope they let me watch fapfapfap
Why do you give women a pass when what they do is just as wrong?
>gay men
>degenerate, dooming our future, spreading diseases
>lesbian women
>omg so HOT! I hope they let me watch fapfapfap
Why do you give women a pass when what they do is just as wrong?
Women are only Lesbians until a rich Black guy walks by.
I don't.
Lesbian women not as bad as faggots but they're still bad.
See, lesbos don't spread aids. They mostly stick to their witches covens and eat a lot of pussy and beat the shit out of each other.
Fags are raping kids and spreading aids. There's a difference.
Because there aren't really any exclusively gay women. Pretty much all "lesbians" can and will take dick if it's an alpha's for example.
Also exclusively gay men can't be made to reproduce. Even if there were exclusively gay women, they can still have kids.
Because the genders aren't equal.
Women can do no wrong
lesbos aren't destroying each other's bumhole and spreading HIV everywhere they go
>until a rich Black guy walks by.
Riding a unicorn.
Women have a predisposition to being 'bicurious', in a way it's kinda natural for them. For men it isn't. Also when a straight man sees another peopleperson be attracted to hot chicks he finds it reasonable because he is also attracted to hits chicks.
gay women are just attention whores (and hot). gay men are genetic abominations that need to be exterminated.
Ive seen it happen, was at the park watching two lesbos mack down on each other when a black guy walked by and they immediately stopped and started chasing after him.
Because two women together is an expression of the purest love.
>huh huh whoa man, did you see those two chicks making out? huh huh so hot bro!
>eww fucking faggots! kill them!
Come out of the closet bro.
I only give 2d lesbos a pass
3d’s can get gassed
Never said anything even remotely like this. Go die in a fire.
All women are fundamentally bisexual.
women don't build civilization
Ever saw Ryan Phillippe in that movie? I'm instantaneously gay for him.
Because you can't disagree with a women, they are right, it doesn't matter what do you say, or what do you think, THEY. ARE. ALWAYS. RIGHT.
>lesbian women
>omg so HOT! I hope they let me watch fapfapfap
Most women like to cuddle, some like to cuddle with eachother (about 11%), but 97% prefer men.
We don't.
>Women have a predisposition to being 'bicurious', in a way it's kinda natural for them. For men it isn't.
The Fingol knows. It has an evolutionary explanation
This honestly.
you get the bullet too
>homosexual projection
You faggots do this all the time. At first I thought it was just bantz, but you people actually think every man shares your perversions
this is actually 100% true
>Studies with volunteers in sexual arousal experiments suggest that women are, on average, physiologically sexually aroused to both male and female sexual stimuli.
Well there must be some reason why you, as a guy, are fine with lesbos but hate gay guys.
Why faggot? Be honest.
Lesbians dont promote bug chasing nor are they as sexually promiscuous.
>i am retarded and can't tell the obvious differences between men and women and their natural roles
>i am a faggot who thinks men and women are interchangeable
>why can't babies suck dicks? they suck titties
OP is a stupid faggot.
Cause the vast majority of "lesbians" are one good dicking away from (at least) going bi.
You dont turn a faggot straight with some good pussy.
Female sexuality is far more malleable than male sexuality.
I'm gay and i'm no bug chaser. Not sexually promiscuous either. So why do you hate me?
>Women have a predisposition to being 'bicurious', in a way it's kinda natural for them. For men it isn't.
Craigslist says otherwise
Actually I don't.
All degeneracy and homosexuality etc disgusts me. Female homosexuality included.
cause ur a faggot
Eliminate ALL Jew propagated nigger-worship, homosexual adoration, Liberal Think, and deviant behavior and your life improves 10 fold. Start TODAY!
So are you. But not the good kind like me. ;)
Your point would be valid if men and women were equal and the same.
>lesbian women
>omg so HOT! I
No lesbian porn is hot, lesbian women are fat butch slobs.
I don't.
It's all subversion, indoctrinating males that liking lesbians is manly. Woman belongs to a man, not another woman.
Lesbians are fucking disgusting.
Not before we’re both raked, nigger
>men are just as non-threatening and soft and beautiful as women
>women look good in thongs and sundresses. why don't men?
Post-Modernist faggot with the gay hiding behind a deus vult flag...
Why is it "as wrong"? Men and women aren't the same. So called lesbians don't even have sex any way. The bible says sodomite should be put to death but is silent on so-called lesbians.
No, he's right. You guys do project your own thoughts and feelings onto normies. Totally clueless about how the rest of the world is, just like a liberal I know who announced that the USA, which just voted Trump into office last year, doesn't want Trump as President. You don't understand other people, and instead of trying to understand, you just evade reality.
Also, it's not that men are fine with lesbos, but they prioritize their fire. Male homos are so militant and hubristic about their degeneracy, they need to be put down.
>lesbian women hot
FUCK NO degenerate
>Bisexual Women
Well then come put me down then faggot.
