they are doing something right for once and it seem that truly feel whats happening
I have gained respect for these two fuckers
Other urls found in this thread:
Every face you see posted repeatedly is a shill.
Everybody got the same 24 hours a day. How they making money if they spend all they time doin googly eyes at the camera.
thanks for the bump
Stefan Molyneux is shady he's a bit of an actor, he did actually attend an acting school, also his thumbnails are very much click bait tier
While Lauren Southern is jewish, she doesn't mention Israel, jews or zionism instead blames islam, boomers and politicians and if she can't mention the jews it's probably not our guy but her documentary in South Africa really helps but i did not donate though i am contacting another person who is going to do a documentary there and i will probably donate a small hefty sum of money
thank for the bump too
>i have gained respect for these two fuckers
How to spot a low-IQ teenager
Right HahahHAhahAHAhahahahAHa
>only people approved by my secret club (Sup Forums) should be covering south africa Hahahahahaha
I've lost respect for molyneux, paradoxically because his position moved closer to mine. While everyone I know who is right always agrees with me, I prefer watching people whose opinions differ so I can understand the enemy.
I'll suggest better channels if anyone can also share their opinions it will be welcome.
>Red Ice TV
>Lauren Rose
>Wife with a Purpose
>Lacey Lynn
>Blonde in the Belly of the Beast
>Martin Sellner GI
Verified Controlled Opposition
>Richard Spencer
>Jack Posiobec (Receives money from Soros)
>Mike Cernovich (Receives money from Soros)
>Ben Shapiro/ Daily Wire
>Tommy Robinson
>Jordan Peterson
>Prager U
>Jared Taylor
She isn't jewish though, her grandparents fleeing the war doesn't mean they were jews.
Simonsen is a jewish name and her constant dying of her hair blonde just adds the suspicion.
but if you could prove me wrong i'd be happy to listen
toxic fuck
and also boy lover pedophile
>Milo Yiannopolus
thanks for the bump
Your country is blacked and will soon be a very subservient bitch to the US and by extension Israel.
Not one of you has had the balls to stand up and say "No More" as your country got flooded with welfare seeking migrants and your wealth gap increased through the roof.
North Americans, Southern Europeans and more are waking up and calling for a halt to this shit. At the same time, you faggot failures, you embarrassments to a former empire, are begging for ways to keep your borders open to more Africans.
Get fucked you (((wanker))).
Okay, are you an E-celeb checking your rep?
>Verified Controlled Opposition
>Successful anti-mainstream entities are Soros puppets you guyzzz
Get fucked (((buddy))).
>a leaf
>trying to talk tough
Bury yourself nigger.
Ton of women dye their hair blond, they're retarded. I've also seen Danes saying it could be jewish, not is. Simonsen should be Simon's son as a translation and honestly that just seems like a normal northern name, not jewy.
How the fuck should I prove that she isn't jewish, you should prove that she is.
Also how is Tommy Robinsons controlled opposition, the guy had his life fucked up by government and muslims.
You should provide links and pics i'd be happy to learn that i'm wrong.
Why isn't she having kids and getting married?
I understand why you sympathize with the UK being blacked beyond repair, my 56% faced friendo.
you like them or not are the only ones covering a genocide all the newspaper in the world are silenced like prostitutes to a human tragedy of hundred of thousand of dead
Brittbongs have no rights. You need to just stfu and be replaced muhammad.
>Simonsen should be Simon's son as a translation
in that case it should be johnson as in john's son or odinson as in Odin's son
It will be hard to prove with documents supporting my claim but her tweets caught her red handedly
about Tommy Robinson
>he self-admitted that he is jewish
>his inability to call out jews, high ranking pedophiles just plainly calling the gov't, the gov't
he's like a willfully blind leader
>constant blaming of muslims not the one who enabled it
You're completely delusional.
what triggered you? Lauren are you back at Canada again?
Jared Taylor controlled opposition? KYS with a rusty spoon
Reminder that those who punch right and call people controlled opposition are Jews that wish to prevent any grassroots growth in white populism. Muh cia, muh controlled opposition, muh discrediting white nationalist
It shouldn't, northern languages differ. They are not the same, a lot of Danish have -sen.
>meme flaf
>clickbait videos with reddit comments
Fuck off memeflag faggot.
Tommy rails on the government constantly, most people in European governments aren't jews, you mutt faggot. They are just corrupt traitors.
