Part 1
Hopefully we can connect this to other info we have or future info that might come up
Part 1
Hopefully we can connect this to other info we have or future info that might come up
Other urls found in this thread:
Part 2
I made this thread for blacked names
Is the group still active?
If so maybe it's a good idea to post new info at a set time.
i'm pretty sure this is getting slid
Might be. Thank you for the bump. The chat is from late June 2017, before Soros assets were frozen
Old thread:
Pls get that one to the bump limit, because the names were not blacked out
better off abandoning it it's not showing on the catalog anyway cause of slide threads
haha oh please tell me you are not serious.
antifa are stupid kids but they are making fun of retards like you that really think antifa would get paid by government or anything related.
Wtf man? I´m pretty sue we found out already that Soros pays them, even before this chat got leaked.
typical shill thing to say
>what are you talking about retard lol this can't be true
Sup leftie shill?
>Political parties paying shills.
>NGOs undermining democracy worldwide.
Wow you must be new to this planet.
Btw that Flasterstein really exists, so I don´t think that that part is satire
No, but it is nice to have some additional info that can be investigated
Do you have any additional information?
currently that's not too much intel.
You said in another thread that the info is from late 2017. If you still have access maybe try to get more info/lurk/participate in their chat.
Why is there always a jew involved, old top?
The group is dead now, because the ecological year is over.
However some names like Flasterstein, D. Monstrant can be investigated. Maybe even some parts like the speaker for east- Berlin, Biesdorf-south, and the Antifa travel part etc.
P. Flasterstein, B. Ordstein, and by far the greatest scourge of honest small business owners, Z. Iegelstein really make things hard everywhere.
I read this in his voice. Good job.
Well they often have indeed such names, Goldberg etc.
Is this being slid?
you people have brain damage or something?
retards like you are just the other side of the coin, you are as retarded (or even more) as antifa.
Why? And why are you doing this? Are you one of them?
>Budget cuts
>A wild vulnerability has appeared
Also, bump
>radical centrist here
>muh horseshoe
>civic patriotism
I know some people who (kinda) have involuntary connections to antifa groups in universities germany-wide. I could try to get into the political parts of the local faculty, but im not sure if that would lead to anything.
Anyone here with experience regarding this?
echo echo echo
bump, destroy these cunts,
Generally speaking you must simply scratch the surface and these leftist scum come leaping out at you to join them. A simple infiltration technique is to read their faggy little zines and parrot back a few lines. The hard part about that is not letting their thinking infect you while not getting caught.
Meditation is key.
Anything helps
sounds gread desu. i would love to infiltrate them buy i hade their ideology. dont want to sperg out my powerlvl in the middle of a meeting
Our antifa gets 20€ and a meal per protest. I thought this was old news, didn't antifa protest soros pay us or something like that?
you forgot to black out someone and their number
yes, it is or was on jewtube (maybe purged). "george soros, where is our money" was chanted by one or two dozens
but D.Monstrant has to be a joke right
Just remember, no one there is telling the truth. They're all power mad and frankly so are you, however your intent is different. Anti-fa goons are going to use their lies to gain victory for their cause. So are you. For short periods of time your cause might be their cause, this will sicken you, but you will have greater good in mind. Keep a diary.
It's so cute you worms think you can beat us.
Taxpayer money is being quietly funneled into our cause. The CIA and the FBI are preparing a coup against Trump right now. We have a detailed list on all of you, your families, your workplaces, and your browsing habits. We will hunt every last one of you down.
And please, by all means barricade yourself in your homes with whatever pitiful arms you may have. We'll just set your house on fire and mow down anyone who tries to escape.
set up a dead mans switch?
fugg :DDD
fake and gay
antifa couldnt organize a 1 man band
Atleast you're honest. Can you give us more info? I mean Sup Forums should have atleast somewhat red pilled you
Gut Schluck, durstiger Reichsmarschall.
... and not a single shred of evidence was presented. typical gay antifa trap.
What isn't being slid?
Fucking censoring homo
Thanks for verifying OP's claims.
In the fifthish post
November 8th right? For real this time?
Lock your phones, cause when I take your head, I'm texting your mom.
when you take the head with you, you can unlock their iphone anyway.
I feel this is really being slit...
Holy shit guys I found some nice new info and can confirm that D Monstrant and P Flasterstein are infact real:
>Für die sofortige Absetzung des Geschäftsführers der Antifa UG Damian Monstrant.
Nach dem Desaster des #USBStickGate von P.Flasterstein ist auch der aktuelle Geschäftsführer der Antifa UG absolut nicht mehr vertauenswürdig.
Nicht nur besteht der Verdacht auf Unterschlagung von auszuzahlenden Regierungsgeldern, nein, offensichtlich wurden hier sogar zweckgebundene Gelder an Institutionen des politischen Gegners ausgezahlt, um eine für D. Monstrant begünstigende Berichterstattung zu initiieren. Insbesondere sind hier Zahlungen an das Compact Magazin von J. Elsässer bekannt, mit denen D. Monstrant ihm unbeliebsame Berichterstattung, die eben jene Unterschlagung von Regierungsgeldern offenlegte, gezielt beeinflußt hat, um von dort ein entsprechendes Dementi verbreiten zu lassen. Über die Höhe der geleisteten Zahlungen kann aufgrund der fehlenden Transparenz des Finanzgebahrens des Geschäftsführer nur spekuliert werden, sie dürfte sich jedoch weit im sechsstelligen Bereich befinden.
