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did you hear that bell?
it tolls for Saudi Arabia
you can actually pinpoint the exact second the kingdom began to collapse
this bin salman guy is a literal puppet, look at how close they have suddenly become to Israel
it's like they couldn't learn a lesson from oh, the hundreds of examples throughout history that allowed cultural Marxism to creep in through the backdoor
>his smile and optimism: gone
Israel is now in the driver's seat in SA. They will begin the slow descent into destruction on which the U.S. and Europe are much further along.
I didn't know they considered a prince's secretary a high position in government.
No need to be alarmed. This is just for show so western feminazis would get off our case...
You had one job. Looks like either Turkey, Iran or Pakistan will lead the Muslim world now.
He has two choices, westernization or dealing with insane remnants of the middle ages that just happen to be rich and muslim.
What would you do?
false dichotomy
oh shit nigger what are u doing
that's not the values of the west you need to adopt.
the insane remnants desu. Far easier to deal with then the literal memetic virus that is western liberalism.
>caring what the western feminazis think
>literally beheads people for the bantz
doesn't add up, Habib
From this point on it can only go down hill for them.
Yeah pretty soon, they're going to import millions of musli-.... oh wait.
His face says it all my God just look at that expression.
But she still cant drive her own car to work.
>throw people from rooftops
>worries what some feminazis thousands of kilometres away posts on Twitter
> bin Salman
> Salman
> salmon
> salmon bagel
coincidence? I think not
It'll be Somalians.
Nah this is a slow and gradual secularization of the country because they are afraid of the islamist groups who are allied to Qatar such as the muslim brotherhood. This is about the monarchies ensuring their existence in the long term.
They're running out of oil little by little, in future they have nothing to buy being untouchables anymore. They don't want to be Gaddafi'd when Americans and Israel machinate some demonstrations and use human rights as their casus belli to secure what's left.
Hopefully. At least they have a muzzie country to get gibs from now.
It's interesting that they only call it a "deeply conservative kingdom" and not something more inflammatory. Misogynistic kingdom harboring antiquated, outdated views.
If that means less of our oil money going to Muslim countries I’m all for it.
i thought they abolished the driving law last year
Feminazis are entrenched in western (((media))) and wouldn’t let up. We’re constantly put under a microscope and relentlessly blasted because of the perceived (and actual to some extent) rights for women compared to men.
That’s just bad for business, Boris.
Throwing people off of buildings isn’t a Saudi Arabia thing you retarded germ. That’s more likely to happen in Köln than Riyadh.
Acquiescing to the jew is the first step in the execution via injection. Putting the cunt there is like getting the needle to puncture your skin, now all they have to do is push.
Secularization is the best course of action and I’m happy about that. Not just for the Royal family to ensure it’s survival, but for the whole nation. Our future economy will literally depend on whether or not we become less religious in the next 20 years. The last thing we need is more fundamentalist MB retards telling us what to do.
>The last thing we need is more fundamentalist MB retards telling us what to do.
You're basically arguing you need less patriarchy. You're going to be begging those fundamentalists to come back and fix your shit in 25 years.
I for one have been hyped for this fella since november. Fuck wahabi freaks
I visited Gibraltar last year
wanna guess what the first building to greet you is if you come from Africa?
a saudi funded mosque
We already imported too many Muslims, pajeets and whitey too. there’s been a constant stream of foreigners coming in since the 60s. But unlike the cucked EU countries, we have measures in control to ensure most of them will gtfo when their work contracts are done.
>even the Saudis are being corrupted by the Eternal Roast
when will we wise up and exterminate them
doggystyle or missionary?
>Exterminates all women
>now what?
