Sup Forums, Can I have some non-White Supremacy symbols that are 100% exclusively just anti-Semitic? I want tattoos but I don't want something too overt. I hate kikes the most so I want this to be just for them.
Sup Forums, Can I have some non-White Supremacy symbols that are 100% exclusively just anti-Semitic...
Anything that is ancient european
simple, get an oven tattoo
islamic/arabic cartoons.
Shower head tattoo
Kind of annoyed at the thread though.
> Doesn't know any white supremacist symbols
> Gets tattoo because ultimate white supremacist
Just proves to me once again that people with tattoos are usually posers.
I'm not a WS. I just hate Jews.
Strike fear into your enemies user.
Learn2ReadPlz... He's specifically asking for NON-WP symbols.
A wheel of menoras?
Tattoo this
Are those little ducks swimming in the circle?
good goy, brand yourself for them
Its a helm of awe you funder head.
Pretty sure shills are waiting in this thread to mock any pro-white symbols that come up
This is the symbol of our secret white supremacist club.
I don't want any of that shit in my thread anyway. None of this was what I asked for. I wanted stuff like the ((( ))) and other anti-Kikery symbols to show I am Anti-Zionist, without getting a ban symbol over a David star. I want symbols that are anti-Kike, anti-Judaism, anti-Zionist, anti-Semite, etc. I want smart kikes to see my fucking skin and be able to know right off the bat that the Jewish tricks won't work. I also want to be able to say, "Wtf are you kikes talking about, I'm not racist, this isn't Nazi shit. Look, non-Jew guys at this not-racist ink!"