What is this guy's deal?
How the fuck do you get cucked by a 14 year old?
What is this guy's deal?
>How the fuck do you get cucked by a 14 year old?
By marrying a 14 year old. Oh she's older, but not in the head.
have you seen the kid too? gross little dingleberry
Here is the thing they aren't go to tell you in the news articles.
These teachers are only banging the black students. The media brainwashing has broken women to the point where they can no longer function in society.
>released on bond
Who paid it? The husband?
Why even do that?
Was the kid black? Women can't resist the BBC.
Some women have legit kid fetishes.
is there a pic
i see nothing wrong with this, she looks hot af.
>a woman's mental illness is her husband's fault
The absolute state of Sup Forums
clearly he's a good cuck
This is what happens when you allow women to vote and be part of the workforce.
>mental illness
>having an husband so shitty in bed to make his wife try her luck with young teenagers
sup, incel
some user has it on here, it was posted the other day
Here it is
Her husband was probably not giving her enough doses of daily dick like when they first got together so she thought he was cheating and had revenge sex with the kid. The teacher picked up the kid late at night so where was the husband? If she worked days and he worked nights then they were doomed from the beginning, women need lots of sex and attention.
His nose is potato
>anyone anywhere having sex with anyone other than you is you being cucked
I will continue to say it with a clean conscious
kill members of this group if you can identify them in real life
>woman fucks underage male
>released before court date on an affordable bond, will get slap on the wrist, community service and required sex addiction counseling
>man fucks underage female
>$1M bail, guaranteed minimum 20 years in federal prison unless you're jewish/know jews to manipulate your sentence
god bless america
Fake and gay a photo wasn’t released because the police were protecting the boys identity
yeah i thought this might be the case. it's either niggers or spics who go through puberty at like 8 years old.
>How the fuck do you get cucked by a 14 year old?
I'm guessing it was a power thing, like a rich guy fucking his maid or secretary
Anonymous plaintiff? Not sure you know how your own country works.
Nice, i bet that bond is her insatiable desire for that young cock
Bullshit. your lying.
Here's the lucky 14 year old Chad that got to bang his teacher.
This is normal practice in the US. Minor victims usually have their identity concealed during investigations.
Why? He ought to be ashamed
That he didn't notice before marrying her there is something seriously wrong with this chick says a lot about his poor judgment. Stuff like this doesn't come out of nowhere. There are probably many red flags about her behavior.
id fuck him
Guarantee it was the look in the kids eyes.
Husband probably didnt make her feel as valuable anymore. Whereas the kid, probably worshiped her.
Also, im not criticizing the man. It is perfectly normal for the man to "get comfortable". The need for constant sexual release goes away as you get older. Its natures way of getting us to put our minds toward something productive -can you remember how hard it was to focus on school when youre 17 and surrounded by skirts? We would never have made it out of the caves otherwise. Dude is probably tired at end of day and just wants to relax/ do his own thing, leaving her to feel unfulfilled and not valued, which also is normal as she should at her age, already be distracted by her own children.
Kid is probably considered a legend desu
Her father is a lawyer and representing her in the divorce, I bet he paid it.
At least it wasn't a nigger.
100% she's a sex nutjob thanks to watching jewish promoted porn. Probably developed a young fetish thanks to it, sad.
The kid she fucked had a barn. Doesn't sound like a black person, mate.
Stop projecting your cuck fetishes onto real life.
She's just a pedophile. That's how.
some swaggered out young gun with a fidget spinner and hover board made her beef roast if you catch my post
she just forced an evolution he's about to go from machop straight to machamp
Did the fish use some type of cloaking device?
>spoiled bitch who gets everything she wants because of looks
>told she can't have sex with students
>it's all she thought about probably
this is how the female mind works.
>this is 10/10 in goymerica.
kekity kek
We can’t all have beautiful women like the Czech Republic
> kid fetishes
I wonder if there is a word for that???
>body of an older male with the face of a young boy
Not surprising really. More women are into that than are willing to admit it.
People should stop being surprised this keeps happening.
Show most adult men a girl with the body of a 20 year old and the face of a 14 year old, and they'd want to fuck her.