No, I’m arguing we need to divest from religion in general. It’s a huge drain on resources.
kek. It is not secularization for the sake of secularization. Anyway economies have nothing to do with governments being secular or not. Turkey had a shit-tier economy until islamist took power and improved the country. Whilst egypt is ruled by a secular military junta and has become and is becoming shitter. The best course of action isn't about religion. But about how democratic or autocratic the country would become. The house of Saud ruled a corrupt country without being criticized. They weren't criticized when they founded terrorist. They weren't so when they didn't diversify the economy. They weren't and wouldn't. Because it is illegal. A Saudi is born and is told to pretty much worship the king. From school, to the streets and to media. A Saudi is pretty much programmed to love and defend whatever his goverment is doing. Saudis can't think for themselves. It is illegal to criticize the government. And therefore corruption would be unchallenged. And when the generation that will want to change the government is born, that generation would have to do it violently. And the country would become Syria. This is assuming the monarchy wouldn't be removed by a quick military coup or removed in the same manner the Iranian monarchy fell.
Oh please stfu, you’re the first to call us misogynist and such you hypocritical bitch.
Whatever you want Brother. No other man can tell you how to enjoy our newfound world peace, as long as you do not infringe on another man's rights we shall live freely as Brothers free from the she beasts evil corruption.
Trump ruined Saudi Arabia
I'm gay but I hope I will never be this much of a faggot.
I hope the sheiks had saved up enough money from the oil because the good times are over now.,
In ten years there are SAUDI ARABIA YES and CAPTAIN ARABIA YES threads all over Sup Forums, like sweden now.
Nope. This is the influence of the new UAE-Saudi Alliance against the Qatari muslim brotherhood alliance. The Saudis want to move their people away from Islamism simply so groups such as the muslim brotherhood wont threaten the monarchy.
Mustapha, I love your ways and religion in this contemporary setting. You are second only to ISIS in terms of ideal states. Please don't get pozzed.
The insane guys want him punished in ancient manners.
Did the islamists in turkey ban bars and clubs? Did they force women to wear hijab? Did they ban prostitution? Did they cut off military support for Israel? An MB fanboy will ignore these facts and still think of that erdogan faggot the caliph... baka. You can’t diversify the economy when there are restrictions on women, that’s a fact. You can’t expect to attract tourists and more foreign direct investment if you enforce austere Islam in the country.
And fuck off with that indoctrination shit. Young Saudis are some of the most well travelled, educated and tech savvy youth in the region. Stop acting like it’s a hermit kingdom.
Have you actually ever thought some people like their countries because they’re functional and provide a decent life for their citizens? You probably come from a Muslim shithole country and don’t know that feeling. It’s okay, I understand.
aren't they at some position of UN human rights committee or something
maybe they were forced to do that for politics reasons
you'll see them with pride parades in two or three decades yet
this. good bye saudi arabia, embrace diversity and feminism.
Saudi Arabia government. Like it even matters. What does she do there clean dishes? It almost sounds like Saudi Arabia government has any purpose.
Come on my sandnigger Saudis, you already gave a machine citizenship. Spend some of that ridiculous oil money towards something useful for humanity, something men across the world can benefit from.
srly?? even them??
There was a shift in our local turk population They went from 90 % degenerated proles and 10% religious nutjobs to 50/50. And the nutjobs claim to be less integrated because people tell them to fuck off on the street frequently. Muh victim style
>Saudis become good goys and partner up with Jews
>instantly turn from savages to degenerates
Will you stop posting here and get back to work? British toilets aren’t going to fix themselves...
They're only wealthy because of oil either way.
They could put the most incompetent, mentally retarded people in charge and as long as they're not socialists, the country would still run just fine.
Just so you know they won't. The women will always interpret this kind of move as a weakness and therefore will push for more.
Most of the Arab nations have sold out to the Judeo-Mutt empire.
They will embrace degeneracy in their desperate efforts against Iran and Syria.
I know Saudi Arabia is the most hardcore islamic country on the planet, anyone want to place bets on when they start getting pussy-whipped anyway?
