It's fucking over.
Alex is only the first of many to come. The West is lost.
It's fucking over.
Alex is only the first of many to come. The West is lost.
Other urls found in this thread:
Nobody gives a shit about Ecelebs. FUCK OFF.
>alex jones gets banned
>all is lost
Time to migrate off of jewtube(google). I've stopped using it, aswell as goybook and twatter.
this /thread fpbp
Silencing Alex Jones was long in the works by Google.
I archived these Wall Street Journal over the last month. Take a look:
Summary: Google/YouTube decided they are should start influencing what people can see online. Under the pretext "Russian trolls spread fake news during the election. Therefore we have the sole right to determine what constitutes 'fake news', and censor it from the internet."
YouTube/Google search has always shown the most popular results first, but with new changes Google now censors any right-leaning results, even if vastly more popular than alternatives. This is the case for InfoWars.
I find Alex Jones to generally be about 10% truth, 90% sensationalism or conspiracy. Info Wars is about as legitimate as Huffington Post in that sense. I don't believe a thing Alex says without checking at least a couple other sources.
But that isn't the point. The point is YouTube (Google) silencing speech because they don't agree with it. Any right-wing-think is already appear in search results several pages back. While Leftist anti-White propaganda is front and center, despite being vastly less popular.
Let’s see who all has been banned?
Phone poster GTFO
This. Jones is a moron, but we can use his banning to show (((youtube))) for the draconian hacks they are.
burn jews is gone... a great voice is lost forever :'(
Is he hosting his show anywhere else?
Mass reply. KYS
Oh dear. So what site will he using to upload videos now?
Simple fix: The government simply passes a free speech act and removes the possibility for neoliberal corporations to violate the basic human rights of citizens. Problem solved.
>inb4 lolbertarian autismo subhumans unironically defend the power of psychopathic CEOs to violate basic human rights
It's all just hysteria.
Honest Watersalesman is losing a lot of "credibility" over this shit.
He gains tens of millions views from his official website and radio hence why he isn't too worried.
>Alex Jones getting his YouTube channel deleted is the event that caused the collapse of Western Civilization
This is your brain on Civic Nationalism
I’ve been on pol since new
if it happens, I will harbor a grudge to be executed at any time against whomever participated in any way
i've never done that consciously, but yeah they will get it this time
The only Alex who counts on youtube is still up. So, who gives a shit?
Alex might be done on youtube but there's still time to save pol
Why there arent any protests irl about this?
Why is youtube headquarters not vandalized and their employees threatened?
Fucking cucks.
alex isn't banned though
I go on YouTube sometimes via VPN, no tracker etc. and the default front page of recommendations is scary. Is this really what our society has become?
Sup Forums is shills talking to shills at this point
How exactly would the Free Speech act work?
You need to be able to censor some speech, that is spam.
The west is only lost until it becomes a physical conflict.once it becomes a war of violence we will win. We are always the last to enter physical violence but when we do it does not end until we are victorious.
oops this guy
isnt a shill ima do that too bros lets all do it
is there a site that tracks who gets banned on which platforms and where to find them?
The Ryan Dawson shit is pretty fucked
stop being hateful shits then and you won't get shut down
>The West is lost.
You sure surrender easily, you fucking pussy.
Why is he claiming his YT channel is frozen while uploading videos to it?
It just wants this shit.
You're posting unknowns
You're all faggots
His channel is still there
Unknowns to most of the modern garbage of Sup Forums. As someone from /new/, I recognize them all and they've all been shoahed since the shooting.
You know with the election results being what they were I have no idea what the main consensus in the states are. I know half of my family doesn't buy the anti-white shit. (even though half of them aren't even white) Also where I live people don't seem to be quite buying it either but I'm also in the good part of Washington.
I really don't know where we all stand on this but there needs to be a normie hero who will remove white guilt from the general public. Non-whites won't forgive and whites won't stop guilting themselves.
Traffic will migrate to a better platform. YouTube will become myspace.
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo.
They did get Way of the World and AIU for racial vids.
Yeah, I know AIU is a Jew lover.
Yeah probably but you Nazis will get banned from there too :)
get these fuckers on now, get the message out there. like bitchute it is decentralized, but unlike it it has no history of doing exactly same youtube.
bitchute is torrent based, it's getting old now is based on ipfs. It is a new protocol that similar to torrent share shit via a type of magnets. It's rather fast, so far I'm pleasantly surprised. ipfs is far more than just sharing videos, which btw it's really good at, it's a whole decentralized web based on blockchain with a type of version control even.
Payments for content creators are done through crypto currency
This happened to newgrounds it will happen to youtube. The only thing keeping it afloat it the prospect of becoming internet famous and monetization. However, everytime they have pulled shit like this the channels look to other forms of monetization (patreon, donations, direct sponsorship, etc.)
Hell Crowder's mug club has made him so much that he has a new studio and more employees then when he was monetized.
Also: leftards have to be physically removed from the planet.
>1 post by this ID
t. boomer
Good, limit yourself to garbage 3rd party sites, I'm sure it will be as successful as voat, gab and hatreon :)
1 hour ago...
COMON how is this real if he is still posting videos?
>1 post by this ID
>Alex Jones is a "Nazi"
This is how deluded SJWs have become.
