Literacy rate in Africa is rising. A united Pan Africa is inevitable. Why? Because more and more BLACK Africans are reading about their Ancient Egyptian ancestors, more and more BLACK Africans read what wh*Tes did to their continent and people. These BLACK people in Africa are angry, they want revenge, they want to unite against the wh*Te menace. They want to wipe out the wh*Te race. What are you going to do? Billions of BLACKs will unite and merge into a single country, and millions of BLACKs outside Africa will support this new country too. And you know what? This NEW country IS GOING TO declare WAR on wh*Te countries. Every wh*Te country will be defeated by this country's BLACK army. Your end is near wh*Te subhumans.
Your end is near wh*Tes
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good hurry the fuck up so the rest of your black0id brothers & sisters can head to africa and you can suck each other off for the next million years trying to build "MUH WAKANDA"
Will you name the new country Wakanda?
Try it.
Been a while since the blacks gave us a good reason to resume colonization.
Wakanda will always be in our hearts.
This country will be called something else.
>Literacy rate in Africa is rising.
Imagine having to boast about that.
What are you going to do when we conquer your country and genocide wh*Tes?
The day whites stop sending food aid to Africa, 99% of the niggers there will starve to death.
my dad fucks me while i sleep
What about WANKA-HANDA?
>Literacy rate in Africa is rising.
started laughing there and didn't read the rest
No, faggot, don’t be a pussy: call it what’s in your heart. Make the world know what lies in your heart.
This slide thread is now a PizzaGate thread.
>Africa becomes a federalised nation
>declares total war on the EU, US, Russia and China citing revenge for exploitation
Pic related
Nice description of wh*Te race.
OP is fucking delusional if they think blacks will cause the white demise
If the white race comes to a sticky end it will be due to the jews, perhaps even the chinks
Niggers can't organize a piss up in a brewery and are too busy fighting over gucci belt buckles (sold to them by jews) to form any kind of coalition
>Literacy rate in Africa is rising.
Primitive Zulu ooba bunga language?
Nigger you are retarded Chinese people own africa now.
>Ameri-nigger who has no idea how much tribal africans hate each other....and them
We can always nuke Africa
Why would you possibly think that Africans will ever work together? How would you achieve that?
Why do you keep a fictional city created by jewish people as motivational to africans, that's weird dude
Kek, my favourite bait thread is back.
Lol thanks for the quality shit post made me chuckle
Delusional wh*Te subhuman, there are 8 billion non-wh*Te Person while the wh*Te subhuman population is around 500 million
You will escape when you see our BLACK brothers with their naked muscular bodies roaming around streets of Europa looking for a wh*Te subhuman to kill. You will hide in an aparment probably, but the BLACK bulls will breach the apartment you are hiding and get you out of the building by dragging you from your hair. you will be dragged to the city center, handcuffed and blindfolded. and then you will get burned alive. We will make soap and lamposts out of your body, just like how you did to our Jewish brothers, your bones will be good decoration to our houses. You will lose. Yakub's spawns can't win against the real people
Being this retard to believe in fictional shit.
Or bait
Anyway, kys
Africa will never amount to anything but barbarism. You are genetically handicapped in the department of IQ.No matter how much you larp and lie to yourself. You can't human nature and or human biology(at least not without Whiteys technology).
>change human nature ect
nice meme flag fucking leaf
>fearing a people who can't read or feed themselves
I'm shaking
Nice digits. Terribly obvious LARP though. Try harder next time, you're using too much punctuation.
So this is how our
I love when these low effort bait threads get COLONISED by facts.
I'm not racist but, it kinda triggers me when I see black peoples skull, like, it's SO WEIRD.
Regurgitating the same shit over and over again.
Yeah, because as we all know, africans are so good at waging wars.
>Literacy rate in Africa is rising
Oh no, it's over
Nigger you're boring.
Now I know you're baiting
My dream.
What do you think about chinks cucking African men? Will you take your revenge soon?
>no reason
we wanted to see how our varient bomb model worked in comparison before the nips could puss out and surrender
In time, once whites are gone. Asia will be too with maybe the exception of Japan. Following this, Africa will spiral into chaos and as mentioned before,barbarism. We've already seen what happens when whiteys restrictions are lifted in South Africa.
I'm 100% serious
What are you going to do when we do the same shit to you in Europe and USA?
You won't do a shit
You'll either pack up your shit and escape to an isolate country/island/whatever
We are going to wipe you out, wh*Te subhumans.
If you donate just one dollar a day shaquan can get a hot plate and an education.
What about india ? imagine billions of pajeets throwing flaming poo at your small little stick huts
Most of those “8 billion” are Asian or Indian. Sooo
Black slaves.
There's plenty of examples of nigger behaviour to use a fake one; no matter how disgusting it is, stick to redpills.
>no navy
>niggers cant swim
LOL OP you faggot
>is going to declare war
>african armies are so shitty and disorganised that they could be easily colonised another time
What about ending mass starvation in the whole continent first?
we need to nuke afr*ca
That would be fucking hilarious. name the country after a fictional country a white guy made up.
I vote we call it "Niggerland"
Aside from cherry picking non existent fantasy art work. You've yet to show the brilliance of the African mind. Every race has some degree of an scientific accomplishment excluding abbos and africans.