I just knew that Weinstein's lawyer had to be a Jew, and sure enough, it is
I just knew that Weinstein's lawyer had to be a Jew, and sure enough, it is
But he's actually right, you know.
She consented to his terms.
It isn't rape.
He's not wrong though. Women just have no responsibility for their actions like children
He's got a point. They are johns. Successful actresses are generally whores.
Its coercion
So is me talking a vegan into eating a hamburger - The difference is 'I' don't shove the burger in their mouth.
Stop trying to take faculty away from the women that readily sucked his cock for gibs
Isnt it sexual harassment
When someone powerful trying to get sexual favors to someone with a lower position in the company?
this. consent = not rape.
also sex to boost career = prostitution.
It's not rape. They knew what the toll was and they paid gleefully. They are only trying to spin it as rape now because everyone knows what fucking whores they are.
Should charge the "victims" with soliciting.
It's only sexual harassment when you miss the fucking pitch.
Go elsewhere for your pussiboi mentality.
No, they could just disagree and either continue their job or switch to another produced/find a new job (who need actresses anyways? totally obsolet)
Isn't it sexual harassment when your lowly secretary is sexually aggressive towards you to advance her career?
Weinstein did nothing wrong
Jews exposing thots with princess mentality since 0 AD
It wasn't sexual harassment ten years ago when they fucked him
Apparently it's only harassment now that they can milk even more attention out of it since nobody wants their gaping holes anymore
It's not coercion if the actresses don't face any legal or existential risks by denying sex to Weinstein. They just end up in b tier films for the rest of their careers.
I stand with Israel
The kike is in the right. This shouldn't even be a discussion.
Sure, but it's not attempted rape. And if the person with a lower position trades sex for career favors, that's prostitution.
People like to think that sex between a boss and employee is harassment or abuse. There is some truth to that, especially if the boss holds your job in the balance.
That being said, everyone one of those actresses that willingly sucked off or watched Weinstein jerk off for a movie role is part of the problem. He may have been a creep, but they all benefited from the transaction and their bitching about it 20 years later is 20 years too late.
Also I think Weinstein actually did some real rape shit in some cases, so there’s that.
>Roastie women decide to fugg the fat guy to boost their career
>career boost doesn't happen
buy the ticket, take the ride
And plus, lupita nyongo denied him sex and she still ended up becoming a movie star. Only shitty actresses who can only survive in the industry by giving sexual favours face real career harm by saying no to being Harvested.
The Talmud mandates to always shift the blame to the goym.
He's absolutely correct. Women fuck men with higher status and more resources than them. The "power dynamic=assault" argument is complete bullshit, because women rarely fuck low-value men
>oy vey
We should play the left's game here and feign outrage. (((Hollywood))) has to be knocked down a few pegs and this gives us a perfect platform to meme against it.
>sexual harassment
>Harassment is unwelcome conduct that is based on race, color, religion, sex (including pregnancy), national origin, age (40 or older), disability or genetic information. Harassment becomes unlawful where 1) enduring the offensive conduct becomes a condition of continued employment, or 2) the conduct is severe or pervasive enough to create a work environment that a reasonable person would consider intimidating, hostile, or abusive. Anti-discrimination laws also prohibit harassment against individuals in retaliation for filing a discrimination charge, testifying, or participating in any way in an investigation, proceeding, or lawsuit under these laws; or opposing employment practices that they reasonably believe discriminate against individuals, in violation of these laws.
Wait are you telling me all the casting couch porn was pre-agreed upon?
exactly. They just used their pussys to advance their careers. Now that their careers are over, they want to get money for the fact that they used their pussys to advance their careers.
So messed up.
Technically it's more a form of prostitution. They get paid in movie roles and fame instead. I know in a lot of states it's supposed to be illegal.
All for kikes being BTFO but roasties deserve it more
He's correct. At any point they could have just walked out of the room, and they weren't threatened. They chose to remain, which means they saw sex as an acceptable price for a more successful career.
Of course it isn’t. Whores gonna whore
yes. women peddle their asses to the highest bidder. Then they want compensation when the bidder no longer wants them.
Way to go from "Not rape" to "not sexual harassment"
Is it sexual harassment for someone in a high position to try and fuck you in exchange for favors? Sure it most probably is.
Is it rape if you accept the proposition? No, it is at most prostitution.
See it like this, if one day one of your coworkers made an undesired sexual comment and approached, could you consider that harassment and go to HR? sure.
If it turns out you had a huge crush on this coworker and though, and you end up fucking him, were you just raped? No.
Just because the advance or proposition of your boss or coworker is fucked up or sexual misconduct it doesn't mean that if you DECIDE, on your own, that you want to go ahead with that you were raped.
That being said, in Weinstein's case it does look like many of his "encounters" weren't exchange of favors for sex, some look like just straight up attempted rape.
objectively correct.
Payment for services rendered. How is it his fault that sluts want to pay in blowjobs? as if they had no idea what he'd want to get when they asked him for a career making favor, come on
>that picture
thanks for ruining my day.
>Pol hates their own women more than they hate fat Hollykikes
A woman who whores herself out to a kike in order to advance her career is not our woman.
>I'd hate to be a woman on Pol now.
So your logic is: Because we don't like whores we don't like women. That's stupid line of reasoning and it sounds like you don't respect women, Bruce.
Paid shills. He hired ex-Mossad agents to threaten and harass the women who called him out, he can hire a few paid shills too.
