>There are people RIGHT NOW that think that a shonen better than Dragon Ball has ever been released
There are people RIGHT NOW that think that a shonen better than Dragon Ball has ever been released
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One Piece is superior in every category.
Kenshin exists.
Most post-DB battle shounen manga did it better
even Naruto (I mean it became complete shit half way through but so did Dragon Ball).
I bet those people have actually watched more than one shonen
>wan piss
Toriyama is objectively a better artist and better at conveying weight in action. Oda can write literally one arc, which ends in a fight because obviously the pirate manga has to always end in a DBZ style fist fight. He's really good at this arc of course, but it's the same fucking arc for like 300 chapters. Once it starts to get some variety it stops being good.
As for nu-One Piece, it's absolute garbage, Fairy Tail tier.
Naruto did some cool stuff but literally immediately after Sasuke leaves the village it manages to fall apart and never pick up it's stride again. Also, bad art. Really bad art.
>Really bad art.
I agree. Very stiff and bland.
I don't take seriously people that rapes the English language in such a way.
Yu Yu Hakusho!
Nope. Naruto started out strong but completely diharrea'd the bed as hard as possible
While the whole "preRaditz DB is the best! " is a contrarian meme
this is a highly accurate post.
I agree on the second part of your post, but not on the first one. Naruto's first half was consistently good for the most part, and the second half had at the very least some great moments.
Hunter X hunter did well as well, DB will always be one of my favorite manga's though
FMA is wholly inferior to it's anime adaptations
It's also seriously lacking the staple of shonen (action)
The anime fixes this but has some narrative and tonal issues
OP here. Only one that comes close so far. I really just...don't care for HxH and will never understand some of it's praise. Togashi has superior work of the same category and it just doesn't get the same amount of attention for some reason.
Fucking love that opening and the dub is so good.
>Best art
>Best characters
>Best storytelling
>Best fights
>Best pacing
It truly is the best
Kenshin is the GOAT. Reread the series, astonished at how well it holds up. One of the few manga series without a cancer arc and an actually good live action adaptation.
Badass motha fucka
What surprise.
Im not going to lie and say I didn't enjoy anything after Sausage left, but you have to admit, the series didnt just jump the shark, it jumped several sharks. And to compare it to another series that went downhill, the degradation of quality wasnt even that fun to sit through, like in Bungaku Banchou
>implying dragonball has a story
>wholly inferior to its anime adaptations
Could not disagree more, but I'd like to hear your reasoning why.
>Seriously lacking action
Considering you think the amount of "action" in DBZ is acceptable for a story's pacing, that's not saying much.
>"FIVE MINUTES, GOKU" of people beating the shit out of each other for ten goddamn episodes at a time with various colored light beams and sped-up stock punches
Literally not even Bleach-tier, and that's saying something.
Toriyama spends 3/7 of the week fucking around & only does things on the last few days & he makes better action than most working hard the whole week.
DB did have the best action ever. Toriyama is a genius at conveying action.
Bleach and Tite Kubo would like a word with you.
Not him but both have pretty sub par fights. The fights in the manga feel intense, but they never really show the hits connect but instead show little flashes as an excuse for readers to know the hits connected in the Dragon Ball manga.
The art and action are literally and I do mean LITERALLY the only thing bleach had going for it. I'd say the action at its best moments could give DB a run for its money
I liked bleach, but kubos fight coreography was not his strong suit
He could do spots well at times, but i often looked at a panel of action he drew and would be like wtf is supposed ro be going on here...
I wouldnt really consider fma a shounen
Sounds like you've only seen still pics. The panelling & transition from one to another & the overall flow is where it's at. The choreography is nearly unmatched.
Nig say what?
>I-It has flashes so it's bad!
Nanatsu no Taizai's the spiritual successor of DB from the art to the plot to the fights. It comes close IMO but it's far from better.
>spiritual successor
More like a bad attempt of successor.
Why not? It runs in a shonen magazine, therefore it's shonen, don't be a clown.
One Piece is inferior to Naruto in every way.
>Togashi has superior work of the same category and it just doesn't get the same amount of attention for some reason.
Maybe because HxH does what YYH did irrefutably better. Only thing YYH has is arguably more likable main 4 and probably more "hype" fights, that's about it
Nah, the Aizen fight might be the most disappointing fight in the history of manga. So much hype for nothing.
Meanwhile, Dragon Ball always delivers with the big bads.
Name one. It sure as fuck isn't the art.
It's shonen, just not a battle shonen.
Literally an incarnation of evil. No bigger motive than destruction and no Charisma to make him likeable like cell or Frieza
Thats not fist of the north star
Not anymore.
A single panel from Bleach contained more emotion than the entire One Piece manga.
Bleach girls > Wanpiss girls
Is this a jojo reference
Jojo is a fist of the north star reference
Yes, it's a reference to Part 1, the best part.
DB is not even the best battle shonen, let alone the best shonen
If she were canon, sure
Otherwise I'd bring Zangya
>best storytelling
No one good can ever stay dead, which kinda lessens the impact of death. I mean post-shippuden naruto kept the mentor dead.
How does one think part 1 is the best part in anyway possible?
>best storytelling
you mean, "hey, guys lets train for a year while the bad guy comes, then we beat him and have to train for another year until the other bad guy shows up"
Yeah, it's great
What was the theme of Dragon ball once z started
only if the training pays off, most characters are just there for reaction shots
It's the definitely among the best but it goes down hill after Freeza.
DB, JoJo and YYH are the kings. All have their flaws, but do their job masterfully, which is to have good battles and captivating characters.
I'd say JoJo takes the cake as best tho, since the story, even if not complex, is generally coherent and is presented in self contained arcs, preventing from problems like power creep and such, and also has well presented themes.
By not being a pleb.
Why DID piccolo grow extra fingers in the anime? Majin Buu did too.
Went to shit after Kaoru died. Well, after the Flashback to be precise.
Buu was about destruction but he Liked Fighting and killing his opponents. It was a game to him.
Plus the thing about him he was a very gast learner. Saw Vegeta and Gotanks' fighting styles once and utilized them and found flaws in them. Plus learning technics from seeing them once. Kamehameha and Instant Transmission.
Buu is unlike everyone because he's not predictable and is a fast learner in battle.
>Cell vs Gohan
Literally was only walking, talking and only 3 kicks 2 punches and a beam struggle. And people call that the best fight? Hell No. There was no fight. Goku did a superior job with cell
>part 2
>Went to shit after Kaoru died
Never happened in the mango.
it looks better
Gash Bell is the best. No other shonen executes the genre as well as it does
Is HNK legitimately god-tier or is it just contrarianism? Whenever I ask people what's so good about it I never get anything more than "manly xd"
Toriyama forgot how to scale his feats with his power levels.
i like the art, the setting (post apocalyptic), almost all characters are good, interesting fights, a cool MC. a lot of stuff, it's stayed awesome after 30 years and it's getting a new game
>this thread
Uh oh bleachfags, let's not forget that Wan Piss IS substantially better and no amount of revisionist nonsense will change that
the chimera ant arc alone is easily the best shounen arc i've ever read and watched
Dbz and dbs