>start college as an international student
>assigned an american roommate
>he introduces himself as italian
>listens to Italian music
>only knows the word ciao
why are americans so cringeworthy?
Start college as an international student
Forgot to turn on the memeflag sport.
>Forgot to turn on the memeflag sport.
but I'm in america? do you know how flags work?
Because his application was dependant on him being a foreign student, they have a quota on white americans in college and they wont let anyone else in after a certain number
OP is one spicy meatball!
Fuck you nigger, America is the best country ever. Fuck your cuck country, America beat the nazis and got rid of communism and ended slavery and landed on the moon.
Fuck you america is the greatest country ever. You are just mad because you can't get a slice of pristine American women pussy
Yanks are the ultimate larpers and gene grabbers
We have to LARP as non-Americans to get into our Jew-run colleges.
Also, he might just be trying to connect with his new European friend you fucking sperg. Is he white?
I also have to ask:
he walks around in his underwear and gets dressed where our beds are instead of the bathroom. he'll also often just stare blankly at shit for minutes at a time. are these normal things in america?
>have to leave your own shithole to get an enducation
>complain about your superiors
what did this loser foreigner mean by this?
This sounds like me desu
he looks like a hairy jew
oh yes France is such a shithole
Unseemly but it happens.
>getting dressed in the bedroom
Why would you get dressed in the bathroom unless someone else were around?
>staring blankly
Not really. Maybe he's high.
>Why would you get dressed in the bathroom unless someone else were around?
he does it when im around
Post pics of roommate.
Lame bait boomerpost.
What asshurt faggot ruskie honestly thinks that Patton wasn't white?
>Hairy jew pretending to be italian
But why? also thanks to t*rrone's diaspora.
No wonder where the "italy's not white" meme comes from, phatetic niggers
Where are you from?
Exquisite American butthurt. :^)
It's better than being a fucking weeb obsessed with mongoloid culture that you have no genetic link to. The disconnection to ancestral roots is the exact reason so many white people become immersed in mongoloid and negroid culture(also, you yourself are prob a anime watching weeb faggot, as most of all of you scum are, and will go on from this thread to post anime cartoon crap even though you have no mogoloid ancestory). Also, the average european is 10 times more immersed in america's shit pop culture than the other way around. Most white people have 0 interest in european culture, unfortunately. Get the fuck out of my country you shit skin greaseball.
Where did that even come from you fucking autist
Posting anime just to spite you
Wew lad we got a tought one here
>the word ciao
Everytime I heard this word I remember this faggot who used to drive a scooter and wear a pink scarf. He would always said good bye like that in a very faggy way
lel keep telling yourself that
Just larp as a Latino. That's what I'm doing.
I do.
>my grandmother was Argentinian
Terrone masterrace.
>Posting anime just to spite you
I'm used to anime. It's used minimally and fairly strategically and non-obnoxiously on Sup Forums as compared to other boards. I think some of you people are prob ok. The people on the boards which are dedicated specifically to anime are sick lunatics though. The problem I with anime is on a grander scale in terms of the phenomenon of weebs.
No idea what you are trying to convey here
>Grandmother was Basque
Sorry Italy is one of the most beautiful and cultured places on earth
*tough just typo my amerimutt friend, guess i'll have to point it out else your nigger tier 1 digit iq brain wouldnt understand :^)
It's the italian filth that contributed largely to the race pollution that has happened in america.
Wow you are a dumbass. Wops have been coming to America for almost a century at least. Many of them do not speak Italian because you know, they are in AMERICA where ENGLISH is the 1st language.
If Americans are so cringeworthy, then why don't you take your low IQ uneducated ass back to Europe?
They also just become Amerikaners within a generation or two. They're not really Italians any more than I'm Irish or German.
>mixed with Asians, the magyar
>mixed with negros, the Uruguayan
Amusingly the nations who love this meme are always the mixed ones
>mixed with aborigines by government mandate, the Ausfag
Patton tried to prevent the mongrelisation of America this just proves that he really pinched a nerve with these Russian mongolian bandits.
That's the Jews. Larp as white steal our genes.
>taking it this seriously
>getting this butthurt
No one actually thinks Americans are all mulattoes LARPing as white.
Oh I get it, so someone with Italian Ancestry is no longer Italian. What a genius you are. So, are you also saying that someone who has African ancestry is no longer a nigger?
I'm saying that American ethnogenesis is a real thing and that white people in America constitute an ethnic group. American negroes are distinct from their Caribbean and African coracials in the same way.
>oh but this person has a Nordic or a Mediterranean or an Alpine phenotype, clearly he must be a Dane or a Spaniard or a Frenchman
There are mixtures of those phenotypes in every European nation. Having a tie to Europe is good, LARPing as what your surname is is not.
As you say mongrel, also you can keep the terroni diaspora we don't wan't it back we may even send more terroni there :^)
Also i don't really know what you are trying to prove with that video made by a subhuman gipsy immigrant who cherrypicks photos because he got bullied and doxed a few times
>terroni diaspora
I don't know what the fuck a terroni diaspora is. The diaspora of italians in america are whiter than average than actual italians though, being that many of them mixed with irish/germanic white people. So you go ahead and be proud of you 100% non-white pure italian ancestry.
>be me innacollege
>get a new, effeminate room mate who wears scarves
>ask him where he's from
>he says some tiny country in Europe
>tell him I have Italian ancestry trying to make small talk
>ironically say ciao as I'm on the way out to go fuck Becky
>See this post on Sup Forums
I don't know the dude that made it. I just thought it was lulzy, which it just plainly is.
Niggers are still niggers. It does not change anything. They are from Africa and they have African ancestry. Being in America does not negate the nigger factor.
Terroni diaspora are the retarded farmers from the south that couldn't even speak/read italian who immigrated in to the Melting Pot , better known as the land of the mutt and the jews
Correct. Just like white America is an outpost of Europe, black America is an outpost of Africa.
One thing I like about wops is they take no shit from niggers. They have been known to run niggers out of certain areas in New York and other cities. As seen below. This wop might be an old man, but he gives 0 fucks... He calls him "NIGGER" multiple times.
There are plenty of other countries that have niggers.
>Italian music
what is this? is it like Mediterranean music?