Only decent, chaste women deserve our protection. No sympathy for sluts, whores, or racemixers. They go sleep with the literal Hollywood Jew, they aren't "our own women".
>hollywood jews and spics
>our women
its not
its paying for sex, which is illegal in Cali.
>having sex out of wedlock
whores the lot of them and weinstein too
He's correct. It's not rape. It's prostitution. This is why we have anti-John laws to protect the actual victims. If only we could find an example of Weinstein doing this with a 17 year old, he'd be in the big house for 25.
I agree with this. It is ill advised. It's greasy. It's only going to give you regret but if you voluntarily sleep with someone for career reasons it isn't rape.
Drugging women like Bill Cosby did is one thing, Weinstein offering fame and riches in exchange for screwing these whores is another.
Much as he disgusts me, he did nothing wrong.
Of course it isn't, it's prostitution.
It's prostitution, not rape. Prostitution is still illegal in 49 states though.
Women can't have it both ways. If they don't want to be treated like the children they are they need to be responsible for the decisions they make.
When are we as men going to stand up to modern western women?
Enough is enough. They aren't children anymore.
different ethnic groups may hate each other but we can all agree that we hate women even more
These women are clearly whores and are not one of us you retarded emo fucker
It is rape if the women feels uncomfortable later.
at worst it is sexual harrassment
but its not. these whores got exactly what they wanted
If Weinstein had filmed those sex encounters would have been proven as just he making casting couch porn films. That'll make him free and expose all those non-actresses how much of a whore they were.
okay and where exactly is the problem?
a woman chooses to seduce a superior to get undeserved promotions and opportunities, 30 years later that woman speaks out and claims it was rape
of course it wasnt rape and these bullshit whores should shut the fuck up
>>Harassment is unwelcome conduct
Wasn't unwilling though.
not when the producer threatens a blacklist and has a history of blacklisting, fucking idiot.
it doesn't even matter if it's rape or not because it's closer to blackmail
I would never suck a dick. There is nothing that would make me want to do such a thing.
Offer me a 10mil role, that will lead to earnings of over 100mil in my career?
I might suck the dick
So is it rape? Cause I really don't want to suck it, but I am willing for the money.
It may not be rape, but it sure is corruption.
Hate to say it, but weinstein is right:
Prostitution is not rape.
Nobody is forcing you to do anything by offering you a choice to do something.
if the whore consents it isn't rape
Spot on
The real victims of what Weinstein and those who AGREED TO FUCK HIM for advancement did are the actresses who refused, or were passed over even though they were better.
The women who are accusing him should be charged as well, as they are equally guilty.
He is 100% right though
> MeToo movement gets (((actresses))) to out (((hollywood))) elite.
> Ruins (((his))) life
> (((Elite)))'s (((lawyer))) gets dictionary out to explain definition of rape
> Turns out all of these (((actresses))) are actually prostitutes.
> (((Actresses))) BTFO
How will (((they))) ever recover?
But of course Weinstein will claim he din't force them. Not only he didn't say every one, he waited until last closing deal and sometimes even jumped them. It's slightly rape, since when you have closed deal and Weinstein says last moment you need to blow his penis, then it's almost rape. Now imagine you done 99% of stuff of work and boss comes to you and told you if you don't blow his penis then you wouldn't get paid those two years and your work would be deleted, would you suck penis? Judging by your flag you would.
It's not. If they want the role to HIS movies that HE MAKES AND PRODUCES, they gotta follow HIS RULES. If his rules say "ok" than they are the ones at fault if they feel guilty about it afterwards. Weinstien did nothing wrong
Yeah, that headline is true. If the bitch is doing it for a favor then it's just sex.
why do women BTFO of themselves? are they just stupid?
advance the career, no.
keep the career, yes.
point back to Brendan Fraser and there's still a damn strong case against him.
Mate, 20 years ago, the only reason to even become successful was to coerce young females into sucking your dick.
This whole #MeToo movement is a collective fuckover of #AllMen.
Just give me basic universal income. What do i need to become successful for?
Weinstein is a piece of shit, but he is not wrong in this case.
Favors in business should be illegal, don't you think?
He's non ironically right though.
I mean it's kind of bad to have Jews prostituting our women for movie roles, but women are inherently prostitutes anyway.
Exactly. That was kinda the point.
Nobody wants to fuck that fat greasy disgusting pig, buuuuuut, for a career? Sure.
I'm sure they plug there nose and just pray for it to end, but they know what they are doing.
That’s only if they’re not Jewish
>keep the career, yes.
No it isn't.
And the result of Germany we see today when the quality factor was sucking dick. Enjoy your migrant hordes and Muhammades now.
"fuck me and you get the role" is prostitution.
"now that you got the role, you have to fuck me or i'll see you blacklisted." is rape.
Because it isn't? You are surprised that Hollywood whores are whores?
Any comments?
He's not wrong.
It isn't rape, more like a really well paid escort service.
Imagine situation around globe, it's illegal to give presents to somebody, you have to report everything, it's illegal to take high sums of cash from bank, unless you are some important guy, then you can give cars as presents illegally and make people such your dick and be pillar of society.
This made me angry
There is no such thing as "our women", you retarded fuck.
There is something very wrong with women these days.
most actresses/models can be had as escorts for the right price, too
women are pretty much the enemy at this point
>"now that you got the role, you have to fuck me or i'll see you blacklisted." is rape.
No it isn't.
I'm starting to think he's not going to jail.
Explain it you fucks
If they traded him sex for a job, that's their fault lmao