Why do you need guns, America?
The UK barely has any and people aren’t getting killed by them (hardly any, anyway)
>inb4 terrorist attacks
America hardly defends itself during a mass shooting, fucking rarely has a civilian defused a situation with his gun
Why do you need guns, America?
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How can people have feet fetishes? This looks disgusting imo. The feet are the most ugliest part of the human body next to armpits.
>Why do you need guns, America?
nog infestation
itt: user accidentally admits he loves dicks
>giving blacks more guns
for when muhammed tries to throw acid on me so i blow his fucking balls off with that .357
If they take our guns then we'll have to get tv licenses like you cucks
products of incest
Give a nog a gun & he'll chimp out & kill a few niglets
Fuck off brit cunt
remember to sage, boys
Nobody seriously believes the government will become old-school tyrannical aka Stalin or Hitler -- and if it does, it will be impossible to resist anyway.
What people are afraid of is that a *very progressive* *very liberal* government of the future will refuse to go after violent mobs that may form in the future on the grounds that doing so would be "racist" (the mobs may be composed of blacks but are even more likely to be composed of Mexicans who bring their cartel structure to the US).
Sam Francis called this kind of government (where mobs are allowed to roam free) "anarcho-tyranny" en.metapedia.org
Anarcho-tyranny already existed in the US before 1960-1970s. The White Knights would be given a "free hand" by the local government to do as they please, intimidate blacks and so on.
Copy pasta for Yanks:
Sure the UK is not the most free country in terms of firearm legislation in the world, but nor it is the most restrictive, which seems to be the general consensus on Sup Forums.
The only things outright banned are Handguns and Automatic weapons, and these aren't even fully banned as you can get a special license from the Home Secretary if you really cared about them enough
Most people think that you can only own shotguns where the shells are loaded by hand (popular in clay shooting, for example), but you can actually own and use semiautomatic shotguns, such as a Benelli M4.
The Ruger 10/22 is one of the most popular rifles for new shooters in the UK. It's a semiautomatic rifle that has been in production since 1964.
The Beretta ARX 160 is a military assault rifle used by the Italian army. You are able to buy a semiautomatic version chambered in .22 LR.
There are quite a few semiautomatic .22 LR versions of military rifles that you can buy in the UK, including a Heckler & Koch MP5
Hell, You can even buy a powerful Steyr HS 50 Cal. If you've got £5,000 and access to a shooting range big enough, you can have one in the UK.
You can even own the British-made Accuracy International sniper rifle. It holds the record for the longest confirmed sniper kill in history and is yours for £23,000.
Yes you require a Shotgun or a Rifle license from the police but this is a fairly simple process: You must:
Complete an application form
Provide 1 passport photograph
Have 2 referees for a firearm certificate and 1 referee for shotgun certificate
Pay the fee for the certificate you are applying for
And finally, Let the police run a check on you in their database just so they know you don't pose a threat to the public.
To add to this, Suppressors are 100% legal. And I'm not talking about bootleg oil can suppressors. I'm talking about pure, military grade ones. And not only that, Their use is actively encouraged by the Police.
What's wrong with a nice looking dick?
Fuck off, Achmed
Pislam scum
Another one of these?
Mass shooters pick gun free zones.
A lot of crimes, robberies, home invasions are stopped by civilians packing the heat.
There were 2 mass shootings at Southern Churches. One black dude killed some white people in a church but then one dude who arrived late killed him before he could finish everyone off.
Then some dude massacres a small church in Texas but he gets in a shootout with the guy across the street. He gets chased down by a dude driving down the street who picks up the neighbor.
And the largest mass killing in American history have been 9/11 and bomb attacks.
Europe has the "Truck of Peace."
Gun control also doesn't stop acetone based bombs.
NRA represents the law respecting people who don't want to lose their expensive guns. Criminals use contraband guns.
The argument about "Gun Free Zones" is moronic to say the least. Of course when you have an entire country where firarms are easy to get there is an increased chance of a mass shooting in one small building where they are not as opposed to an entire country where they are hard to get.
You put the “moron” in moronic
>I don't mind it when our women get raped.
You should be tortured to death.
I own a .308 so don't jump to conclusions lad.
Now show the same graph but America’s
Gun free zones are usually places with low security, too. Soft targets.
France knows this well. Didn't they suffer a string of mass shooting my Muslims with "banned" automatic weapons?
Perhaps the UK is just a special case here and because we are an island, but pretty much all of continental Europe is 1 or 2 borders away from an ex-communist state where guns are everywhere.