So pol hates poland even though they
>piss off jews
>are Christian
>are nationalist
>are white
>are anti-communist
>are traditionalist
>have rich history
>defended europe against Islam
I wonder who is behind all of this...
So pol hates poland even though they
>piss off jews
>are Christian
>are nationalist
>are white
>are anti-communist
>are traditionalist
>have rich history
>defended europe against Islam
I wonder who is behind all of this...
Other urls found in this thread:
fuck you
It's banter you dip
i dont hate poland. i love poland
fuck poland, theyre a bunch of thives, vagrants and drunks who polute European cities, fuckem till theyre dead
Fuck poland its shithole nobody even think about coming here it's not worth it
Also checked
T. Hanz trying to get a sentence out in between being mouth raped by ahmed.
I hate Poland because they hate my beloved Russia.
>So pol hates poland
WE don't hate Poland.
Dear EU, every last one of you JIDF Shareblue fucks will be hunted down.
Enjoy your fun while it lasts.
I love poland.
WTF, I love Poland
No one hates Poland here except krauts and krauts hiding behind memeflags.
So, poles are XXI century germans?
Poland is shit
do NOT come here guys
>so pol is one person and hates [insert thing that I like]
Kill yourself.
Poland isn't PoOLanD ?
No, pajeet. Wrong place to poo i loo.
me hate polan because op say me hate.
other ops say polan bad so reaffirm hate for polan
daily polan hate thread make me hate polan most
>pol hates poland
jews hate the Poles, I've watched jew comedians pushing Polish jokes my whole life and now that Poland has crossed the masters of the world in Tel Aviv it's only going to get worse for them.
That guy in the picture is CHAD
Poles are based
I love the Polish. They're super traditional, their women are hot, they're white af.
Their national model is basically"never again". Try and fuck with Poland's culture, I dare ya
Nobody hates Poland except Krauts and Anglos who are the cancer of the Europe.
We don't hate white countries, don't let them divide us.
He is, he's also fucked up mentally.
he lost fight to manlet though
>piss of jews
Now hold on a minute. Poland love the jews. Say anything bad about jewishness and the jew world order and without fail there will be some polish slav faggot putting in his, "IF YOU HATE JEWS YOURR NAZIS!"
The poles have always been jew loves and have advocated for jewry endlessly after the second world war because they don't want to be called nazis. It's like some sort of ultra curse to call a pole a nazi. They fucking hate it.
It's only recently the poles have run afoul of the jew brigade.
1 they are half jews
2 Christcuckery has been the Judaic revival and enlsavement of Europe
3 polaks are liars, traitors and in undermeansch in general
>liars, traitors
Look whos talking. lets talk about Anglo-Polish military ""alliance"" 1939.
He was also muslim. Hes dead now. We know how to deal with them,
Poland is the worst country in Europe. It's absolutely not worth coming here, plz don't.
A kike detected
worst slavs
>So pol hates poland
Stop believing the shills, faggot.