In the old days you might lose 25% of your men to war. So the top men in your society might have 2 or 3 wives. If they dyke out in the old days there was little to no disease and perhaps your household would have more peace than if they were angry at one another.
Two women that make out should belong to their husband, and do their husbands will. As soon as women dyke out independent of a man, or to get a man's attention like clubs sluts they should be beaten.
Can I ask you a weird question. Why are you gay?
> I'm a necrophiliac and I'm no bug chaser. Not sexually promiscuous either. So why do you hate me?
uh... lesbians will raise a child for you
its really not that fucking complicated
lesbians are just as degenerate.
Social group sexuality. Women were historically part of group sex (one man multiple wives) bisexual women would have had better group marriages with the harem and raised more children.
Why are you stupid user?
I didn't mind it before, but lately I've been seeing a lot of attractive women becoming full time munchers. I could care less when it was just diesel dykes. But these days diesel dykes are are taking hormones and becoming "men" while attractive feminine ones are dating each other and recruiting other attractive women.This has to stop.
To be fair, Leviticus is legitimately retarded. "I saw Jesus once, now don't wear a cotton/polyester blend or you should be killed!"
you are right user. Fucking lesbos too
i jacked off to that scene as a kid
>Not sexually promiscuous either.
Yes you are. All faggots are.
I'm a lesbian and I hate every single lesbian I've ever met
Lesbians have the lowest rate of std out of all orientations. Aside of maybe asexuals.
Even bible doesn't give a shit about them.
>Implying les-dykes aren't repulsive and the only people that """like""" them are 12 year old macho wannabes
like pat proue from ludington michigan. raging boomer cock sucker. sucks any dick that he can get in his mouth
>posts a nun
You do realiste that for centuries female convents were dens of carpet-munching, right? This is where famillies were throwing daughters which they had troubles with.
Is he trying to do the monster truck show voice? Becouse he clearly has no pipes for that.
Sodomite covers same sex relationships. You're legit retarded if you think there's a distinction between male/male female/female
anyone else notice how lesbians on (((TV))) were attractive in the 90’s and 2000’s? they’ve only recently begun getting uglier and more mainstream
same with race-mixing. they chose the whitest-acting black dudes possible to fuck white girls at first. give it 10 years and it will be more common than not to see Jamal slapping white girls around on TV while we salivate from soy overload
Women are bisexual. Their brains are wired that way, they aren't really aroused visually it's more just from feeling pleasure and personality. Men are all visual, which means you are literally a genetic abomination with a brain disorder.
>3d lesbians
Did you even fucking read Leviticus?
And no: "sodomy" means anal and oral sex. Yes, even between man and a woman.
Romans 1:26-28
>For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:
>And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.
>And even as they did not like to retain God in [their] knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;
All faggotry is bad.
kill yourself
because most normies never saw what true lesbos look like.
hint: it's not like those two hotties in the pron
wink wink, nudge nudge, say no more
Oh lordy, you really believe that?
Any woman will tell you: they can get aroused by pretty much any kind of human relationship. They're social creatures, unlike men. They'll fuck whatever suits them.
Men aren't women.
bouncing back to you the same advice
... nefore we do this to you
Again paul gives here nothing but his oppinion. You know same way he gives his oppinion on eating food given for idols? The same oppinion that John calls one belonging to a false prophet?
And many of them will raise their children without fathers, which is horrible.
Boys raised by a lesbo couple are essentially girls, I've seen this with one dude who was wearing make-up.
Children raised by two dads are better off than children raised by two moms.
Read this:
It is God's Word.
Because they have no dick it isnt even sex
sure you will. While sitting on your fat ass. *kiss kiss*
2d yuri is wonderful
irl lesbaisn are not, because its wasting 2 wombs and also they are lying about being lesbian. Its more like a lifestyle 2 fucked up women pick to live with each other and call it a relationship.
Lesbian bed death, look it up
>gay women are just attention whores (and hot)
This statement marks you out as an underager or just someone completely out of touch with reality.
If you want this treasure you're gonna have to dig senpai.
>Why do you give women a pass when what they do is just as wrong?
because fake lesbos make me horny
children raised by two "dads" are molested and destroyed as human beings
I don't in fact my philosophy on them is "Kill the dykes and the kikes"
yeah, love you to.... with a cattle prod on max
>paul is god
We are reaching levels of heresy that shouldn't even be possible.
Oh fuck, it's furrys.
Boner gone.
good philosophy! do you accept donations?
Yeah, I've read and studied specifically what was meant by "sodomy" as religious laws/societal laws/spiritual reasoning is understood differently at different times. The sin was named because it was a perversion of procreative sex not specifically/only man on man
I'm a gay male with an attraction towards feminine males, 'traps' fall under this category, to me at least
slept with a few of them
The entirety of the bible is God's Word. It's not a napkin where people just wrote whatever the hell they wanted.
your loss
Why haven't you killed yourself yet
Women and men aren't the same, especially when talking about sexuality out of all things.