>hates black because of their low IQ
>ashkenazi jews have the highest IQ ever achieved by any race in the history of humanity
>literally every stormfag
Hates black because of their low IQ
Other urls found in this thread:
"The average IQ score of Ashkenazi Jews has been calculated to be from a range of 110–115, higher than any other ethnic group in the world"
>calling cientific studies a bait
stop living in denial
>Sup Forums is one person
That's because Mensa which invented IQ tests are Anglo Jews who forced you Anglo education and if you are a very good Anglo educated goy then you score high.
Ashkenazi jews have a low spatial IQ. Why they are rarely engineers or invent things. Jews have a higher verbal IQ why they are typically lawyers or intellectuals.
Israel's average IQ is 89, yid.
>doesn't recognize that to take offense is to admit guilt
LMAO then why do you use Black IQ as evidence for white superiority?
do slavs even think
Pol is white nigger
>hates black because of their low IQ
Wrong, you moron. They're "hated" because they're usually horrible "people."
>ashkenazi jews have the highest IQ ever achieved by any race in the history of humanity
Jews are a clown people. These are the people that think homosexuality and trannies are normal. The same people that fetishize nigger penises and cuckoldry. They wreck everything and have no honor whatsoever. They make niggers look good in comparison, as a group/race. Think about that.
>literally every stormfag
That's a lie, of course, and Stormfronters are far above your intellect.
More Phd and high IQ USA has more you fail, because there never were so many high IQ and Phd people, literally 10000 times more of them, but then why are you failing?
choose one mutt
report of the week eyy
This. Low IQ blacks > degenerate ashkenazi scum. I'd take nig over jew any day, at least they are actual humans.
This argument again, Meh create some new slide topic this is getting old.
>implying blacks even go to school
Schools that blacks finish are Catholic schools and jungle school, of course they can't score high in IQ. That doesn't proves IQ test being for smart people. What are those high IQ economic experts doing when they can't decrease American debt? So many of them exist, more than ever before and they are dumber in economy every year. Why do those high IQ people import Mexicans? Because they aren't smart.
It's actually 95 and Israel is full
Again, then why do you use Black IQ as evidence for muhh superiority? lmao I'm already seeing the effects of my ashkenazi blood in this discussion
Israel is full of immigrants
>I don't know what punctuation is for, but you should believe I'm really smart.
>Ad Hominem because I can't deal with a rational discussion and can only speak in meme language
I love you. Mr. Neocon I'm your biggest fan!
Everyone already knows (nose, get it?) I love that you dumb fucks keep throwing money at this board. Schlomo on!
>jews aren't even actually jews
That is so fucking retarded dude. You don't belong on Sup Forums if you think ''the real hebrews wuz based''
>imagine being this retarded
he's saying self-proclaimed jews took the victimhood away from real semites; they're just asiatic mongoloids
>ywn suck Abigail's big Khazar milkers while she rides on your cock and tells you you're a good goy
>>ashkenazi jews have the highest IQ ever achieved by any race in the history of humanity
Actually i doubt that, because the respective (((studies))) were all controlled by orthodox jews.
I rest my case.
I've read this IQ contest was launched by a high IQ Jew in the mid-00s to show them whities. Then other races got into the picture and things escalated.
I dont hate niggers for being what they are. I hate them for what they do.
Jews wouldn’t be capable to cause the destruction of civilizations if they were stupid. They are as cunning as they are vile
Dunno how many times do I have to repeat this, but if you don't believe in IQ tests for jews and shouldn't believe in any IQ test.
You should probably repeat it until you learn to construct a sentence properly.
I don't like niggers because they commit crime.
I don't like jews because they subvert our societies for Israel's interests.
Completely different reasons, OP.
If whites started subverting African colonies and telling their peoples that Britain is their greatest ally, then you'd have a point.
Thinking Jews are below average intelligence is a retarded position to take. The average Jew is smarter than the average goy, the average goy is of better character and morality than the average Jew
The thing is there is no need for "researchers" to point out blacks have low IQ. That is verifiable on a daily basis. Jewish IQ on the other hand isn't, it's much more a case of dishonesty. And the most laughable ""high IQ"" example is chinks. Now shoo Chaim
you don't like niggers because they are stupid?
WELL NAZI'S: according to some jews and wiki, jews are the smartest most chosen super geniuses ever.
>This article has been expanded into a considerably longer essay, with additional references and a total of 20 explanations, instead of this article’s mere eight. That extended version is available HERE
>Error 404
I can hate nogs because of their low intelligence and I can hate jews despite their high intelligence.
