what's your opinion ?
what's your opinion ?
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Macedonians all over the world don't want to be called UpperMacedonians, nor Slavomacedonians
i guess i'll just post by myself
You should stop calling yourself macedonian, since you're clearly not. Start calling yourself skopjeans or triballians or something else instead
>60.000 people protesting for Macedonia in Melborune, Australia
don't let greece cuck you bros
Also you must stop using that sun it belongs to Thessaloniki greeks
You should do like Serbs and remove kebab.
>Wants Greek name
>Burns Greek flag
You're trying to steal someone else's identity and culture. It would be like if Serbians renamed their country Hungary because they're close together and the name "Hungary" has a lot more prestige than Serbia. You people are not Macedonians, your country is not located in the region of Macedonia, and even your flag is appropriating Greek culture by using the Macedonian/Thessaloniki sun symbol.
Basically, you're niggers. You're "we wuz" tier niggers, and you need to stop.
you're greek m8s calm down fucking hell
Italians managed to ot call their fucking country "Roman Republic" even though they ARE the heirs o the Roman Republic.
You can manage to find a name that doesn't steal other people's history.
Then just stop calling yourself Macedonians altogether because YOU ARE NOT GREEK. Pick a different name for your country, you are Slavs, not Greeks.
implying macedonians were greek
You are not macedonians. You are Slavs.
Alexander the Great was born 4th century bc while slavs came in Europe in 6th century AD
>implying larping isn't normal in europe
America leave this thread
Honestly, we are the last thing they should be worry about.
Yes, they were you fucking faggot. The other Greek city-states might have thrown a hissy fit and called them "half-Greeks" because they were upset that Macedon subjugated them, but Macedonians ARE Greeks. These Slav monkeys calling themselves Macedonians ARE NOT.
I sure hope so that happens in the near future.
We're not stealing other people's history, while it's true that slavs moved here, the people living in this territory did not simply vanish , we deserve to be called Macedonia
You and the real Greek Macedonia are not even the same place. No Alexander, no Greek Empire, nothing! You are ONLY named Macedonia because the Romans called your province that.
We're not worried about you, we're worried that our government is cucked beyond return.
A country can return from a economic disaster, but it can't return form multiculturalism
i got u yugo bro but get rid of the albos first
>the people living in this territory did not simply vanish
You're right, but the people living in the tiny portion of your country that was ruled by Macedonia WERE NOT MACEDONIANS. THEY WERE NOT GREEKS. They were subjugated tribes. MACEDONIA was ruled by Greeks who lived in and around ancient Pella, modern day Thessaloniki. They did not living in the northern territories of the subjugated barbarians. You are stealing Greek culture and history because you have none of your own. You even have a statue of Alexander the Great for fuck's sake. You people are LARPers and WE WUZ KANGZ tier faggots.
I have a question. If your country was officially named Macedonia then what would be your next move?
Does your government have plans for expanding FYROM's borders?
The people who used to live in your terrietory were not macedonian. They were thracian/celtic. Macdonian heartland is Thessaloniki
Greeks =! "real " Macedonians.
For fucks sake there were no Greeks in the time of Alexander the Great. Only city states. Do you think the people today living in Greece are the same ?
Are the people in south greece are the same as the people living in northen greece ? No, they're not. Macedonia was just like that different from "Greeks " then. (By greeks i mean the rest of the city states, each different than the other). Macedonians were an independent people, that later mixed with slavs, resulting in modern day Macedonians (that live in the Agean , and Vardarski part of Macedonia)
No, even if we have such plants , it'd be a foolsih move for you have superior military power as well as backings from NATO
Are we really gonna post retarded propaganda images that only work on children and the mentally retarded , because if so I have plenty
Still the Former Yugoslavian Republic of Macedonia is not in the same place as Greek Macedonia. You are using Alexanders sun-shield. You are just spouting historical relativism.
You don´t even speak Greek!
I don't have any more images regarding this topic so I guess that makes us even
So why you don't chimp out about your country being 1/3 Albanian (above stats are from 2002 so i guess they would be more now) but insist on a name you have no connexion to?
