you never should have came to to africa in the first place you deserve all you get
go back to europe and you wont be killed
Fuck the farmers they are tasting their own medicine
Other urls found in this thread:
Once the colonization starts, it does not stop.
Enjoy your doomed battle to stop the law of nature: might makes right.
See, this is why people don't like you, black person.
You keep murdering people. People don't like to be murdered and think you're an asshole if you like murdering.
That won't help since niggers will swarm to Europe as well, once they realize they can't run Africa for shit.
After Trump evacuates the South Africans, he's going to use South Africa as our new nuclear testing site.
Are you as retarded as the african sub humans murdering the very people who grow their food.
If you think this is a good thing you're in the wrong place, go check into an insane asylum.
Niggers are sealing their fate. This time around we won't stop until your extinct.
And you're as retarded as OP for replying to this slide thread without saging. In fact, you're even worse. Check yourself into a coffin. The whole lot of you.
This is the same motherfucker that cries over dead niggers here.
>In 2 years they'll be starving to death and begging the U.S. for aid. The Chinese will be sitting there laughing at how retarded niggers are.
>In 10 years half the population will have died, due to not receiving aid due to white countries telling them to go fuck themselves and the gooks just waiting to take over.
>In 20 years the niggers that are left will be rounded up and enslaved by the Chinese.
Have fun niggers.
How about a FFA in Africa, best army wins, nothing personal
>due to not receiving aid due to white countries telling them to go fuck themselves
I found the fatal flaw in your plan
I'm see a South Apefrican famine sometime in the not-to-distant future, and I'm not even a wizard. How can I be so sure of my prediction?
I'm not really up to date on whatever the fuck is happening in Africa, but didn't the colonists just take that land in the first place?
Zimbabwe 2.0
Keep posting more dead farmers, it awakens the newfags
Just stay down in your shithole abeed.
this has to be a troll post africans are too stupid to use the internet let alone be literate in a foreign language
Idiots like this nog are actually Americans. If he was actually South African.
1. he wouldn't be on this board
2. he wouldn't hide his flag.
this is the future you have chosen
>dutch people colonize empty space with no niggers living in it
>bongs push them in to nigger areas with the use of force
>bongs create a colony importing niggers, so they can be used as slaves to produce goods for the crown
>independence came
>ever increasing niggers hop the borders so they can be oppressed by evil wite pepo
>international pressure dissolve the last efforts of whites to to be relegated to a third world state
>niggers nigging occurs that runs the country to the ground
>niggers emulating zimbabwe as they are unable to see further that instant gratification
>another country ruined by niggers
>memeflags gloating on Sup Forums
the absolute state of niggerdom
Weird, you'd think that Sup Forums was against ethnic nationalism with the reaction that this thread got...
Africa for the African man, Europe for the European, Arabia for the Arabian man, Asia for the Asian man, Americas for the American man.
God made the people for their land, be it through evolution or whatever method.
That's how the natives thought too before the trail of tears.
The colonists took the land, then the local Africans came into power and are taking the land back from the kids who inherited the lands the colonists took. Most of the white guys fled but those who remain basically live in self made prisons, surrounded by electric fences, guard dogs, giant concrete walls, steel gates and whatever else. I had an online friend from SA and his daily routine involved locking and unlocking so much security stuff and the family still got robbed a few times and equipment broken. Seems like more work than its worth.. I'd leave and let the African guys who don't know how to farm reclaim the land, fuck it up and starve rather than sit and wait to get murdered.
>Spam SA farmer gore for the next week.
>Share it on FB, twitter and *shudder* reddit.
>Spam it until the entire planet starts talking about it at the dinner table.
>Spam it at Ivanka's twitter, so she can start asking daddy to do something.
Women are fueled by empathy and emotion, so the last one might be surprisingly effective.
>8 years from now this same poster is demanding we send more aid to zimbabwe 2.0 as the country starves to death because negros cannot farm
>he will continue starving because western nations will be so destroyed via climate change there will be nothing to send in aid
i was hoping to pick up a cheap farm and go out to defend it but they are ridicolously expensive, a square mile with a house is a million dollars.
say that to my face and I'll kill you with my bare hands
>Pay a million dollars to play real life tower defense against angry Africans who try to kill you every day
>Some other retard buys the land and tries the same
I wonder who sells the land? It sounds very lucrative.