If global peer pressure won't do it making friends with jews certainly will.
kek made me laugh
That’s all on you Hans. You should’ve done a better job at germanizing Turks or deported them back. And it’s just not Turks you have to worry about, it’s all nignogs and mudslimes you’ve let in recently. I visited Frankfurt for the first time in 2004 and again last year, and holy shit what a difference. Some streets looked so fucking ghetto with menacing foreign youth walking everywhere. Gross.
this is what happened when you migrated to the west, hope all of you are happy about what you did, enjoy your larp "eurabia" dream and wake up and smell the coffe. its sjw time in the mena
Saudis are dead. They just killed themselves. Idiots.
You’re totally right frog, that worked well for Iran, Iraq, angola, Nigeria, etc..
When Turkey sent Turks, they didn’t send their best.
Still that’s no excuse for your secret police to arm and goad lowlife street hooligans into larping as Nazis and attack Turks so as to further denigrate the image of nazism in the overall German public.
>Meccah full of whores without hijabs and full of atheist arabs sightseeing
One can only dream, kek.
The Saudis have always been cucked and are just as disastrous to our foreign policy as the Israelis.
Would have 50 years ago, but you dont just do stuff when the US stands behind your back with 30000 guns, we are not a souvereign nation afterall
Lmao You cant teach these retards how to cook a potato, how should we germanize them
We’re investing on hyper-realistic waifus so you virgin mutts can get offline and do something useful for once.
im waiting for this year's vehicle incident reports from the saudis. i cannot fucking wait to read that car crashes have skyrocketed since allowing women to drive.
I was half joking. A lot of it is internal pressure from Saudi women and men too. That’s beside the fact that it’s vital to achieve vision 2030.
curious, how popular is the simpsons over there? or at least, how popular *was the simpsons? i still find it odd that a clearly american cartoon was so popular in almost every country
This reformer fag is a disgrace to Saudi Arabia, he will turn it into a degenerate shithole. The Morality police needs to lead a coup against this anti-Muslim traitor
These Saudi women need to shipped off to prison
these whores are ruining Saudi civilization
next they'll be driving cars
I actually keked pretty hard at this. Why is Sup Forums so fucking soft over an obvious joke
>Saudis legalize women driving
>But cars drive themself now
Someone's going to have to do a virgin Saudi vs. chad Wahhabi meme because of this
We don’t need barely Muslim foreigners lecturing us on Islam so can it.
"Hey honey, take a picture of me holding the Kaba!"
Well, considering that Trump is a zionist's puppet, his goal is to help jews to destroy Islam. First it was radicalisation of muslims and bombing them in the name of democracy and now this.
At this point it's a no brainer, really
So what will a pozzed Arabia look like?
I don’t know dude.. I would’ve gassed them but apparently that’s not In vogue now. But you must do something about your migrant hooligans walking around like they own the place...
Oh they've got the crashing locked down with or without the women. Fuckers are bored out of the their skulls because shariah does not allow them to do anything fun and they have a lot of NEETs due to oil money, so drifting on the highways has become a national passtime.
>giving a shit about what muds do
you could probably get a coffin in the shape of a maserati plated in gold
top kek
And you've just done the one thing that will undo all of those things, trust me
>even the Saudis have fallen to Judeo-American degeneracy
Harmful as that maybe, they’re only hurting themselves. Unlike you cucks, a nigger will be shot before he touched an Arabian woman.
There’s probably a bunch of refuges gang raping a German woman as i type this and you can’t do shit about it. I’m real sad it’s come to this.
>Saudi Royal family own majority of ports in England
>Saudi Arabia and Qatar own over 50% of london
>Saudi Royal family fund all terrorist mosques and madrasa in England
Politicians scream how evil ISIS is when the only difference between Saudi Arabia and ISIS is that ISIS allowed women to drive cars.
HOLD ON RIGHT THERE GOY, Saudi Arabia are letting them drive now so lets sell them billions of dollars worth of weapons.
I am starting to believe that high IQ europe is a meme because intelligent people do not allow traitors to run their country