ITT Reasons we hate Indians

ITT Reasons we hate Indians.
I'll go first, they are disrespectful.

(Indians are not welcome to comment)

Other urls found in this thread:

they took over Microsoft and shat out Windows 10

Pajeet hate thread. Let's go.

Too many of them

t. Paki

What part of 'Indians are not welcome to comment' did you not understand?

Hush-hush..., your may wake up your Muslim overlords.

Go throw acid or stab aperson paki instead of wasting your time here.

Extra reason, when they think they're in a position to defend themselves.

Have a meal meim shaab

I would rather a muslim overlord than a Pajeet overlord

Based Indians

better than pakistanis desu

You guys can't even defeat your own self from butter knives...
>still talk tough britbong

they are not militant enough, they suck shit from usurped authority because it has a brown face

Opinion immediately discarded.

sir,you lack even basic Maners!! Advice not 2 write things like this as I only prove ur FOOL and ignorant



>YFW China invades and takes over India

I don't hate indians, I don't see a reason to hate anyone for their race.

sorry for being a peacefag

India will be Chinese in the next 50 years

Nice meme, you dolt.
The Chinese will fail terribly. The Indian military is severely underrated, while the Chinese military prowess is overestimated.

India under Chinese rule???

Sorry, it will never come into reality.

They look down on us stupid westerners while pretending that they themselves don't have a nigger-tier IQ. See also: their culture of running IT scams that target technologically illiterate white 80-year-olds.

I like Indians and India, I definitely want to visit in the future.But I hate their inbred Dalits diaspora aka Gypsies.

Try Chinese rule Pajeet. It is not like your current reality is any great.

Wait, what?

I am an Indian and I am angry about Windows 10.

Are you serious?

I am still using Windows 7.
WTF I hate Indians now. :(

The shit up every English speaking forum imaginable and act offended when they are not wanted.

Yes, this is coming from a fucking leaf.

You have to go back.



you cumskins better leave my autistic brother alone.

How about you fuck off back to Europe, whitie?

>Poos make up more than 15% of the world's population...
>...but they own .01% of the world's civilian-owned toilets.

False equivalence. My family has been here for hundreds of years. We built the society, system, and cities you live in. Family members fought and died in nearly ever single war. You come here, get a Canadian passport and act like you are one of us. You're not, you'll never be, and you better pray the rest of Canada doesn't wake up to this fact.

You have to go to aboriginal australia before you find a race of people who are uglier than Indians

>muh family built dis cuntry
Nigger, do have any idea how much India helped to accelerate the development of the British Empire?
Indians/Pakistanis/Bangladeshis deserve immigration rights.

Fun fact, they're Austroasiatics or Australoids.
Caucasoid Indians like pic related are at the top of the hierarchy.

bludy basterd bich

They did not rise up to stop us in WW2.

Some of us did.

>You have to go to aboriginal australia before you find a race of people who are uglier than Indians
>posts Abos

Indians are literally Abos.

Hold the fuck on. Prove you're not Owned-by-chinese and utterly humiliated Pakistani trash. Pajeet is above you if this is the case.

British Raj really should be brought back.

>As the official British Resident at Delhi, David Ochterlony adopted and thoroughly embraced Persian Mughal culture. He was reputed to have thirteen Indian concubines (as seen by the British) or wives (as seen by others). Every evening, he used to take all thirteen of his wives on a promenade around the walls of the Red Fort, each on the back of her own elephant.

Cute Paki girls for every huwite man as his Hindu servants bring him whiskey and figs






You mean, do I have any idea of how white people turned your country and your people into something infinitely better than what exist precolonialism? You're talking shit with technology invented by white people, when we are the only reason why you aren't fucking a cow or starving in a field somewhere.

India has always been the disformed bastard of the British empire. You're not invited to the family dinner.

They show too much love for angl*s

We may laugh at you for the issue of shitting in the streets but seriously it is fucking ridiculous and beyond embarassment that there are millions of people if your country in this day and age who know perfectly well what a toilet is but refuse to use it simply because they prefer to shit outdoors.
How unacceptable is this? Littering while standing right next to a rubbish-bin is more acceptable because even if rubbish looks unappealing, "at least" it does not cause cholera.

It's illegal to drop waste from an air plane. It's supposed to be disposed of at the airport.

They shit in the streets.

No thanks.

Indian Sup Forumstards should stop browsing Pol. These Cumskinned faggots should never be trusted. Reported the thread btw.

>It's illegal to drop waste from an air plane. It's supposed to be disposed of at the airport.
Doesn't detract from the article that proves Pajeets think falling poo is space rocks n shiet.



The truth hurts Kumar. Do you come here to get offended.


Hindu appropriation of liberalism is what I hate the most. It combines the worst of both worlds.

U fucking mad bro

they're a bunch of faggots. they constantly stare at you and when you get pissed off at them, they don't understand what they did wrong.

they are also just lame as fuck and they stink like shit


kek. Can someone please screenshot what this Pajeet typed and make it into a meme like pic related?

>Indian Sup Forumstards should stop browsing Pol.
Be my guest.

In India they found it disgusting to shit inside your house, so they shit on the open fields.

But due to growth of cities with Indian culture, you’ll find people shitting on the streets.

because we didn't maximize Fabian socialism, and millions of us poured into the west.

Oh no, we're going to lose a bunch of users that add nothing to the board and only come here to pretend they are the same as white people.

I love this cumskin insult. The only cumskin is the face of your future Indian wife, post white cock...

do not fall for the porcelain jew

truth hurts doesn't it


lol We contribute more to taxes than white people.

How about you make even a quarter of what I make and then talk to me about ownership?

I work in that middle ground between tech and business for the government. Essentially, I'm here to tell the organization why they're going to shit. I would argue that the tech in my organization is at least 70% Pajeets.