Just because jews have high IQ doesn't mean they don't have a ton of other traits that make them terrible people.
>wants to talk about race IQ
if jews were smart, they'd know we are about to kill them all.
This is bait, but for anyone reading along: the problem with blacks is that they are too dumb to exist peacefully in western society. This goes for other low iq groups as well. Think of it like a threshold - "below x iq, you cannot function well in the west." Whites built the west, and they are my people. The problem with jews is that they use their in-group preference to actively stifle attempts of white in-group preference. This can be seen through forced diversity and anti-discrimination laws, etc. The biggest problem, as stated, is that whites have a lower average iq than jews, so it can be challenging to awaken them to the JQ. I think removing/banning all dual citizen us-israel politicians would be a good start.
Seems legit
Because black IQ is close to borderline deficiency and retardation. That’s not really the best argument to use anyway. The best one is that wherever Sub Saharans are present there are usually shitty living conditions.
>ashkenazi jews have the highest IQ ever achieved by any race in the history of humanity
No they don’t. If they have any IQ advantage it is because they have both Asiatic and Euro DNA. Also the standardized IQ tests in use today were created by two ashkenazi jews so jewish psychology might have an advantage since they’re the product of a ashkenazi minds.
But ashkenazis on average are fucking dumber than shit. If they’re smart they’re book smart idiot savants who are fucking dumb at everything else like asperger’s human garbage. Mental illness and psychopathy and assburgers are very common among ashkenazis.
The real jewish “genius” is a rhetorical skill from their culture known as pilpul. Pilpul is what jews do to turn lies into truths based on technicalities and interpretated definitions of words. In other words they’re a merchant class race of cunning pathological lying professional bullshitters
>To exemplify their theory, Cohran and Harpending – neither of whom is Jewish
Why bother stating this? Is it because there was a case of a Jew organizing research programs who enlist nonJews, as a way to mask partisan and biases, to challenge science or compromise science, like anthropology?
>Black are worthless because of their IQ
>Whites with low IQ deserve support from the government and blacks with high IQ are a exception but should be treated like the average black
>It's all about being objective and rational, liberals can't think
>science is bait
The hubris of the Jew know no bounds. I mean who else wouldn’t learn from constant pogroms and expulsions
>strawman: the post
itt "superior intellectual" jew getting btfo by sub-90 iq goyim again
Stop. IQ tests are real, and well documented. Jews have higher than average IQs. You are taking a position that discredits white nationalism by making us look stupid
Do you have access to the PDF? I want to know if there is any mention of interbreeding with Anglos and Jews over a period of time that contribute.
>Jews have the highest IQ
lel good try shekelberg
>Average IQ of Israel = 95
>Average IQ of European nations = 98 - 102
Anything else you wanna lie about, jewboi?
>Chinese Canadians are now "white nationalists"
"We" hate nigger because of the things they do because they are stupid.
Just like "We" hate (((them))) because of the things they do because (((they))) are smart.
One is a violent brainded moron, the other enslaved the world through a ponzi scheme and is socially engeneering western culture through mass media.
poor argument because Israel has a lot of mud jews. The only "smart" Jews are those with white skin, like OP. If OP was one of the brown Jews he'd be Zimbabwean nigger tier
Lol Unitarians have a higher average IQ than jews but aren’t 2000% over represented.
It’s called being nepotistic scum
>IQ doesn't exist, or is systematic racism
>IQ proves that Ashkenazis and leftists are smarter than white conservatives
Pick one.
In the US Jews are at 107. Down 8 points since 1995. Asians and Whites are at 105. Up from 104 for both in 1995. Blacks & Hispanics are down from 95 to about 88 too. Since 1995 of course. Doesn’t make them special. 11% of Jews are “impoverished” which is more then Actual Native Born European Americans
That's what makes them a huge threat, brainlet.
>b-b-b-but those jews don't count
show your israeli flag
Honestly whites are less hypocritical than Jews like me.
>Muh Holocaust
>Genocides Palestinians
>poor argument because israel has a lot of mud jews
>forgets that white countries have a niggers
Nice denial kike.
I'm making neither of these arguments, I'm pointing out the hipocrisy
I was just telling you what OP/any other Jew was about to tell ya. They will refute any Israel IQ argument as Israel being full of nigger Jews while also in the same sentence bring up IQ of Western European countries that also have a lot of niggers, thanks to the "white Jews" themselves.
