In the wake of all this kikery afoot

It's time to seriously start fighting back against google. One way you can start doing so immediately is to dejewify yourself online by stopping using their services, including Chrome. When you find your new browser, if you're not already off of Chrome, >you need to install adnauseum<

It clicks ads in the background of your browser, never displaying them, just making sure that the ad registers it as a "hit", meaning the advertisers have to pay google. After a while, it ends up costing the advertisers way way more in costs than they get in return for their advertising, which makes them less inclined to use google ads, and there have already been cases in which google has paid out refunds to advertisers affected by the app. If you don't know how google ads work, the higher value the product and the more niche the market, the higher the cost for an ad click. Things with statistically high rates of purchase per click also raise the price. So, take me, I just spent twenty minutes googling things like "mesothelioma lawyer", "yacht sales near me", "(specific type of) cancer center near me", etc. It says I cost google (in refunds most likely) $2852

High value+small market+high likelihood of purchase per click=fuck google right in the ass. Be creative. Think of your own terms and phrases. The more diversely we hit google (which is good because they love diversity), the harder it will be to contain.

Some people have been using this for awhile now, but no body of people as creative and chaotic-good as Sup Forums. Just install it, leave it running, and if you're ever bored or you see something that makes you want to strike back at google, spend some time searching by the formula above.

Other urls found in this thread:

this thread will barely get responses while cuckold threads get top views. Sup Forums is in too much of a cuckold fantasy brainstate to take anything else serious. Also not buying googles technology (phones, apps, computers etc) will be a huge thorn in their collective ballsacks.

Hell yeah my friend. Fuck 'em. And I dunno, maybe this will get traction. It's a pretty big topic right now, with Alex Jones' channel waiting on the call to the chopping block any time now.

North American continent needs its own silicon industry and stop chinking out to chinese chicken.
Bring the manufacturing to this continent and see what happens when imagination and manufacturing are unbound

I thought something like this would be good to fuck up personal data collection, but instead of clicking on ads it would be doing variable time browsing on random websites in the background.

I use the Brave browser and the Startpage search engine. A great combination. Germans should use TOR though.


Been running it for about a year. Cost Google close to $277K in fake clicks.


Man.. I remember one time I used this web service thing where you went to their page, hit something like "fuck my shit up", and it would search for the most terrible things in sequence, like I remember it went something like "how to tell if your wife is cheating... guy gets away with murder... man gets away with murder... murderer walks free... murder laws by state... price of hitman... cost of gun... cost of zip ties... lowes hardware near me... rug store... largest national parks near me...", etc, and that was just one part that I'm probably butchering, but I can't remember what it was called. Anyone know what I'm talking about?

How would it be a honeypot? I haven't looked into the creators or anything, but it's done what is says it does since I've had it.

I use Jewgle as little as possible. DuckDuckGo or Startpage for me. I switched to for my email. I don't use gmail on my phone. I disabled all the Jewgle apps on my phone that I could. I use ad blockers on Jewtube. We can all pitch in an let advertisers know we are LOST market to them. I also make note of brands that promote miscegenation and dysgenics and vow to never use that brand. Same for Tv shows and movies. As soon as they show interracial bullshit, I'm gone. I suggest all white men do the same and let your girlfriends and wives understand this, if they do not support YOU, then leave them too. It is time for white men to come out from behind the cuck curtain and stand as men again and punish our persecutors by voting with our dollars. Another thing you can do is cut your cable cord. This is how the Jew infiltrates the most. Get your news from REAL NEWS sites. This is a growing lifestyle lads. Lead by example and if some of you have the smarts, help the rest of your brothers online with a website that lists out brands and media to boycott. That's all. Peace out.

DuckDuckGo is Israeli

Bro I worked at a call center for AT&T up until here recently, and we had to sell direct tv. We only had to sell 1 a month it was so hard to get people to sign up these days. Niggers and hispanics were the most likely to buy. lol TV is a thing of the past and companies like AT&T's investment in the decaying infrastructure and slowly dying customer base only make it seem like its still relevant.

Its also one of the only anonynous, non political search engines out there. Israeli =/= Always evil

Man, look into AMDOCS. All of the comm infrastructure in the US is Israeli controlled. There was this big thing recently where an AT&T tech who had been ostracized for claiming that there were hidden devices funneling a duplicate of all communications that passed through their system to an unknown recipient (or something close to that) was vindicated when they found the exact things he was talking about like just a few years back.

wrong. It fucking sucks.

Thanks for the update. Will switch to Startpage then. Will research this claim. But thanks.

>DuckDuckGo is Israeli

Started by a Jew.....MUST PURGE!!! Need a new search engine Sup Forums Any suggestions?


It's called "Summon the NSA"


>search engine
You don't really need one, most of the time you're too lazy to type URLs or bookmark stuff. You'd rather search every single time and then bitch about how most results are shit.

OP, does this run on Sup Forums? I don't wanna harm this site. (Though shills are probably creaming themselves)

All adblockers have a whitelist.

There're literally no adds on Sup Forums beside 2-3 obscure
>buy mu shitcoin shills
>animu fuck pillow delivery service
>retard social networks
>anons promoting their self made shirts/patches
nobody cares about for the desktop version and
>intrusive spyware infested shitholes
for the mobile version...

But as the other user said, you can always whitelist pages...

Regardless of the quality of the ads they keep this site running

Startpage,, Yandex, Ixquick...

Even yahoo and bing are better at this point, although I wouldn't recommend anything Microshit does.

But it's gotten to the point where Google isn't optimal just from a usability point of view. There's so much filtering and manipulation on Google that I have to actively fight with it to find any useful information.

How wrong you are. I use fast dial for firefox and have created my own media center. I take bookmarks quite seriously. In fact I actually create my own Icons for them.

that is run by a kike.

Thanks OP, just downloaded it. HEre are some other ideas for searches (Add variations such as "In burgerland"):
Credit card
Bank account
Buy car
Buy house
Buy boat
Buy phone
Law firm
Insurance (Medical, car, home e.c.t. variations are a gold mine)
Rent flat
Find job

great digits.
the newfags can't recognize kike names

Israel is a kike nation, it's always against the goyim.