>Alex Jones loses YouTube channel
>The West is lost
Alex Jones isn't a Nazi, YOU are a Nazi
If he's banned from youtube it will just mean he gets less new viewers. That's why it's so important to wear your infowars t-shirt.
there all getting the bullet
You're a moron. YouTube has been censoring people slowly for a while, people with fewer followers than Jones. This signifies a shift in gear, soon YouTube will be entirely lost as a leftist / soyboy echo chamber which will in turn be used as a tool to change opinions on things, especially with so many kids watching YouTube.
I should have been clear, you need a steamit account to upload content to
more about the ipfs protocol here
some howto for setting up a node on rasp
You only need to register on steemit to actually upload content, no setup of ipfs is required
>first they came for Infowars, and I did not speak out, for I'm not an infowarrior...
>everyone I don't like is a "Nazi"
And you fuck little kids. See I can make shit up too.
This thread is about the recent fuckery with Alex Jones and Sargon being targeted for censorship, not "Nazis" you fucking autist.
>just call them "Nazis" that'll justify silencing them
That's what happens when you know you don't have arguments and you're reduced to trying to label any ideological enemy so you don't have to address their points.
How can fucking retards not type that properly? It always shocks me.
Time to buy yourself a HF/shortwave radio lad.
All it takes is for good people to do nothing.
That's where we're at right now, user.
The West isn't "lost" in the literal terms right now, but where people like me see it going, it is inevitably going to end that way unless something is done.
Will this bring about civil war? It's entirely possible, but unlikely. I'd give it a 5% chance.
The problem is that we're facing a well-oiled machine that wants us to strike first, so that they can justify killing us en-mass, labeling us as terrorists as a justification for their followers to believe that we would be dealt with in the name of "justice."
Uhhhh is this real????/
Alex Jones and Tommy Robinson are both boomers whose audience consists of boomer conservatives. I hope Peter Sweden gets the bullet next.
Just wait'll they go after PewDiePie. He's got this.
This is not great news, but I'm not surprised at all. Has anyone else been subscribed to non-left channels and lost control of their Google account and not able to get it back? Happened to me right after, for the first time in 12 years of owning my google/gmail/YouTube account, commenting on leftist videos. Locked out and they won't respond to my emails
You're right, its over for Youtube. If you want youtube to go away, just stop using it, period.
Yeah on radio.
>Alex Jones and Tommy Robinson are both boomers
>someone who's 35 year-old is a "boomer"
This is how deluded teenage commie autists are.
Not everyone who can legally drink is a "boomer" you fucking retard.
This purge of basically every form of wrongthink on jewtube has been a long time coming. They tried the whole "Restricted Mode" and let's face it, that was a complete failure. Hitler speeches that had 9,000 views uploaded in 2008 went up to millions of views virtually overnight because just placing it in restricted brought it to life. This was the next logical step and really the only one that might work. Complete erasure of channels with millions of views and thousands of videos since 2009 and locking of any/all google accounts, TOS be damned. The shooting just moved up the time table. If you have a Google account of any kind, you are at risk.
He's uploaded two videos in the last twelve hours...
They're all Zionist shills who worship Capitalism and Israel.
You're not a Nazi because I don't like you, you're a Nazi because you're a Nazi, Nazi.
What makes you think they aren't being threatened and harassed? You know the two guys that sold youtube over a decade ago are still called up and complained to about what's going on with the site.
these accounts gets hacked enmasse user
why you at least never should have any that stuck to your own name. Ie (((gmail))) doesn't even have support for fucking encrypting your god damn inbox, so when someone gets in they have all your shit. All this google shit is pathetic and outdated 00 tech. They got old and don't give a shit anymore
I'm sure "Burn Jews" was a "Zionist Shill" as well but, you can't seem to get your story straight.
The leafs are coordinating again.
literally an info war
Remember when westerners used to laugh at Far East Asian countries for their draconian internet censorship?
they all have gone here
unrestricted content for Colin Flaherty, Richard Spencer, PewPewDie, Alex Jones and Jared Taylor
>Why there arent any protests irl about this?
I dunno, maybe because IT HASN'T HAPPENED?
Do you really not question shit you read here?
we've already got one of you double spacers here, shit talking "Turner Diaries;" what are you doing here r/?
Needs more labels.
>Leftist anti-White propaganda is front and center, despite being vastly less popular.
pic fucking retarded is this? These were the the FIRST results
And they're still better than autistic commies like you, at least they do something to help the West and produce content while you whine about how white people are "hateful" on the internet. 96% of their content has nothing to do with promoting Israel or "capitalism". It also doesn't justify censoring them, and doesn't make Tommy Robinson a "boomer". Tone down your autism and you might realize that.
>you're a Nazi because you're a Nazi, Nazi.
You're a child molester because I don't like you, you're a child molester because you're a child molester, child molester.
Still not an argument redditor.
Faggots in this thread don't understand this goes way beyond "ecelebs". They're coming for everything. The entire internet will become a liberal safespace. The one thing they couldn't control, free exchange of ideas on the internet, will finally be under their control.
This is a crock of shit, we have always spoken against these ecelebs, because we have always seen through them as exploiters and not true believers.
he the fucking canary in the fucking coalmine
kikes, you're not an eceleb if you released shows on vhs
The strikes have been removed.
why do all the alts have niggered names
100% This