What makes NTR so popular?

What makes NTR so popular?


People who overreact to it.
I also think is the entry way to S&M for most.

I think the best way to enjoy NTR is to self insert as the guy doing the cucking, but also have some friends self insert as the girl and the cuck-ee while rage-masturbating furiously

Glad i didn't watch s2, but the real bf gets her back, right?

When will they learn?

What is with people and self-inserting? Just sit back and enjoy everything.

Manlets. When will they learn?

To answer the question, it's just an easy drama device for hack writers.

It's essential however that there be no ambiguity between the cucker and the cuckee roles, or it just devolves into some trashy American drama. There needs to be a strict hierarchy of dominance.

You could even go multiple levels with this - what if the guy cucking you is only doing it out of rage because he himself is being cucked by someone even better?

Japs and gooks love it for some strange reason.

For now, but it won't last.

I honestly don't understand how someone can enjoy a story fully without self inserting. If there's no usable character like in cases where the entire cast is girls like in moe SoL shows, I can just sit back and watch but the experience is less intense. If it's something like Madoka even then I can self insert a little bit because it's not really about romance or gender relationships for the most part.

>shorter than his girlfriend
Poor lad.

I don't understand why you need to pretend you're a character to enjoy a story.

>I honestly don't understand how someone can enjoy a story fully without self inserting.
This is why anime is reclining.

It's powerful stuff. Also a lot of people are low self-esteem, sadomasochistic betas, which is why Sup Forums has such a complex about it.

this desu
though one can question its ever presence in doujinshi in full form, where anime just uses it for drama.

Does the true definition of NTR require the victim to get off on it?


Come on, are you intentionally misunderstanding me? I don't pretend I'm a character, I just get invested in that one character's story and ignore the others, hope for good things to happen to that character, and so on

Are you incapable of investing into more than one character?

Because the cock must be defeated!

How did he take her away from him, did she fall in love with the other guy?

Actually pretty much yes. My attention span is very limited. Someday I hope to graduate to two or three at once

He was being a whiny baby, and the other guy wasn't.

honest answer: because it's realer than real life

You would have to be Chad to understand.

I'm glad anime found a comfy chair.

The entire foundation of NTR is disdain. It's the route of choice for trash people who will probably end up divorced, drugged, and alcoholic by their late 30s.


Self-inserters and wish fulfillment.

It's easy to achieve emotional manipulation.
Same deal with """""tragic"""" character like pic related.

So you don't understand either?

Sakura is perfect tho.

It's hot. Seeing your girl being mounted and experiencing primal ecstasy with a virile bull. The beauty lies with the realization of her sexual potential, free and without shame.

You're saying you don't get a kick out of seeing the reaction of your lover to different stimuli? Liar. Whether it's faceless old men, a huge gaijin, a dog, another woman, a pretty boy, or her professor it's exciting to witness different scenarios. We are all natural cucks. Tell me, how many times have you masturbated to the sight of a girl being fucked by someone but you?

The best comparison I've ever come across for cuckolding is watching a scary movie. You're enjoying yourself because you're fully aware that the thrill is artificial; it's that adrenaline rush you get when you're scared but know you're not in any harm.

It's the same thing with cuckolding. The cuckolded partner gets that rush - that fear or jealousy that comes with watching their SO with someone else - but they know that that SO is not going to leave.

But, sometimes, it's not even that. Some people just like watching their partner have lots and lots of sex, even if they're not in the picture.

Above all else, NTR is about love. It's about wanting your girl to experience pleasure in every way possible for her to feel pleasure.

But scary movies are fucking boring. Bait.

She's easy.
And i'm not worm-slut memeing. She's an easy character to write for and around. 90% of her character is doing nothing but being a punching bag, cooing over her senpai(audience self-insert), and constantly being manipulated by forces beyond her control and feeling sorry for herself. She was right to call herself a parasite. She fed on and corrupted the ideology of another human being just for her own selfish desire.
And people buy into her because she's cute, quiet, cooks, cleans, has fat tits, love no one more than her senpai, and her smile must be protected :'( :'( :'(

Maybe the ones you watch

There is no enjoyment to be derived from "horror" tropes. The last time somebody could be honest about saying that they made a scary movie was in the 60s or 70s.

No movie is scary if you don't want to be scared.

>Le wrong generation face

Daily Reminder 2017 is the year of NTR.

>I'm a cuck so that means everyone else is too!

So we're down to this shit.

I think reddit would be more your speed, normalfag

But you just said normalfags are natural cucks.

Everyone is a natural cuck

Nice projecting faggot. You need to step up your bait game. Don't make it so obvious.

Heavy emotional feelings, for people that barely have a life like me its a great way to learn about empathy

How do you feel about Kohaku?


Because it's more fun to be IN the situation rather than watch it from a distance.

The only people who hate NTR are people who have been cheated on

>it's more fun to be in a trainwreck than to watch one

If you're talking the metaphorical sense, then the best it could be is a novelty. Trainwrecks in the sense of plot are just boringn and stupid, and if you actually like them, then you're a pleb.

So people who experience NTR hate it.
Seems legit.

It's natural progression from voyeurism, which is effectively what people who enjoy ero manga/hentai are taking part in anyways. NTR just gives it proper context.

Girls being bad people and getting away with it gets me excited for some reason.

So yeah, the girl has to be the one at fault or it doesn't work for me.

I will never understand cuck mentality

>her senpai(audience self-insert)
That's wrong as shit

That's because cucks are legit retarded. Read that "cuckoldry is an intelligent man's fetish" or whatever that article is called, the guy is clearly fucking delusional. He says that it's about primal desire to compete comparing it to how you fuck your wife harder than usual if she was away on a conference or something somehow forgetting that it might be just because you haven't seen her in a while. And there's no fucking competition when you just give your wife over to someone else. And the best part is that he says how it gets him off when his wife tells him to leave the room when she fucks another guy but after also stating that it took him years to convince her to do it in the first place it's really obvious that his wife hates the cuck's guts now
Cucks are sick in the head, that's all there is to it

It's the other way around though

Being into cucking seems like it requires some kind of real life experience, honestly. I know that I only saw cuckshit from the female degradation aspect until I was cheated on in a game.

The feelings of guilt and anger from being cucked are sublime. Normies will never understand.

NTR is often partnered with blackmail, rape, degradation and manipulation through drug abuse so I think part of it is that there's a lot of crossover with people who like that kind of stuff, like me. I end up jacking off to quite a few NTR doujins just because so many of them crossover with those previously listed tags. I can't say I care too much one way or the other for the cuckolding part. Unless it's a multi-work series, most of the time it simply sits there as method to either set up the scene or get a cheap emotional thrill out of the reader.



Japs and weebs have inferioty complexes and are the biggest betas
Cuckolding is for us__

I have zero context for this picture but with pants like that you deserve to be NTR'd. That is the shit the Emo kids wore in my school.

When the girl who happens to be the MC's best friend NTRs herself to help him get with his crush.

Name me 5 instances that this happen in that's anime and not Toradora.

In normal fiction? I don't know, I don't care about romance stories.
In porn? It's hot.

You're not wrong. He's an insecure little fag.

>I honestly don't understand how someone can enjoy a story fully without self inserting

I think that netorare paired with those tags is garbage (just call the cops lmao), now, netorare focused on the girl feelings and strugle against the dick is the best, even to self insert or to just sit back and laugh at the fucking retarded plot