I didn't said anything about white countries but about white people
Hmm... So much stuff on Wikipedia about this obscure Judaistic shit.
If they were so literate why didn't they bother to create historiography of European peoples they were living off and amongst? It could generate profits to boot.
Levine's 115 claim used 140 Jews in New York City. The IQ studies were done at Yeshivas.
Is this explained by Jewish IQ (95 in Israel, 97 in Ashkenazi Haifa) or by Jewish supremacism, nepotism, corruption, subversion, etc?
Is this explained by Jewish IQ (95 in Israel, 97 in Ashkenazi Haifa) or by Jewish supremacism, nepotism, corruption, subversion, etc?
Weak bait, faggot. Neck yourself
Is this explained by Jewish IQ (95 in Israel, 97 in ~90% Ashkenazi Haifa) or by Jewish supremacism, nepotism, corruption, subversion, etc?
Is this explained by Jewish IQ (95 in Israel, 97 in ~90% Ashkenazi Haifa) or by Jewish supremacism, nepotism, corruption, subversion, etc?
What hypocrisy??? Jews have an average IQ of 107 in the US so whites are niggers??? Your not implying anything else. There are more Negroes on food stamps then poor white people in the US as of this here current year + 3. And besides for the Boomers, American Jews have become spoiled and dumb. The Median age for Ashkenazi Jews in the US is 65 BTW
It's fucking amazing how people can talk about empiricism and then immediately start up the talmudic bullshit. We can black box this shit.
Societies full of wogs and kikes are dysfunctional. More wogs = worse, more kikes = worse, more white people = better. If anyone can show otherwise, be my guest.
>>ashkenazi jews have the highest IQ ever achieved by any race in the history of humanity
Methodists have a higher IQ
Subsect of christians > subrace of jews
He's purposefully misrepresenting the argument. We claim that Jewish influence is overwhelmingly negative, if not genocidal, and this is why they must be removed.
It's never been about whites being the "master race" that concept, which is fundamentally Jewish, is a strawman Jewish supremacists use to undermine their hosts.
Answer the question ratface. You're a Jewish supremacist and you're projecting your supremacism on whites that simply want yids to stop rotting out and destroying their societies.
Why did Hitler hate Jews? Rabbi Yosef Tzvi ben Porat will explain to you.
>make the same bait thread nearly everyday
>get BTFO literally every time
imagine being this addicted to (you)s
Jews can be a lot of things, i'm talking about ashkenazi jews
Category:Feminists by religion
>Christian feminists (7 C, 32 P)
>Jewish feminists (271 P)
Category:LGBT people by religion
>LGBT Christians (5 C, 77 P)
>LGBT Jews (3 C, 499 P)
thanks for the redpill wikikepedia.
4th reich incoming soon t b h
pick one
Not everything is about IQ. Blacks ruin society. Jews tell white societies that they are bad and need to import more black people who ruin their society.
It's not a complicated idea and everyone who hangs around pol should understand this but you're so fresh it's like the bannanboat from Reddit dropped you off this morning.
Indeed he is
My friend nobody is saying other people don’t deserve rights or that anyone is directly “Superior” but your argument about poor whites in moot because only 7% of white people are poor. About 12 million people. 2/3rds live in Rural Appalachia. They bother no one. On the other hand there are 30,000,000 negruhs in the US on food stamps who congregate in cities and bother a lot of people. That’s all you can take your 2 IQ points and shove them up your ass.
its a lie pushed by jew shitskins like you
Thank you for defending us goy. We are sending fema to collect you shortly. You have been officially invited to the elders of Zion. All of your monetary dreams will come true.
Funny how Jews constantly go on about their race and the genetic reasons for their superior IQ whilst telling Whites race isnt real.
Myth anyway, Germans have the highest adult IQ average.
>look mum I posted another asskike IQ meme thread lool nazis BTFO xD
>muh media pop-(((science))) mythos literally not backed by a single reliable scientific study
>b-but muh jack shit worth jewish backyard laboratory """studies""" about some kikes testing a handful of handselected East European mixed kike children
>b-but muh jack shit worth (((models))))
>b-but muh hundred pseudoscientific philosophical circular reasoning "explaining the Jewish asskike IQ with jewish history revisionism" books
>b-but muh compelling anecdotal evidence
>....yes an then a few dozen nazis per camp kept literally hundredthousand of us brainiacs in check and then surprise gassed us like maggots in gaschambers after fooling us with pools and football fields, many of us multiple times
So tiresome...