Also if you loudly yell jews here, you're going to get discredited in the eyes of the normal people (who you are trying to attract to your cause), you'll go to court in some countries and media will bury you.
>in that case it should be johnson
No because a son is a 'son' pronounced (and etymologically transformed into the suffix) 'sen', very very common up there.
Women not having kids is not the problem
Feminists telling them they can't is the problem
believe what you want, i'm not here to argue.
I don't have a solid proof about Tommy Robinson but Lauren Southern is controlled opposition to me. Simonsen is a registered jewish name. And you provided zero links to counter my arguments you're just screaming at my face yelling meme flag, meme flag
I was being constructive here
Stefan "worship me" Molyneux
The overall ignorance of your comment. Calling people controlled opposition when they are fighting for the benefit of whites... just because they also view jews as people.
Jared Taylor is one of the greatest advocates for the white race out there, he just thinks that the jews also deserve their country and be left alone, just as he thinks for whites, for japanese etc...
Lauren is also fighting the good fight, so what if she's part jewish or whatever the fuck she is.
Jordan peterson never pretended to be a right winger, he's a fucking psychologist University professor. He will simply not be bullied into using compelled speech by lunatic leftists.
Richard SpenCIAr is just that, CIA.
Prager U is simply a conservative channel that caters to low attention span normies. Prager is a jew, what do you expect him to do... call for a holocaust? He has good information refuting retarded leftist cult lines.
Only the fringe are vehemently anti-jew, and even them are misinformed. Hitler didn't hate jews, is Hitler controlled opposition?
dammit oslash stripped from (test) 'søn'
pic related
reminder if you fall for ati - lauren, stefan or whoever shill threads, you're a retarded fucking sheep who deserves a rope for being so fucking stupid
Why does everyone's take on Moly and the like have to be so cut-and-dry?
Yes, he's a coward when it comes to the JQ. I understand his reasons as well as you do, (money,
fears losing his platform, etc) but that doesn't mean he's not good on other issues. He's useful
as a gateway drug AS LONG AS he doesn't directly countersignal people further to the right
of him, which is what Sargon, Styx, etc do. When they do that, they're preventing their audience
from moving further into explicit white nationalism. But when Moly doesn't really engage
in that shit, so he's fine.
As for Lauren, sure she's a tradthot and the like, but this thing she's doing with South Africa
is exceedingly valuable. She's helping it get mainstream attention, and we desperately need
it to get that attention for a number of reasons. So as long as she and Moly are doing things that
are good and useful for our cause, I see no reason to countersignal them. When they openly
oppose us, we bash them back. When we're working towards a common goal, don't be a purity
spiraling faggot who lets perfect be the enemy of good. That's just hurting our cause.
>Jared Taylor
I have no evidences to back my claim now the vid just got deleted it was an interview but croatia flag is right you can't yell anti-semitism loudly especially in on aired television but my instincts is just different.
Lauren Southern is caught larping as a white not selfly admitting she's a jew that's a red flag for me but she's doing good about south africa right now.
Prager U is posting vids that alters history and calling Churchill a hero and saint, red flag also
frankly I'm anxious for quick destruction over there..between there and SA and the others, maybe it will wake up the west over here
Molyneux is secretly hoping his entire decade-long alt right schtick will lead at some point to him getting blown by a tradthot a la Southern
Do you have any good idea or credible people whom we can donate money for the white afrikaners? i might donate a big sum including all my earnings last month, my house is off the grid anyways
John's son
Simon's son
you are a retard
I hope your country gets better tomorrow buddy. please provide god counter arguments and links not ad hominem attacks
>they are doing something right for once and it seem that truly feel whats happening
They just seem to be cashing in on common themes/subjects on for instance Sup Forums but doing a worse job at it than Mainstream Meteor and Jones.
Molymeme is the absolute worst, he unironically compares/equates his having to pay taxes to the fate endured by comfort women during WWII.
I sincerely hope this man will one day find himself in a position were he gets raped by japanese armed forces day in day out, yet is exempt from paying any taxes.
Here's why Jared Taylor isn't controlled opposition:
In order to meet that definition, or at least raise suspicions, the person in question must not only refuse to engage with a certain topic (i.e. Cernobitch on race, or Ramz Paul on Jews), they have to also actively countersignal people who do talk about those issues. Taylor occasionally brushes off the issue of Jews with little quips like "they look huwite to me," but that's about it. He doesn't waste his breath attacking those further to the right like Spencer and Enoch who actively go after the Jews; in fact, he's close with both of those individuals. Instead, he just pushes his own message.
