
Hoping the anime will be decent. Maybe. Designs are ok for now.

Was Cardia that big?
Anyway, can't wait for the first episode.

Two weeks I believe?

Is everyone watching already played the game? I would like a Van route but it will probably only be Lupin.

Is this good?

It is surprisingly good, yeah. Specially the main girl.

It is Lupin by looking at it.

Can't wait for Impey bullying.

Speaking of Impey.

Oh wow, he doesn't look cute there at all.

I just hope faces are not too derpy in the anime. But that's asking alot.


This will air saturdays 8PM in Japan, are these time slots common for anime at all?

Probably meant the tits. Cardia is pretty well stacked for a feMC.

I've heard of late night anime but around a couple hours later than the time you described. Maybe wanting the otome audience to watch around that time?

the vn is pretty good, Good heroine and good husbando with a decent plot.
If they decide to stick with one of the Lupin route, it should be good.
However if they want to cram all of the routes together, like they sometime do, it could turn into shit.

If they just stick with Lupin's route as the promo suggests, everything should be resolved. Lupin's route for the game should be considered the resolver for everyone else.

Yes, it's the best route for an adaptation, even if Fran is the best husbando.
But Lupin is also good and his route gives a good exposition to all the cast.

>even if Fran is the best husbando
You are so wrong, user

I haven't played the FD yet.
because it isn't translated and my Japanese is still shit.

All C:R boys are good even San-chan with his killing. And Impey, even if everyone bullies him.

Play Collar x Malice in the meantime. It is pretty good.

Has anyone understood how ironic that the whole problem with antagonists can be resolved mainly with Lupin's route?

Half the fun of the VN was everyone shiting on Impey.

Main route gonna main route.
Lupin is probably the guy the writer wrote first then branched from here. But how is it ironic?

Cardia is pretty cute; would marry.

It's just Finis and Isaac are just handwaved off in other routes but Lupin.

explain yourself.

Finis and Isaac are mainly defeated in only Lupin's route (exception to Abraham but that's just mainly Finis). Everything else ends up barely resolved in other routes when it comes to really important stuff.

What would you do for her Sup Forums?

would tenderly hold hand with aven if it burns.

Does the FD resolves Cardia's poison problem in Impey and Van route or do they stay blue balled for ever ?

Why is she considered a beautiful MC? She looks pretty generic. Dress her in something other than that overdesigned dress and she'd look like a background character.


She still looks bland. Maybe it's just my preferences but there are a lot of heroines prettier than her.

Poison problem resolved in fandisks. But then there's the problem of the main antagonists like Isaac and Finis. The whole organization you know. Even Lupin's route in the fan disk sort of closes up the main stuff especially regarding Cardia and her father. So overall, Lupin route is the most engaging in terms of the overall plot in every way.

I agree.
the most well rounded route.

And unlike the Hijikata's route in Hakuouki, the Lupin route isn't a borefest.

CR has a lot of similarities with Hakuouki.
Heroine who is in search of her dad with a creepy little brother. And vampires.
I think it's the same author.
Except Cardia is less passive which is a big improvement.

Who would you choose as your one and only husbando?

Is the girl as braindead as the one from Amnesia?

Maybe because her personality complements her looks

Other than Kojima Nao as a scenario writer, I think it is just Otomate's preference for those stories. From what I checked on VNDB, the main writers are different.

Fortunately, nope. She's a pretty decent otome mc.

she's a good MC.

Amnesia is one of the worst otome game there is. The heroine of amnesia is nothing but a cute empty shell for hardcore insertfags.
I still can't understand why it's popular to begin with, the surprise yandere, I guess.

Cardia is a well rounded character with a personnality and dreams.

If Cardia were in Amnesia she'd escape the situations of danger the guys would put her on. She'd laugh at Toma's silly baby cage.

Naive maybe, since she's basically spent her life shut in, but not braindead. She also joins in with the Impey bullying.


I have a hard time choosing between Lupin and Fran.

I hope this timeslot means 2-3 cours. It'd a very detailed adaptation. But one can dream.

Pick one

The game is good though.
But please, don't watch it and never show up again.

The idea of the adaptation being rushed will probably make me go straight back to the game just to wash out the bad taste.

I liked Hijikata's route, mostly because Chizuru creates a personality worth of his attention. She insisted that he should stop going on suicide missions and just fucking chill. She'd flat out get angry if she saw him overworking. That was the best Chizuru in the game.

That is a good idea. You play the game and wonders frantically "why the anime couldn't be half this good"
Maybe with a second cour confirmation the mood will be better.

Every episode where problems are quite evident, you go straight to the game. On the plus side, you can imagine the VA of Cardia voicing the lines after the anime.

Checked my screenshot folder on the vita and it turns out most of my pictures are of the backgrounds. There's no way the animes going to be as pretty.

yes, they were very pretty and detailed.
And very victorian (with a steampunk twist)

Holmes a shit. Pic related is where it's at. He's more suave and good looking than Holmes could ever hope to be.

I love their banter.
It could have been a good BL ship.

Nice, picked up.


Lupin losing his smug every time Sholmes was on screen was a marvelous thing to behold.

Stop shitposting, Lupin.

Better off with the game but oh well.

too bad Cardia isn't voiced.
Especially since I like the actress they cast for the animu.

Maybe imagine?

I wish voiced heroine could be the norm.

It has to do with budget or the whole idea that you're self-inserting so you end up voicing Cardia instead of a VA doing it. Most likely the former.

Then again, even though you had the change default name in Norn9, it still was voiced.

But there's no sign of that and it seems like that in the promo poster that it will end with Lupin route with only 12 episodes.

I wonder why males are even interested in otome series here. Unless they are females.

The heroine being cute helps a lot, if they're cute and cool even better.

>12 episodes
They're definitely going to butcher Lupin's route if it's only 12 episodes. His route needs at least 24 episodes to probably adapt it. Adapting the common route alone would probably take around 10 episodes already,

Why are there those attracted to males or just outright calling them husbandos?

Dunno man, for me it's like trying to find a husband good enough for my cute and perfect daughter.