Greeks were indeed divided in City states back in the day but they aknowledged the fact that they had similar DNA and culture. Alexander, the king of Macedonia was still another greek person that basically unified all the cities
>muh identity
What identity are those Slavs talking about? The identity of pretending Greek accomplishments are their own like a bunch of niggers?
Why are you so stubborn ?
The people in the Agean part are very similar to us, maybe we have more slavic blood than them, but they aren't pure Macedonians as they claim, in fact nobody in the modern world has pure genetics (except maybe some isolated cases) they do in fact have slavic blood in them. But as I said that doesn't mean they shouldn't call themselves Macedonian, because that has become their homeland over the centuries as well as ours . While I do like them to be united with us , it's too late for that now, they choose Greece, might as well stay with Greece. and I hold no grudge for that , and believe me the territorial pretensions are false
REEEEEEEEEE Anticki get off Sup Forums
Fucking cancer you all deserve to DIE
Disgusting. I want to take away their citizenship
Oh the atmosphere is heavy here, soon there will be "chimping out". Once the people begin to realize their mistake/
hello big Kosovo
or medium Albania
Because you lay claim to a name that doesn´t belong to you due to the Romans naming your providence that way.
It´s would be like Scania in Sweden delarcing themselves to be Denmark because they were danish for 600ish years.
Greeks are right. """Macedonians""' are larping Bulgarians.
The good thing is they are non-nationalistic if they live here, as you can see all the retards are in Australia or USA.
Locals know what's best for them - name change
go fuck yourself komunjar
>Greeks are right. """Macedonians""' are larping Bulgarians.
this has literally never been disputed by anyone except fyromians themselves and maybe the autisitc faggot serblets
t. retard who doesn't know he's bulgarian
>Monkeydonians protest against evil greeks
>Monkeydonians get annexed by Albania in 20 years
can you stop posting this, we already now we're albanain- infested
actually i'd say you're macedonian infested
Macedonian identity can exist as such only as regional Bulgarian identity. Because this is what we are, like it or not.
t. bugarash, how about you go get bugarski pasos and fuck out of my country
its not your country
its my country
serbomans will be eradicated soon and real macedonian bulgarians will take their place
There's two of us now?
I hope the reassurance and backup you're about to get from Bulgars and Greeks is going to be enough to sell your fucking identity , "Macedonians ". While i agree that most of the nationalist in our country don't know what they're doing , they're on the right path.
You are like 2 steps away from the redpill. You realized you're not ancient, that's step one, then you think you're a slav-hellenic mongrel, that's step two, and then you'll realize you were bulgarian all along and everything about your ancestry is pure bulgarian, that's step 3 in the awakening of a fakedonian
What else is happening inside Fyrom besides the tries to get the "Macedonian" name?
I hate Serbs AND Bulgars faggot fuck out of this thread if you have nothing of context to say
how can you hate serbs when theyre the ones who ingrained the idea that youre not bulgarian into your grandmothers and gradnfathers
you are the product of serbians, little bitch
everyone knows it, even you know it but you're too autistic to accept it
My identity is being Bulgarian, forced to live in an artificial state created by lying communists and backed up by the Serbian cancer. Im sure my identity has more back up than yours, antichki scum
How old are you? And if you're
Ceкoј штo ce викa Дaниeл e пeдep
you probably posted this jokingly but you have no idea how right you are
>how can you hate serbs when theyre the ones who ingrained the idea that youre not bulgarian into your grandmothers and gradnfathers
holy shit you can't be this much deluded
I heard someone once claim Alexander was albanian because his mother was from epirus, which was kinda where albania is now. So I guess this albanian invation are just the true macedonians reclaiming their land
Why can't countries have dank flags like this?
Almost all country flags are gay
You're not educated. Pro tip: If you understand our history as being purely Bulgarian, everything makes sense.
you don't have to tell yourself stories that you're a mongrel of some greek tribe that got slavicized and you're a mix of any x ethnicities to get away from the truth.
This identity did not exist before the mid 19th century.