There are a lot of people here who seem to believe that refusing to talk about the JQ for fear of losing one's platform automatically makes someone controlled opposition. That's a really stupid metric. By the way, so is calling people who DO talk about the JQ controlled opposition whenever they do something stupid or counterproductive. I.e. "Why did Spencer do so badly against that Jew in a debate? He must have flubbed it on purpose! Controlled opposition!" People need to fuck off with that shit. These guys are human, and they're not all brilliant leaders. They're just inexperienced ideologues who are trying (and sometimes failing) to further the movement. The Jews will never -- I repeat, NEVER work with somebody who's actively redpilling their audience on kikes. If somebody's very active about the JQ, they're not controlled opposition.
>Those youtube comments
The west is lost
What a shitty fucking argument. You've inferred that he has selfish goals for trying to further the South African cause, therefore fuck him and his message? He's actively helping us by pushing this shit. Criticize him when he's wrong and praise him when he's right. Right now, he's right. So shut the fuck up.
Well I guess he has his own audience and not all of them know where he gets his talking points from, so maybe there is some value to him pointing this out to them but that really doesn't make the man any less of a joke.
Let's be honest, the best thing he could do for his viewers is just point them to Sup Forums.
Good argument on Jared Taylor i've not quite researched his works and speeches so it's my mistake.
But Richard Spencer is definitely controlled opposition his family, contacts, lineage, marriage, his tiki torches stunt, his suggestion about jews in israel can openly fund and support his own coined "Alt-Right" is all screamy a sneaky jew
Thanks for the argument anyway, i'll recalibrate my way of judging.
He actively redpills his viewers on race and IQ, his own shift from hardline libertarianism to explicit nationalism has helped convert countless libertarians who watch his content, and he's openly advocated for the rights of Whites.
Pretty much the only things he doesn't do is talk about the juden and vocally support explicit white identitarianism. But everything he talks about pushes his listeners towards those things. He's one of the primary reasons I started consuming WN/Alt-Right content. He softened me to the idea of this stuff.
Compare that to Sargon, who actively opposes white nationalism in all its forms, laughs at the idea of Jews holding disproportionate power, and literally said on record during a debate that he doesn't give a shit if the entire white race goes extinct.
You're wasting your breath attacking the wrong targets. We all laugh at Moly. It's fun to meme about ahguments and make parody videos like "The Truth About X" or "What Pisses Me Off About Y". But he's not a threat, he's a moderate ally. He deserves, at worst, playful bullying and lighthearted mockery -- not ire.
controlled opposition, regular jews playing both sides.
>"lefty/pol/ under desguise using their divide and conquer tactic" - the thread
Those who aren't shills can disagree with their arguments and styles without going into full character assassination territory
You've fallen for literal jewish divide-and-conquer propaganda. You got most of those examples from images posted here on Sup Forums, and you've likely never consumed much (or any) of his content to judge for yourself.
Tell me though, what about the tiki torches specifically makes you think he's controlled opposition? I was at both the torch rally and the Charlottesville rally proper. We were there to protest the Lee statue's removal and get national attention for our movement. None of us intended it to get out of hand like it did, and if antifa had been kept the fuck away from us, nothing violent would have happened. I'm still utterly baffled by people who think we were all plants or something.
Yes, it ended up being a PR failure. But we recognize that, and we've adjusted our tactics as a result.
>without going into full character assassination territory
There is very little character to assassinate in molymeme, he is a baldlet who likes to whine for hours on end about taxes.
Any serious issues he talks about just get contaminated with his pathetic shtick.
Don't get me wrong, if the guy was out every workday laying bricks I'd get his anger but he gets money for whining on youtube.
everyone is shill everything is controlled oposition
>Any serious issues he talks about just get contaminated with his pathetic shtick
Well then don't listen to him. His videos aren't my cup of tea either but anything that participates into undoing the brainwashing of western masses is good to take.
No, i did not i'm not some famous youtuber who attacked them personally.
>Tiki Torches
literally you have let the media spiraled the stunt into some KKK nazi propaganda your own actions got so intensely demonised by the media it looks like a script out of a hollywood movie even richard spencer admitted it that it was a "bad optics" the stunts of spencer ended up becoming an ammunition to the media and the left.
I don't think everyone who attended that rally is plants or agents but the leader richard spencer definitely is.
why do you think richard spencer is not some controlled opposition have you looked at his connections, background??
please i need your exact opinion on this
Also richard spencer is rich as fuck why couldn't he help the south afrikaners? it's not my money but i would definitely like to take a peek on how does he accumulate and spend such wealth in his 1 year.
