Literally the Akame ga kill of Fate.
What a train wreck.
fate in general is the akame ga kill of fate so your point is...?
Nah. Fate/Zero was great and UBW was a good adaptation too.
Fate/Apocrypha feels like a boring generic battle royale anime with shitty one note characters.
Fate is shit.
Only watching for based Priest.
I still don't understand what the fucking plot is. It's just so fucking forgettable, I can't tell you what any of the fucking masters are called besides Sisgou
Tohsaka Rin pleases old men for money
Big grail war. 7v7 then it goes back to normal one.
Most of the cast is fodder anyways.
>Fate/Zero was great
>this meme again
Yeah, I know it's a big grail war, I'm just saying this series has no plot to it.
The MC is so fucking boring.
And Zerofags dared to call Shirou "generic".
Dropped 3 episodes in. Does it get any better at all?
List five things wrong with Akame ga Kill
So er, what IS Ruler's job in a 7v7 Grail War? Why does Jeanne get to say Dracula can't use his NP because it's 'too dangerous'?
The fight between Varna and Vlad the Impaler is pretty sick. Then again, Assassin and Berserk were fucking retarded in this.
Everything about it pretty much shit.
Normalfags only really liked it because "muh GoT of Anime" because it killed off characters.
Fate/Zero is universally praised despite it being a prequel, it can stand on it's own. That's saying alot.
already. That was fast.
Apocrypha is nonsensical; characters lack clear motivation, things that's require explanation don't get it, and the visual story-telling is bland and lifeless. I can see how this might make a middling to decent LN, but A1 did a bad job adaption source material that might not have been easily adaptable to begin with.
But, I do enjoy watching god's Japanese son go to work.
>So er, what IS Ruler's job in a 7v7 Grail War?
>Why does Jeanne get to say Dracula can't use his NP because it's 'too dangerous'?
It can potentially cause a zombie apocalypse
>it can stand on its own
Fate/Zero > Fate/Stay Night overall.
T.I read the VN when it barely got the English patch.
Both are bad
Is Sieg a boring copy of Shirou?
>he just figured out nasuverse is a big sky jew god money making scheme
Why people get so mad about this fact? Everyone know that urobuchi is a better writter than nasu, and I'm not saying by any mean that urobuchi is a good writter is just that nasu writes fanfic tier stories.
At least the ln was more to the point, and didn't waste time with fleshing out pointless master/servants.
>Everyone know that urobuchi is a better writter than nasu
FATE by Nisiosin when??
He isn't even similar
I'm with you there. I know it won't happen, but I strongly wish he could simply kill everyone and proceed with his goal.
>I can't tell you what any of the fucking masters are called besides Sisgou
Not even Fiore?
>Why does Jeanne get to say Dracula can't use his NP because it's 'too dangerous'?
Because her job is to ensure that humanity survives the grail war. Any apocalyptic moves are out of question, and Vlad would have started a vampire apocalypse
>Fate Apocrypha is LITERALLY UBW with its template and story progression, even with how it takes more than one person to defeat the big boss, except with more Servants and waifus
>it's a shit
Fate fans really have no consistency.
It forgot the fact that killing off characters alone doesn't make a good storyline.
>It forgot the fact that killing off characters alone doesn't make a good storyline
no but it sure as hell does make an entertaining one.
>shitty self-insert character
>literally a blank husk
Japan was a mistake.
Fate/Apocrypha is basically just really bad fanfiction, Sieg is the worst Gary Stu in recent memory and I couldn't give less of a shit about Jeanne's objective
The only redeeming quality is that most of the servants are pretty cool.
Fate is about Shirou, servant battles are just a backdrop.
Honestly, Jeanne is the only good thing about this show.
It's a much better anime than Unlimited Blade Works.
Assassin too, I love both designs.
Something tells me I should like Atalanta but I honestly just find her character to be completely boring. I think she's one of the few Servants who haven't received any actual development yet but I like the Romanian faction quite a lot so we'll see.
Would be amazing.