Pick 9
Well it's over and it was surprisingly entertaining.
Season 2 never.
Pick 9
Well it's over and it was surprisingly entertaining.
Season 2 never.
Other sluts have to steal kisses but not Yumina. They both wanted it badly.
I knew she was going to win, Sup Forums.
I want this robutt to sit on my face
I will from here on pray for a season 2, setting up the plot for the future and not going through with it is a shame
>below 1k sales
I was not ready for pic related, holy shit, my sides.
>Touya's life is literally entertainment for the gods and divine inventors
>they see him smashing all those pussies every night
I love this Meteora.
official daki is better
I think they do some things better but some things worse. But the more art, the better.
Yumina and Linze best wives
So best that I can't even decide best between them
>implying Linze can ever be best
Unpopular opinion but I actually like Linze the most.
Harem ends are the best. Wish I could have seen Yae's and Elze's kisses though.
Main Wife and boss
>we will never get to hear Sakura singing like an idol while Touya plays the piano
Loving consensual sex with Yumina!
That shot was hilarious and creepy as fuck at the same time.
Never expected that I would love this series so much, I'm legit sad it ended now.
Nothing better, but its actually ~1300
I will miss the best brothers moments
Yumina won from day one. The harem only exists because of her and she always present herself (and is accepted by all) as "first wife" in both literal and social ways.
She doesn't do much on the way of adventuring (other than support role) but boy is she a great wife
>more than flip flappors
Touya better reward her with something. Either giving her his first baby or alpha wife status.
Not even half of WB/LN is translated, season 2 never. Liking niche stuff is suffering.
>alpha wife status.
She already is and she took that role on her own
Best wife.
It's a shit show with shallow characters, a rambling nothingy plot, bullshit asspulls every five minutes, and thoroughly mediocre at best art and sound.
But boy did I drink that shit down and love it. If they ever make a season 2 I'll be in the front rank to watch it.
>a rambling nothingy plot
why is this a negative?
What the fuck was this ending? Were they trying to keep it open in case they generated enough sales for S2?
For me it usually is. If it's not for you then thats cool user.
>Harem MC that embrace his harem
Its read the LN to find out who da fuk that guy is ending. With how they showed the 9 wives in the end, there is very little chance we'll see a s2.
I can still safely say that Yumina was the best girl.
>you'll never be his wife
I gobbled this shit up because it was fun trash anime but I sure as hell am not consuming it in novel form (yes I can read moon runes)
Yumina is strong and needs no man
then fuck off retard
in novel's defence, LN knows it is a LN and doesn't push any over your head shit. Its tone is similar to the show (although LN Touya is a little more decisive in all non-wife problems, complains a little more and even for his wifes always treats them properly) and it comes to the bonus of some really edgy Touya that are for some unknown reason really funny and entertaining.
I'm currently in the 3 isle-that-became-dungeons-under-his-country arc
Shit, might have to pick it up then.
I would ravage that bot.
Just why couldn't they make Yumina a little bit older, she is such a femchad Jesus basically has no choice, how can she be the alpha girl when she is also one of the youngest
Now i wonder if Gowasu has a favorite girl
The brother kings were probably one of the best highlights of the show, typically you have the super serious royalty but it seemed like all the royalty in this series just wanted to mess around like kids
>the hot professor turned into another lolishit just to ensure she would never get touya's dick
Fuck this shit
It's okay she's basically Lala from TLR except it's inventions that try to get Touya in bed
Holy fuck this shit is everything thats wrong with anime,selft inserting, self complacent why did i like it, i hate myself.
Pink girl looks like she doesn't remember how she got there. Bet she's a demon in the bedroom
The official translator guy said he should be caught up to book 10 in a year.
Is slip considered an offensive magic?
No, that was established in his duel against the beast king
offensive to the victims pride
But there is only 9 choices.
>god is peeping on sue 24/7
nice taste
>that "everything is going as planned" look on Yumina
How do I become a God like Touya?
This, imaging the good life being one of his wife.
get killed by a truck, allah will compensate you with infinite power.
>not a single animal girl in the harem apart from the elf.
Fucking tsunderecunt
>Touya about to penetrate her
>Kicks him in the nads
Tfw we will never see the other 3 wives personalities
And people were just complaining that there was no tsundere in here a while ago.
Isn't allah the one killing people with trucks?
why did i not see any of this in my shitty streaming version?
> God watching other people have sex
Wow what a cuck.
Sup Forums something bad's happening to me. I really loved this. I loved it so much I'm considering reading it and other things like it. The problem is, it's basically fanfiction. It might as well just be. Fuck, should I really stoop that low? I might as well just go read real fanfiction at that point.
Aren't you doing the same when you fap to doujins?
allah kills with bombs operated by excelent humans and not some random truck-kun user Allah is no pleb god
Is that a nipple outlining?
>it's basically fanfiction
it's a best seller in japan dude
Of course not because I didn't write the doujin.
>in the end we really were the Re:Creators
i don't think so but we had a perfect side boob outline during Yumina kiss scene
It was dogshit, MC is worse than Kirito.
I thought people were saying it sold like shit.
>Season 2 never.
Thanks for that, another shit anime harem with boring Gary Stu character that will be forgotten after its denouement
Just finished watching the episode. Why? Why did it have to end? I want a season 2, no, I NEED a season 2!
he means the LN is best selling, the BD is indeed sold like shit like everything else this season
I'm glad it's over. While I did lay back and enjoy the anime for how ridiculous it gets, I dunno if I could handle another season or two of this shit.
Due to complains of the characters not acting their ages, author had to make that one year is 16 months thing
It'd get taxing 26 episodes in a row, for sure. But I'm not oppose to another cour a year or so from now. By then I'll be craving something like this once again.
where do i start the ln from?
Anime went up to vol 3, but I'd read from the beginning, to see edgy touya
I really liked this show. Not even cock blocked kisses. In the beginning I only watched it to see how the trainwreck would go, but it was entertaining.
What the fuck at the last minute, though.
> Hey Touya could you help me with this read the LN?
They shafted a lot of the Regina shit and touched like 0.01% of the Ende shit it S2 actually happens at least it'll pick up on a good arc
I can't wait for Osomatsgayshit to break another sales record next season.
At least it's a fun show despite its fanbase. Just stay away from its threads.
If it's anything like S1, it will be. I just hope they won't topple the balance by adding more fujoshit.
Jesus needs his own Kaworu too
MC just went from being a total dense beta ass nigga to a potentially Alpha af nigga in the future.
Literally just learn nip you fucking bitchboi.