Why haven't you read beyond good and evil yet!?
Hes not /our----
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what should I-ahem- mean * He read next ?
Decline of the west by oswald spengler!
no but read Evola or Culture of Critique or something and classify it as philosophy
can you give me a quick rundown on this video?
I have read Thus Spoke Zarathustra in German, I'll give this one a try as well.
gulag archipelago
pewds does a list of the books he would recommend, one is Beyond good and evil by nietzsche.
>Thus Spoke Zarathustra
its about what would happen to society if we removed all religious teachings and left man to its own devices: chaos
>he talks about the complexities of german history and also the jews...
Top kek
even better he said
>he talks about the complexities of the german RACE
>speaks about the jews
>the jews
That in itself is a rather telling remark. Mans search for meaning isn't a particularly good book either. He should read Meditations.
flood the comments telling him to review David Irving
Is he a sympatizer of ISIS?
Look at the beard
Or any of these books
The International Jew, Mein Kampf, World At The Crossroads, You Gentiles, Germany Must Perish, The Trail Of The Serpent, The Secret Powers Behind Revolution, 200 Years Together, A Program for Jews and Humanity, Protocols Of The Edlers Of Zion, Culture Of Critique, The Jews Must Live, On the Jews and their lies, Morals and Dogma, Proof of a Conspiracy, Magick, Talmud, Nos Book of the Resurrection, The Kybalion, Zohar, The Secret Teachings Of All Ages, The Lightning And The Sun, Dhammapada, Vedas, The Emerald Tablets Of Thoth, The Secret Doctrine
a-user.... I...
American Psycho was so good.
is there even any need to ask this?
good collection there bro try some evola you want some pdfs? I have his whole collection
>reads books
>invents chairs (only 399)
>makes memes
Is there anything this guy can't do.
Jesus dude. He's crypto-redpilling 13 year olds. You have to be more subtle than that. Conan the Barbarian would be my suggestion.
kek man chill bro he doesn't need to do it but his entire audience is not children. The point is flooding the comments with these suggestions and those with eyes to see and ears to hear will investigate further, meme magic my dude, meme magic
Can I get a QRD on Victor Frankl, are his memoirs total bullshit?
It is not his job to single handedly red pill the world, but he makes vidyas with the pink pills and it is your job to do what he can't by flooding the comments with red pills, he did his part now you yours
Don't tell me what to read!
much appreciated user. Link not jsut for me, but everyone :). I picked up Revolt against the modern world and Ride the Tiger recently. Evolas rather new to my literature collection, but I've reached Initiation and Consecration (chapter 10, part 1) of RATMW and I'm eager to continue. Next I will start Ride the Tiger. it is for sure prophetic stuff that is very captivating in thought.
How does this nig read 6 books in a month? I struggle to get myself to read 10 pages a day of a single book
Mein Kampf obvs
What’s the quick rundown of Nietzsche’s view of joos?
>and I uhhhh I didn't really understand that part haha
We know, Pewds. We know.
R. Heinlein's Starship Troopers, the movie is a meme, but the book is fun to read, not long and the ideas about governance are great.
It's perfect for educating teens.
Good choice.
Remember kids, Nietzsche totally was not inspiration for Hitler.
Np here is a copy of the language crystal 3000 dollar book
Here is Devi The :Lightning And The Sun
Here is a zip with 4 Evola books I think in it
Seeing anons here that are brain dead meme emulator zmombies gives me hope my dude also go to Bodhi Mantras YT channel for ALL the red pills start with this playlist
I would watch the playlists first before individual vidyas
Haven't read that book. What does it say about german race and jews?
reclam books are great!
*are not brain dead
You're a faggot, you need to find something that interests you. Don't read something that you don't want to read.
Also he doesn't have a job, so he has time as a break from making videos.
read goethes play faust
>I read nothing but the schizophrenic ramblings of a man who never knew happiness or true success
>hes not/our
watch this, it will prove you wrong
you're doing god's work, user.
Actually The Secret Doctrine was his biggest influence I have a pdf of it as well one sec I will upload it
Wondering this also
Those covers look really good
Just doing my part brother, by reading and sharing you are doing yours it is a folk effort a folkish movement
Here is a copy of the secret doctrine Volume and two
Niccolò di Bernardo dei Machiavelli's The Prince.
I made this thread you all want to bump it with red pilled Yt channels?
Penguin classic hardbacks.
Beautiful editions of very important literature. I'd recommend if you prefer physical reading as apposed to looking at screens (like me).