Tи oбјacни зoштo бyгapитe нe oкyпиpaa вo втopa cвeтcкa и зa вpeмe нa бaлкaнcкитe вoјни пa ќe пpaвимe мyaбeт :)
his mother or father was an Illyrian (can't recall which) which could vaguely make him possibly half-proto-Albanian but Albanian ethnogenesis hadn't occurred then, i've only seen Albanians claim him to mock Macedonians, not in a serious way
>tatar delusions
>tatar fantasies
okay serbian communists and tito
bulgarian communists tried to force people from my region (pirin macedonia) into signing as ethnic macedonians in the census before the tito-stalin split
they just came and told them they are ethnic macedonians, so it's not just serbian communists but communists overall
That's why I am asking. Besides the name issue I don't know much about FYROM and its political and societal situation
t. glup komunist
Nemase nikakva "okupacija" samo ne oslobodija od jugoslavija
It's a fact you retard, open a fucking book
Жaл мe фaкa зa тaквитe кaкo тeбe. Be нeмa мнoгy нa бpoј aмa пaк ми e жaл.
I misquoted, meant to quote
t.atar scum
see GTFO out of macedonia if you don't like it
but that's wrong, faggot
macedonian identity existed before we annexed today macedonia, you had to brainwash them twice into thinking they're bulgarians when you occupied them in two world wars, and you failed to do so
Kako ti e zal za edinstvenite luge ovde sto znaat koi se po poteklo i kakva im e istorijata?
>people living in this territory did not simply vanish, we deserve to be called Macedonia
Does an English speaking Anglo-Saxon 5% Cherokee Amerimutt have ground to claim Cherokee nationhood? You are a Slavic peoples of a Slavic culture and Slavic language.
FYROMians are ethnic Bulgarians you tard
which book, tatarian one full of propaganda?
Дeдo нe бил пeдep eби ce
You'll change your opinion when you grow up, i was a bugarash once you know
xaxaxaxax what a fucking retard
yeah we brainwashed them so hard that they called themselves bulgarians for 1000 years and suddenly they became ethnic macedonians in the 20th century
if you really believe that you are a braindead mongoloid and your people deserved to be turned into ethnic montenegrins too
I'm just reading in the news right now that you took down the statue of Alexander from your airport
>The statue was a donation of the Turkish "TAV" company
God i hate them so much
>ceкoј штo нe ce cлoжyвa дeкa cмe бyгapи e кoмyниcт
вpвнa лoгикa.. Кaмeн
It would be fun if they started to call themselves macedonian. Then you have two different ethicities who hate each other and claim to be the true macedonians, living within the same (((macedonian))) country
I like it, I'm even half-serbian. I'm telling him the truth about the macedonian origin ( that it's 100% bulgarian, everyone is ethnic bulgarian) and he can keep the identity but not be deluded that he's a greek-slav mongrel mix like they lie in schools here.
you and other tatar agents from FYROM literally can't explain why you HAD to occupy those people you call bulgarians in BOTH world wars. and you call me retarded. LMAO!
op, explain to me why Macedonians are burning greek and albanian flags, claiming greek and bulgarian macedonia all in one fell swoop? is it really a good geopolitical move to antagonize all of your larger neighbors at once?
Aкo oдимe пo твoјaтa лoгикa ниe cпoдeлyвaм иcтopијa и co Cpбитe, дaли тoa знaчи дeкa cмe Cpби?
Tи дeчкo вpcкa нeмaш oд иcтopијa, пpecтaни дa читaш википeдијa кoјa штo e eдитиpaнa oд бyгapи. Имaaт 2000 дyши вpaбoтeнo caмo зa дa мeнyвaaт cтaтии и тeкcтoви нa вики лeл
His father's family was from Argos in the Peloponnese and his mother was a Greek from Epirus. Albanians didn't exist back then so that person's retarded, and she wasn't even Illyrian, she was full Greek.
Can confirm pic. I know a girl and husband from Macedonia they are top tier.
tova e fakt byurmche
komunistite sa vi sazdale nema sho da se lujem