If they won't have her fight alongside 17, then solo 18 episode when?
Dragon Ball Super
No matter how much of a waifu she is, shes still a second fiddle to "Muh Saiyans"
Reminder that Gohan is for hugs.
>implying those poorly modified cucks will still be in the tourney past episode 110
Just you wait, leave the androids to Him and the rest of U3
She will after she finishes fucking Goten & Trunks.
She is the only pornanble DB character
[subtítulo] - Cuando el grande padre murió a las manos de El Macaco Blanco -
El Supremo Presidente: tu poder es como mi forma de bebé, Gojan el hijo de Goku si no hubiera sido por tu padre, yo te habría matado.
Umm Videl! She fucked Goten and Trunks 2.
The green guy is Damon and he appears in the same group as Jiren, Goku, Brianne, Caulifla, Kale.
Could he be that strong mortal Whis was taking about?
Why is 18 so fuckable?
not ringing a bell
Android 21 in anime when?
>Damon might actually be of some use in the tournament
>might win it for U4
>Quitela not only beat Beerus in a arm wrestling match, but in a universal survival tournament
Pretending to be a retard also makes you a retard
World BTFO
>Damom finally shows up
>his stomp is blocked with one hand and Damom breaks his leg
·Never Gains Weight
.A cute ass
·Can have strong ruff sex
Need any more reasons?
This reminds me. Before Cell exploded himself, he puked 18 up and became Imperfect. So why did he regenerate as Superduper Perfect?
>not knowing about some shti jobber who doesnt improve on the story makes you retarded
If the Calendar is of any use, then I assume its teasing the final ToP survivors.
U7: Goku
U11: Jiren
U6: Caulifla and Kale
U4: Damon
U2: Brianne
Goku vs Jiren and Damon
Caulifla and Kale vs Brianne
Is she too good for Krillin?
dios mio!
Has anyone seen Gohan, Bolla?
"Because he cells remembered" was the explanation given. Almost word for word.
I honestly fucking hate cell because of that retardation.
>knows peoples' learned techniques because he has their cells
Fucker, your memories are not stored in your DNA, so "cells" wouldn't give you that.
Zenkais & plot.
The whole genes = memories had been used multiple times. Even Black having Goku's body shouldn't magically make him able to use so many of Goku's techniques no matter how much muscle memory. Ginyu didn't manage a Kaio ken.
No. He's the ONLY person that didnt treat or see her as a weapon. And the dude has balls. So he is a match for her.
Fucking dumpster would be too good for Krillin, when is the guy NOT dead?
Well yeah. The only reason why she's with him is because he's nice and piggybacked off other peoples achievements.
Fuck off Krillin
Technically cell is a fusion clone of everyone. And in some cases clones can inherit memories from their templates.
Plus Gero's computer had footage and data of everything too so they can be implanted too.
go away Tien
t. Bald lizard
Its time to repay the debt left back on Namek
This, when you've been isolated and/or treated like a weapon you're going to be attached to the first person that shows you any sort of kindness. Doesn't mean its anything special, if anything Krillin took advantage of that to put his little bald pecker in her.
it can involve anyone from every universe if you assume they'll all be saved
>master roshi and old kai use an item that makes them rejuvenate for a little time, they go for chicks but get in trouble, young roshi destroys some ssb lvl enemy or at least buu tier
>vegeta goes to planet salad in U6, caulifla as a delinquent makes trouble, vegeta jobs against her before going blue and cabba solves the situation earning a little of caulifla's respect
>2 episode filler of a computer virus that turns 17 & 18 into puppets of the controller, the situation it's up to Krillin + Goten + Trunks + Piccolo, Piccolo stalls 17 with smarts and technique, and Gotenks shenanigans ensues with 18, then the cyborgs get the advantage while Krillin defeats the controller who's around his level and frees them
>And in some cases clones can inherit memories from their templates.
No, they can't. Go read a book you fucking faggot.
He probably had the techniques programmed into himself by the good doctor. Aside from Frieza, those little robots were spying on the z-fighters and probaby saw all the techniques.
Even the "cells remembering" made some sense, because Cell was programmed into existence, not a natural creature.
What made no sense is how he absorbed someone, then spat them back out.
>The whole genes = memories had been used multiple times.
I know it has, but that doesn't make it a good thing.
Better be soon.
How much weaker is Dyspo than Toppo? Dyspo has pulled out some impressive feats, and his gimmick is that he can use short bursts of speed that are far faster than anything anyone else can do. But as well know, speed=/=power.
Toppo on the other hand has been shown to have no extraordinary abilities besides just immense, incredible power. In the exhibition match he is seen taking quite a large beating form ssblue goku and emerging only a bit rouged up. That includes blocking a huge kamehameha. I seriously doubt Dyspo could have endured such a beating. A brief beatdown from Hit had him on all fours completely defeated.
so is everyone else
yo gusta BROLY es muy lindo y tienes poder que mater el blanco sombrero.
y tu???
When Piccolo first met Cell, Cell explained to him that he knew their techniques because he had their cells. He never mentioned anything about the doctor programming him.
Don't gots no sauce, but here's similar.
YES they can you chode choker. I bet youre one of those flat earthers too. And someone who actually thinks blood is blue.
that's the non-canon version
>number 1 and number 3
jesus christ yes
literally killed by fucking king piccolo. hes the weakest there.
Post more 18, please. I can’t get enough of her.
Don't worry bros, I fixed it.
>spam the thread please since I can't use google
Hahaha Cell would be that high, the only problem is that Gohan would be higher. They are eternal enemies
>Purposefully leaving out Mr.Satan (weighted Afro off)
Trunks & Goten are perfect for 18.
Donde es gohan blanco (el macaco blanco forma)?
Probably way weaker. Toppo is being trained to be a GoD
>people actually fapped to this
That would be brutal and funny
>U7: Goku
you forgot Vegeta.
U7 Goku and Vegeta
There is more you know.
Love the self-insert up the top but we all know El Grande Padre is the strongest fighter in every universe.
Sorry to destroy all you FAILhan wet dreams but there are a few things you need to know about him:
1. His power level is actually lower than Krillin's. Watch Ep 84 to see your precious chico get his ass kicked by a mere human
2. He has a grudge against the whole main cast for overshadowing him and is plotting his revenge against ALL of them.
3. His main goal is to convince everyone that El Grande Padre is evil so that Zen-oh sama will appoint him as the new head priest.
This is all a conspiracy and us El Grande Padre fans all know the truth and will stick by him until FAILhan is no longer breathing.
Shit like this is what pisses me off about this series. Toriyama encouraging hitting women by any means, I can’t tolerate it. I hate that fight.
Caway deserves more art
Of course i know. Its all weird, uncanny looking shit that makes me wonder how fags who wanted to jerk off to dragonball made due.
Trunks' face will never not make me laugh
N-nope haven't seen him, you should look over there, behind those rocks on the other side of the arena.
i can't accept anything else happening in super. the the prophecy must be fulfilled.
how do you not know who GARLAND is?
>implying you wouldn't hit that
No, Krilin is too good for her
I think he hasn't played Final Fantasy in a long time.
nice bait retard
CAULIFAS STILL RELEVANT BOYS. This is gonna get good//
after posting i had a feeling this was gonna be the first reply
what prophecy?
If anything you too have been sucked into the lies spread by all the FAILhan supporters.
If there is any prophecy it would be that of El Grande Padre destroying the monster which FAILhan becomes in this ark.
More from best girl is welcomed.
18 is too perfect for this world.
cannot unsee
At least 18fags are better then Gohanfags
Don't worry I'm here for you babe