I've expanded so much on this that I can truly feel it in my blood. I do actually feel an awakening that is deeper than just social. Something bigger is coming, and we are all preparing for that moment.
yes. and checked, hitler.
Quick rundown on that? I've never had the energy to get into greenpill-tier stuff because at face value it smells and looks like complete and utter bullshit. You'll have to convince it is not.
I'm open minded, but I've wasted too many hours on cool feeling stuff to know better not to waste my time.
Yes, any blue pillar would say “he talks about Jews”. Saying THE Jews is pretty subconsciously telling.
Those are pretty editions. Where did you get those user?
> Amerimutt is implying I read only nihilistic stuff.
Nope, I read other philosophical works as well.
Back in high school I just happened to read lot of Nietzsche
because of my philosophy teacher.
he read that last month
Get him to read gulag archipelago. Then 200 years together.
>I've expanded so much on this that I can truly feel it in my blood. I do actually feel an awakening that is deeper than just social. Something bigger is coming, and we are all preparing for that moment.
Brother Bodhis channel and that playlist I linked will explain all of this to you and what is happening trust me, it is not you it is the creator something big is indeed happening and the Fuhrer knew it he was the messenger of the all father
Nassim Taleb's Antifragile. Or his very recently released Skin in the Game, for which there has been great hype for. I've not yet orderer it but planning to.
I’d advise not watching all on one go, sometimes it’s too much and it fucks you up.
thanks for sharing those books user :)
Culture of critique
Was Nietzsche the first NEET meme magician?
>vape trick as response?
>open pic
Well try this lecture by Manly Hall to get warmed up
>cool feeling stuff
Nah bro, this is the top tier of the awakening shit right here as I already suggested start with that playlist, some shit is happening best to know what it is, the science behind it. The awakening user, the awakening it is happening, nothing in this world is what you think it is
people are reading culture of critique
Sup Forums is antifragile and reddit is fragile. I do love how attacks make us stronger, partially because truth is antifragile. Taleb got so smart he also had to get jacked.
True it is a lot to take in no question and can really mess you up if you are not ready for it
yw brother the Black Sun is rising man, you will feel it in your bones there is no way to explain it but you will figure it out
No actually, All these things by Arthur Nelson Field
Or the entire Horus Heresy.
no one is gonna bother to answer me? ;_;
But Nietzsche praises Jews in that book.How is that being our guy?
>Nietzsche discusses the complexities of the German soul (§244), praises the Jews and heavily criticizes the trend of German antisemitism (§251).
They also have many important (normie and not so normie) classic literature editions.
>blue eyes
>Perfect Aryan
>Popular Youtuber with a subscriber base larger than the population of Italy.
Pewds is /ourYoutuber/
pewds 2020?
He doesn’t actually, it’s ironic. The guy was pulling an agreed and amplify.
>perfect aryan
pick one and only one
I might watch it later.
I'd agree with that.
You will have to read the book, son.
post again faggot or I will unsub
Not interested reading ramblings of a pseudo-intellectual
he was aware of the JQ but saw the hatred towards them as an incorrect response or solution. Much like Wagner, who was also praised by Hitler. The entire world doesn't have to want cremation of all jews to have understanding of the issue. Knowing is key and in many cases enough in itself to break free from the structure they form around us.
>le mem magick xdd SHADILAY
it is a lecture nothing to watch really you can just listen to it whenever you feel like it
Does pol have a list of recommended short stories?
the fire rises juden we bend the very fabric of this reality
Taleb is great. Fooled by randomness helped me to understand that most processes are stochastic, i.e. modify the process if possible and play the process often enough and you will get what you want (job, gf, money, etc.). And antifragile reinforced the value of options for me. Started accumulating a lot more options compared to before and it works incredibly
Literally panders to plebbit tier folks, lowest common denominator. A fucking demagogue at this point.
>pseudo intelectual
You are too dumb to understand him, snow chink.
Pic related: YOU.
Yeah, that's what I meant by ''watching''. I always do something else while listening to Jewtube.
>Why haven't you read beyond good and evil yet!?
Because you should start with Thus Spoke Zarathustra first. Starting with Beyond Good And Evil is like starting with LOTR Two Towers.
Has pewd become a character of himself? Proof will be needed something small say maybe a pepe in the next video over the shoulder or on the floor while you flip your pos jewchair for the 100th time. Nothing to noticeable just a notice me senpai if you expect our respect.
Stop reading books and pandering to the delusional fantasy of the intellectuals. Nobody reads in the 21st century anymore. Get on with the times.
>brainlets think nietzsche is actually good philosopher
Fedora tier.