Why is she so sexual?
Why is she so sexual?
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Its also nice that Kino wont look like a potato in the new season.
is this gonna be a remake of the older episodes or new stuff?
I think its still unknown if its a new season or remake.
hm, that makes it difficult to know if i should do a rewatch or not. guess ill hold off a few more days
Interview with Kino no Tabi's creator pretty much confirm that its a remake
''There's a new anime adaptation coming out for Kino's Journey after 14 years. How will this adaptation differ from what fans saw in the previous series, and what are you most excited about in this new anime?
SIGSAWA: First of all, the staff is totally different from the previous series. The only people who have carried over from that project are the producers. So it's not a sequel or a second season, it should be considered a completely new remake.''
Both. Some old and some new.
The old episodes will likely be origin stories so we can see how Kino was trained by Master and how she ran into Shizu in the arena.
>Kino will never crawl into your sleeping bag
Because you're a loser who faps to hentai and will never love a real woman besides your mom.
She isn't.
She is.
That's where you're wrong.
Who is this boy?
>not a potato
But I like potatoes
Fuck me, girls with boyish figures and boyish hair are so hnnnhfhgdghhhhg
Post swimsuit Kino.
(actually three)
I don't know what you could possibly mean.
What if I love my dad(girl)?
>How about dragonrider Kino instead?
>draw a boy
>call a girl
This is literally worse than traps.
that boy is pretty sexy tho
Kino is:
You tell me why she is sexual. You'd have to be gay to not be attracted to her.
My dick disagrees
Kino is a traveler. A drifter.
A slight and dark figure perched atop an internal combustion companion and learning the whims of mankind, one sin at a time.
Kino is a witness. A dry and focused all-beholding eye calmly soaking in a myriad of decisions, interpetations, and the actions based upon them.
Kino is a survivor. A wielder of cutlery, firepower, and a piercing tongue. A connieseur of silence and a harbinger of luck. And a smooth master of knowing when to disappear.
Kino is alone.
She shouldn't have played in the barbed-wire field then.
I'm also interested in this.
Reminder that she is not a virgin. The bike confirms. Episode 8.
Because Sigsawa needs to SELL novels. It's too bad he has to whore out his own character like that, to be honest.
how dare
downloading now thanks for the rec
You say that while posting Miyazaki trash? A guy that has zero artistic integrity?
>after 14 years
Fuck I'm old. Still remember being hyped for the first one
What did he mean by this?
The 'thoughts' stuff is a pretty interesting premise in the first episode, there must be other pieces of fiction that explore the same thing
delete this at once
why does your 'kino' look so different to this 'kino' from the anime?
This is the new and improved Kino. Get with the times, old man.
Is Kino kino?
is true anime kino
That first episode was strange and unsatisfying, nothing happened in the end... you have the guy reveal the whole mystery of the town and the sad messed up situation everyone is in and then Kino just leaves? What was the purpose of this? Or is the anime just following Kino on her journey as she passes through weird towns, learns about them, then leaves without trying to fix anything? At the end of the episode she even notices what appears to be the house of the guy's wife and she makes a comment and drives off? I feel blue balled.
Or do we come back to this town later? Still doesn't make the episode any better though. It just felt like nothing.
That hint of something, of curvature, JUST above the panties, is exquisite.
Sword art online gave the author a grave ilness. Old kino is an anime that tried telling a story without selling just the character's looks. Though Kino's Journey has plenty of service
That's a nice narrative, but Kuro's artstyle was already headed in that direction before SAO got published.
Anybody remember that image with Kino stretching? Was it from a manga, and if so, why was she so T H I C C ?
It has a name, you know.
I literally have no desire to masturbate.
>Miyazaki trash?
Uh that was Takahata, but OK user.
so are you, alone
>tfw no Kino and the land of manly men with 10in+ penises
Please be full season
>yfw this wont be the design for the new anime
Are you suggesting it might be less than 1 cour or that 1 cour isn't a full season?
half season
it will be decent but not amazing
it will sell poorly, and not get continued
2 cours
Good. Let her avoid that.
New Kino is really fucking cute.
I like it
My dick won't be ready for this
Kino is just a traveler, not a hero. She isn't out to help people or get involved as anything more than an outside observer.
That's some really generic poppy music. Also, holy fuck does that CG look awful.
>that CGI
Do we know who master's seiyuu is for the remake? I'm still hoping that it'll be Maeda Ai, the old Kino seiyuu.
That'd be kinda nice, but I'm pretty sure she's retired by now. Also, I'm not sure if she'd fit the role.
She's jist cute here. Kino is attractive, but not for how sexual she is.
Kino is PURE SEX.
I hope the rest of the soundtrack isn't like the opening.
kino is for sex
She is too cute for sex.
Nonsense, there's no such thing.
>genji vs mccree animated
hell yes
Fair enough I guess.
I really can't comprehend the idea of people being upset by Kino being attractive on some level, like goddamn, are you all animeonlyfags or something? Don't give me the some things should be sacred bullcrap, no one's forcing you to fap to her.
is Kino even embarrassed at all showing so much skin?
Honestly, besides the CG this looks fine. I'm looking foward to it.
>literally looks the same
If one guy has no artistic integrity how come a literal clone would?
What is wrong with the idea of Kino being attractive?
Ask half this thread, not me, I'm perfectly fine with Kino having a quality artist working on her books.
It would be funny if that was the only unusual thing about the country. Kino would stay for three days and try her best to be polite and ignore all the bulges, while Hermes would say something really awkward.
>tfw Kino visits Rape Country
What rape country?
Kino in the land of sexually excited Rottweilers when?