You know ((who)).
The farmers "took" the land, which was minimally populated at that time, then later, bantu and other non-native blacks started swarming in from every direction, shit got real rough, then apartheid was introduced, then it went away, then the blacks started wholesale murdering the whites as 'revenge' for taking 'their land' as Joe Slovo (JEW JEW JEW JEW) had told them to with his communist overkike's permission.
rodney king is stephen paddock
Go back to Africa :^)
all this butthurt wytebois in this thread. I thought pol is for ethnic nationalism? I thought you wanted that all niggers return to africa or they get killed on the "day of the rope" or in the race war. Now suddendly when black people do exaclty what you want you cry "b-but muh white farmers n shiit! that is why nobody likes you :(!!!. So pathetic.
Any pictures of women and children that have been brutalized that we can share? Those optics are far more effective, as I have learned
Burn in hell commie faggot.
Day of rope awaits you.
>not being able to type "SA farm attacks" into search bar
user, I am dissappoint
>stay in Africa
>get killed by niggers
>go to Europe
>also get killed by niggers
I agree with OP, if you're so protective of your borders then why can't black people be? It's only fair to kill the whites and take back what has been taken from their ancestors..
White colonizers need to leave. Go farm your own countries.
You got it twisted, this is a thread celebrating what ethnonationalist want to achieve, EVERY PEOPLE HAS A PLACE IN THE WORLD.
Encourage all people to return to their peoples homeland, if they refuse then they deservetheir fate.
Time to kill all the niggers in Europe for coming here then. And Arabs.
>he doesn't know how to plant seeds
First psyop, kid? Stick with me and you'll be ok
>Some other retard buys the land and tries the same
they don't have guns though i thought
You never should have left your mud huts and stop eating each other in rituals you subhuman scum. Before colonization you were so primitive you didn't even have a wheel. Whites enslaved some of you but you get so much more in return. But now you become so cocky you beg us to put you in chains again (after we defeat the ZOG). All of you that are in our countries should go back to Africa and then Africa should get nuked.
Why does that "farmer" look mexican?
Just imagine the same police for black immigrants in europe. Yeah, that would be mean only one thing - literally rivers of blood, my india friend.
this is 100ha, i wouldn't consider that enough to make a living , why are their farms so insanely expensive it makes no sense
I know right? How fucking DARE they bring civilization to a continent that still to this day has none.
baka desu
Vikings were barbarian pagans that pillaged everything they encountered, it was introducing Christianity that civilized them
ok niggy- are you saying it was yours just bc you're black? bc niggers have been fighting amongst themselves over that very same land for thousands of years, and none of you lazy fucks were even there, in the Cape Colony when the Dutch arrived in the 17th century. The boer didn't encounter the bantus until the mid 19th century. you stupid niggers were busy killing each other and only came further south for the promise of gibs.
you're so fucking dumb nigger.
>insert "gorilla warfare" maymay here
Isn't this what these fags want? I see them as hypocrites.
If you want Blacks out of your country, you should also ask Whites out from SAfrica.
What you do to whites in Africa we will do to blacks in Europe and in the US.
>What you do to whites in Africa we will do to blacks in Europe and in the US.
Good, give them a reason to come home.
they live on stolen land. Its fair desu.
>go back to europe and you wont be killed
Yes we will because all the shitskins of the world are going there. Whites have no homeland.
good luck trash pandas
>Whites have no homeland.
It's a shame, every group of people should have their own land.
Maybe the eradication of those misplaced in SA will inspire you lame dicked fucks.
with your irradiating homosexuality ?
South Africa is a white nation. It is their land.
with good farming its enough
Maybe. Whites don't always chimp out, but when they do it usually involves the genocide of some non-white race.
What would be the worse that could happen ? 25 millions of your kind in the dead niggers storage ?
>South Africa is a white nation. It is their land.
You Americans don't even have a proper homeland, why should I care about what you have to say... unless you're native american?
Open your arms and embrace the whites of south africa, africa is likely to respond in kind, in fact many people of africa already do.
>What would be the worse that could happen ? 25 millions of your kind in the dead niggers storage ?