It was good public relations for LS, as one of their prized investments and most developed controlled operatives had fallen from grace. They know their target group(white nationalists) very well and they had her cover an issue near and dear to our hearts. Nevertheless, at least we are controlling what the controlled ops concentrate on, as opposed to the other way around, and if we are to have controlled opposition, at least these ones are better than the ones marching in wheelchairs and mobility scooters with kkk outfits on. The spotlight being put on SA is a great development regardless of the circumstances.
Stefan Molyneux talks about a variety of issues and I personally believe he is usually spot on with his assessments. Lauren is wife material who does real shit.
mollies jew plot detector, and subversion approximation (especially in regards to soros but also many other pro jew actors) is quite low. He ranks pretty high compared to all the other e-celebs. Definitely in the top 10% of them all. But christ, an average double of this best chan user is still 3 times better than him at sniffing out jew crap around the world.
He should really stick to more rare topics like this south africa thing, or the r/K selection theory, something older and better established. He should remain out of most current news bits. Tho its hard to tell what made him become pro jew, is it his 50% jew DNA? Is it something else? Hard to tell. Its just sad for me that I managed to race past the last remaining e-celeb before this alt right garbage that I had an ounce of respect for. Well whatever.
Why do you always use the fascist flag when promoting Lauren Southern? I know who you are.
lauren is part of pic related
molly is...well maybe also coming to this side but he feels like he started out as an independent actor. probably chose the jew side as well.
Molyneaux should go on CNN and debate the contributors
>two absolute brainlet ecelebs
You want to type like a mulignan, we'll send you to slip and fall school
>Simonsen: Danish surname of patronymic origin deriving from the given name Simon.
34th most common surname in Denmark. She has dark blonde roots and wants to keep up a youthful appearance so she dyes her hair to light blonde. Because like 80% of blond people, their hair gets darker after teen years. She has pictures of her young self, she looks like your standard Scandi girl.
If you are going to spout the shill narrative, at least check the facts before you post. Lies shouldn't survive on Sup Forums this fucking well.
The way to spot these "greater israel" alt right tards is when their muslim to jew hatred is 100 to 0...
A healthy way to look at the muslims vs the jews is like 20% hatred towards muslims, and 80% hatred towards jews. Then there are the specific muslims who want to kill the jews, like the Iranians who we do not hate at all.
If any person has different metrics to this then they are not part of us and are most likely subversion agents.
>>Richard Spencer
proof that he's controlled opposition?
>If any person has different metrics to this then they are not part of us and are most likely subversion agents.
So you're the fuhrer of Sup Forums then? Which apparently is now a strictly defined fascist movement.
.. and here i was thinking it was one of the very few platforms left that actually encourage free speech while providing anonymity.
nuh uh these ppl r in telligent and say smart things that i allign myself with cause theyre smart and not "leftists" fuck leddit bro lauren is so hot dude
Its just how large amounts of people define these e-celebs. I am not alone, not by far, but I am alone in the willingness to share this fact as many here are on a few steps lower on the piramid. If one of these fucking e-celebs does not hate the jew, then they are fucking garbage and must kys. And there is no compromise in hating the jew, 100% of all jews.
I would impregnate Lauren Southern. She is cute af.
this sums it all up
I can't make this coincidences all up
What's the importance of changing his surname into Southern?
And the coincidence that other famous simonsens are raging zionists like Chief Rabbi of denmark Jacob Simonsen and more others.
and i have not heard not one of her mention the jq. I know she provided an ancestry of herself but i will never forget the tweet that her grandparents escaping the holocaust in denmark and outrightly defending jews in an argument against she called white supremacists.
Also simonsen is widely used worldwide in europe specially but it originated as a hebrew word but i need to ask a rabbi specifically about this one.
Yes promoting white nationalism and naming the Jew is the behaviour of controlled opposition. Quit your kike bullshit. Do you know who is controlled opposition? Guys like Cernovic and Gavin McAnus
If everyone was Anglin there would be no growing populist movement. Fuck your purity test. We need people that walk normies right.
>We need people that walk normies right.
You won't get far away with a leader that is controlled opposition. Question Spencer really triggers a lot of people resulting on arguments that dominate and shout at the people who only wants to learn.
Defend his connections and his wealth and then we'll talk in a civilized manner.