The worst part of Pajeets is that Pajeets are almost all form and no function. It's important to be seen working, but not so to do actual work.

This leads to a compounding problem. In general, turn over of non-Pajeet employees under Pajeets is extremely high regardless of how long the Pajeets have been in the company or the US. As someone that has been working alongside these teams that are Pajeet lead, in general what happens is

>Pajeet is now a manager
>Pajeet has no fucking idea how to lead people, worse yet, no real cultural interaction with westerners. The government typically promotes on veneracy, not merit.
>Pajeet turns Pajeet values onto the team. You will work 12 hours a day regardless of the work being done because it looks good to have your team working hard. Direct confrontation will never happen because Pajeets differ to authority thus problems never get addressed until they've escalated. Pajeets have no idea how to handle team members that are non-Pajeet, and often will conspire to have them cut.

So, what has happened is that there is a Pajeet chain. Pajeets hire other Pajeets who hire other Pajeets. White people who can easily find other work with their skills leave and thus their jobs come up. So, Pajeets hire Pajeets to fill their spots. General productivity goes down, but the upper Pajeets are defensive of their hires because it reflects badly on them to have hired bad hires. Thus, they botch paperwork, blame other resources, or ask for more hires.


The ones that come here only come here to write horrible code and screw up all the public IT projects, not to start restaurants to serve drunken Finns delicious Pajeet food.


That's hilarious. They are really passive aggressive and I only see them in groups of five or more where I live. It makes me wonder how the groups form in the first place if they don't go in public alone.

You should contribute more in taxes. Immigrants are hand picked from the best of their shit hole countries. It would be pathetic if you cannot out earn the majority of white people here, but that has no bearing on your right to be here. You have zero right.

>How about you make even a quarter of what I make
You mean a quarter of your $80,000 bullshit IT job that you only have because affirmative action and despite not being able to code to save your life? Assuming you don't work at a call center...

I love how money is your only argument and you refuse to admit that you are inferior in every other way. You're probably a 5'6 120 pounds virgin. Clearly below average intelligence. Your own women don't even want anything to do with you, but at least you have a chance back in India.

Theists like to argue that Religion is the foundation of civil society because it takes religion to ingrain paramount morals and absolute taboos in people who would otherwise decend into savagery.

Counterpoint: The Ganges is considered the mother of India and Indians worship it, using its waters for ritual cleaning; so you'd think that even if the irony of taking a ritual bath that runs the risk of getting you sick is lost on Indians, you'd think that they'd love their mother enough to not fill her with sewage, garbage and toxic chemicals.

Too much to ask apparently, as the Ganges is one of the most polluted rivers on planet earth. Imagine muslims made a habit of tossing garbage and shitting in the streets of Mecca.

It's fine as long as no one sees you doing it.

>talk to brahim on my team
>Non-chalantly asks me how to help him cheat on his wife using American apps
>"It's okay, she won't find out :^)"
>talk to another brahim on my team
>tells me how he likes to eat beef while on vacation
>"It's okay, no one knows I'm brahim there :^)"

I could go on, but it just seems to be an Indian thing. The worst part is, these are apparently the apex of Indian society.

>Hurr durr, I'm from Rajastan, my family are brahim or work with the government, I lived in a castle, but I come here to fuck up American CRM systems

Indians are so fucking rude. That's the only thing I don't like about them. My community college has a lot of Indians and Muslims and all of them have zero concept of courtesy. These fuckers always try to intimidate me but it never works. When I make eye contact with them they always look at the ground. Fucking cucks.

Well, that's because they think of you as an inferior. Thus, they expect you to back down easily because you should recognize their superiority. You should see how Pajeets treat other Pajeets.

>He's pretty much garbage because he's from the South of India.
>He's not Hindu, so he's garbage. Double so if he's Muslim.
>He's from a different caste, so he's fucking garbage.

Like you'll notice it more strikingly when there is a reversal.

>Hi, everyone, I'm user, I'm evaluating performance :^)
>All the Pajeets do their fucking most to differ to you and put on a show.

they cheat at everything, especially their degrees

Personally, its just their bad odor that is too strong for me. Thats about it though

>worship jews
>work with jews to backstab whites
>kill white people with their worthless ass shit Indian doctor titles
>believe they can speak English better than Englishmen or Europeans but just babble shit
>spam Sup Forums with butthurt shitposts
>increase the workload for everyone else and ruin the business wherever employed as diversity or "cheap" hires
>wont stop coming here

>poos in your loo

Fuck if I know, but like I said, it's the Pajeet chain.

Pajeets will judge other Pajeet credentials and hire accordingly.

It's funny too, because in general the teams that have resisted Pajeet-ization actually perform better man for man with a quarter of the experience.


>believe they can speak English better than Englishmen or Europeans but just babble shit

That's the best.
>Hire a contractor in
>He's from Quebec
>He can't understand a fucking thing the Pajeets say
>Pajeets get furious
>Me: "Well fuck, I only understand you guys because I've sat here for like six months with you."

The best is when they have to deal with office staff, though.

>Guy at the front desk is black who babbles ebonics.
>Pajeets have no fucking clue what he's saying
>Talk to him like he's a retarded child and ask to speak to a white person
>Black desk guy pretty much tells them to fuck off.
>Pajeets get furious, but have no idea what to do

Double points if its a Mexican or a nigger. Like they just have no fucking idea what to do.

I want to see India under Pakistani rule.

>muh top 0.01% of Pajeets earn slightly more than "hue whites" in white countries maeme
>diversity and "cheap" hire Pajeets are worth jack shit and if not harmfull at least an economic loss for the country and any non-Pajeet 2nd semester trainee paid a quarter or less would be a better pick than a fucking Pajeet