The end result, us having our home and you having yours, is worth it.
The burger is right. White countries will be forced to gib aid and welfare. I do hope the chinese takeover tho
>White countries will be forced to gib aid and welfare.
The ghanaian president expresses the exact opposite of that.
if SA wants to Zimbabwe themselves so be it
We don't have a proper homeland yet all you fucking degenerate third world trash want to come to any country that is predominately white. Interesting.
100ha is more than enough city faggot
i agree desu, let africa do their thing
That image needs a "mup a do didda"
so all the kaffirs must fuck off out of europe too then, back to your utopian shit holes the lot of you
You do know that this will happen in Europe to niggers sooner or later?
Most of it was purchased hundreds of years ago from nomadic people that didn't even live on the land.
nice trolljob steve
>BLM flag
>Never been to Africa
>1 post by this ID
Come fight me in real life you piece of shit
Have fun crippling yourself.
The Chinese will give no shits about colonizing you
>We don't have a proper homeland yet all you fucking degenerate third world trash want to come to any country that is predominately white. Interesting.
Because you guys let that be an option, if you openly had policies that helped your people then it'd help us because all those people that immigrate, all those people with such amazing drive to better themselves leave their home and help you guys instead.
The only reason anyone should leave their home is for education and after that they should come back and help their people.
Maybe OP hasn't but I have, I've seen my people from the lower classes to the higher and it pisses me off how my people dodge their responsibility of coming back home and helping their elders and the nextt generation of our people.
Enjoy your new Chinese overlords, OP. Their iron-fisted colonial rule will make whites look like nothing. Chinese are the most racist people on earth - no word for SJW in Chinese, and they have no guilt about crushing inferior races.
Once Chinese finish taking over Africa, they will never leave. They already have massive Ghost City beachheads in Africa for all the Chinese settlers to live in. Chinese will work the natives as slaves in rare earth mines, and Chinese consider blacks as lazy bums and another natural resource to be exploited.
The new boss will not be the same as the old boss in any way whatsoever.
how do you make a profit selling maize for exmaple in south africa, costs remain the same for fertilizer, fuel, chemicals, machinery. assuming 200 acres , 3.5 tons per acre, sells for $148.72 per ton, profit of maybe $50, $10K a year
>The Chinese will give no shits about colonizing you
This shit pisses me off the most, it's so obvious yet my president Nana Akofu-Addo doesn't treat it like the issue it really is.
That won't last forever.
When the african sleeper agents fuck over western civilisation there won't be any white nations to provide aid
The fact they haven't learned this already is why they can't in the first place. So apelike.
America, those are your goys Brit boy. They got in a little boat and sailed there.
The Chinese are going to starve you all into annihilation before taking all your land for their people
>one president of a mostly Christian and relatively non-corrupt African nation
The International Community will be guilted into giving aid one way or another for South Africa or other mad max-tier third world shitholes.
This will help everyone, the chinese will stop encroaching on Africa and the Africans will stop encroaching on the west.
>America, those are your goys Brit boy. They got in a little boat and sailed there.
I'm no brit, I'm only here for education and then I'm heading back home.
>The International Community will be guilted into giving aid one way or another for South Africa or other mad max-tier third world shitholes
If Pan-africanism wasn't tainted by the arabs we would be helping our own by now.
Why does every communist part kill the farmers? Every time they kill farmers and then starve. Where does this "logic" stem from? It's the strangest line of thinking I've ever encountered.
we dont need da welfares
*starves* *gets welfare*
sure thing. we'll take them. even better: well send you back millions of africans so they can work the land and grow you food. deal?
Well memed.
I just noticed, did they give this guy a Hitler moustache?
>kill all white farmers that feed your country
>agriculture destroyed because IQ too low to farm properly
>starve like the rest of Africa
>beg white countries to feed you via humanitarian aid
Blacks are literal parasites.
>we dont need da welfares
>*starves* *gets welfare*
Welfare is a poison given to us by jews, it keeps us weak and makes us depend on others instead of rising to the strength we should have gained by now, the jews drag us all down.
>sure thing. we'll take them. even better: well send you back millions of africans so they can work the land and grow you food. deal?
Good, we need those high energy people back home to improve our land.