Dieses Verhalten ist im Sinne eines politisch-orientierten Dienstleistungsunternehmen absolut untragbar und erfordert ein sofortiges Eingreifen des Aufsichtsrates.
Es ist auch nicht auszuschließen, dass D. Monstrant Zahlungen aus den Bachmannschen grünen Tonnen erhält, um dafür zu sorgen, das Pegida in Dresden montags nicht blockiert wird.
Die einzige Konsequenz kann eine sofortige Absetzung des derzeitigen Geschäftsführer Damian Monstrant sein. Und zwar unter sofortiger Einstellung sämtlicher Bezüge.
translated into engrish:
For the immediate dismissal of the managing director of Antifa UG Damian Monstrant.
After the disaster of the #USBStickGate by P.Flasterstein, the current managing director of Antifa UG is absolutely no longer trustworthy.
Not only is there suspicion of misappropriation of government funds to be disbursed, no, apparently even earmarked funds were paid to institutions of the political opponent to initiate a favorable for D. Monstrant reporting. In particular, here are known payments to the compact magazine by J. Elsässer, with which D. Monstrant has influenced him unpopular reporting that revealed just that embezzlement of government funds, specifically, to spread from there a corresponding denial. The amount of payments made can only be speculated because of the lack of transparency of the manager's financial management, but it is likely to be in the six-digit range.
This behavior is absolutely intolerable in the sense of a politically oriented service company and requires immediate intervention by the supervisory board.
It can not be ruled out that D. Monstrant will receive payments from the Bachmann green tons to ensure that Pegida in Dresden is not blocked on Mondays.
The only consequence can be an immediate dismissal of the current Managing Director Damian Monstrant. And with immediate adjustment of all remuneration.
How do I get paid to protest? It might be fun to LARP for a bit and I could use the cash. Maybe take out some aggression on a MAGApede.
their facebook is /antifaug/
look at the comments
You think everything is just satire?
might be fake, not quite sure.
I just read an article about it. I think some parts are satire, however I think they only use this tactic now that they got caught paying... so they play it of as satire and try to hyperbole it
Arranca e. V. Kirchheim Demonstration Dresden 18.02.2012 950,00
AUFANDHALT e. V. Demonstration Dresden 18.02.2012 1.000,00
AUFANDHALT Gera e. V. Demonstration Dresden 13.02.2014 700,00
Bildungswerk BLITZ e. V. Demonstration Dresden 18.02.2012 1.000,00
Gerberstraße 1 e. V. Weimar Demonstration Dresden 18.02.2012 1.000,00
Graswurzel Netzwerk e. V. Weimar Demonstration autonomer Nationalisten
in Magdeburg
16.01.2014 580,00
Graswurzel Netzwerk e. V. Weimar Demonstration Dresden 13.02.2014 860,00
Graswurzelnetzwerk Weimar Demonstration am
1. Mai 2012 in Weimar
01.05.2012 983,00
Graswurzelnetzwerk Weimar Nordthüringer Jugendtag Nordhausen,
Sondershausen, Mühlhausen
August/Sept. 2012 755,00
Graswurzelnetzwerk Weimar Proteste Eichsfeldtag 04.05.2013 840,00
Grenzenlos. Verein für
Menschenrechte e. V.
Demonstration Dresden 13.02.2013 800,00
Grenzenlos. Verein für
Menschenrechte e. V.
Demonstration Dresden 13.02.2015 900,00
Grenzenlos. Verein für
Menschenrechte e. V.
Demonstration 1. Mai in Saalfeld 01.05.2015 900,00
Hintertorsperspektive e. V. Demonstration Dresden 18.02.2012 636,65
Jana Lobeda Samba e. V. Demonstration Dresden 18.02.2012 550,00
JeLoSa e. V. Demonstration Dresden 13.02.2013 1.000,00
JenaLobedaSamba e. V. Demonstration Dresden 13.02.2014 844,50
JG-Stadtmitte Jena Demonstration Dresden 13.02.2015 1.000,00
JUSOS in der SPD Thüringen Demonstration Dresden 18.02.2012 1.000,00
KJR Kyffhäuser e. V. Gegendemo zur NPDGroßveranstaltung
„IN.Bewegung – Das
politische Fest der Nationalen“ in
09.08.2014 1.000,00
KOMME e. V. Jena Demonstration Dresden 18.02.2012 500,00
Kreisjugendring Altenburg e. V. Demonstration Dresden 18.02.2012 1.000,00
Kreisjugendring Hildburghausen e. V. Demonstration Dresden 18.02.2012 1.000,00
Naturfreundejugend e. V. Demonstration Dresden 13.02.2014 990,00
Neue Linke e. V. Demonstration Dresden 13.02.2014 830,00
2.2012 1.000,00
Numbers in Euro
nice chat you made
good job user
we aren't all boomers
the fuck is nato funds? Is antifa funded & run by NATO ?
Vid related is you