How does Sup Forums feel about TL Notes that go out of their way to censor stuff? (see her eyes)
How does Sup Forums feel about TL Notes that go out of their way to censor stuff? (see her eyes)
TL notes should be limited to a file bundled with the episodes.
I actually like TL notes and am kinda disappointed that more fansubs don't include them whenever there's a joke or piece of cultural trivia we might not know (instead of adding in their own shit jokes like CS/HS subs).
However that pic is a great example of how not to do it.
TL notes were amazing or rather it's amazing how they died out.
A few groups abused them and of course they got their ebin meme peen points with them, like the code geass chess nonsense and k-on and biribiri, but of course people have a selective memory when it comes to these things so when put on trial, the only TL notes people would remember were the meme ones and thus they got sentenced to death.
Sentai has been using them lately though. They even do typesetting now too, I was surprised. If they weren't hardsubbed and yellow, I'd put them far above CR on their attention to that alone. And they sub and translate the OP/EDs, alternate between english and japanese between episodes.
TL notes are the optimal way to translate.
Giving a literal translation and then explaining it if needed is way better than substituting some localized nonsense that's closer to some tranny's fanfiction than what the director intended.
If your TL note is anywhere but in a top or bottom sub row or alongside writing in the shot, your TL note is unwelcome.
Sometimes it can help
This is what TL notes should look like.
I still can't find the subbed version of Excel Saga anywhere.
Fucking this. It's really the best and only option. Old releases for shows like Excel Saga, Pani Poni Dash had separate files explaining all the shit from the show. For example:
Having tl notes on screen is retarded in 95% of time because:
1) it puts additional shit to focus on which means you have less time to watch animation and may skip some minor animation details
2) sometimes you don't need them because you already know the meaning of the word. Every person has different knowledge of japanese culture. I don't want to see huge text explaining something I already know
3) sometimes the explanation is just too big to fit in subtitles without creating wall of text similar to famous "this move is illegal" joke sub.
But just wait for new generation retards screaming in this thread that tl notes is the best thing ever.
Forgot to post the whole episode:
Tl notes are usually good
A language pun doesn't become funny when it's explained to you.
There's literally no reason to care about these notes unless you're learning the language.
>that pic is a great example of how not to do it
Aren't those separate options, like creator commentary? I certainly don't remember seeing any obstructive TLs when I watched it back then.
Anyone have the pic from the old Transformers movie? I've been looking for it for a while.
This one?
That's the one, thanks.
>censoring a symbol because hollywood told you it was bad
>an optional subtitle setting for the DVD means censoring
fuck off with the false flagging Sup Forums
>TL Notes that go out of their way to censor stuff
That's not a thing. That's probably happened a couple of times in all of fansubbing.
>should be limited
No, fuck you. There's nothing wrong with a one-line \an8 using a smaller font. If it's several lines or paragraphs, sure, it's better if it's at the release blogpost or in a file.
Not having a TLN when the time calls for it either leaves your non-weeb audience in the dark losing the meaning, or worse, forces the translator to pull an "equivalent" meme out of his ass.
That's not censoring you retard. The default subtitle track had no TL notes.
Yeah, the most popular release has the TL notes as separate subtitles. IIRC it also had the director's commentary, or maybe it was the writer's as well. You could swap them around for rewatches.
I just turn off the TL notes
That's dumb, it should be included in a liner if it is too long or too in depth, otherwise it makes more sense to include it in the moment in the show so that the flow isn't lost trying to wonder what x is or who x was.
And no don't even try to argue that the flow is lost from reaching an extra line or two during the show because if you're so fucking sensitive to text on the screen you wouldn't be watching a sub.
Does it even matter anymore? Fansubs are dead. Any still left alive are using Crunchyroll translations and they own added text flair.
Those are ancient DVD subs from before we had ASS technology.
Good ridance.
>so that the flow isn't lost trying to wonder what x is or who x was.
You cannot guess at what point viewer will not know about X. Some people might know who prince Shoutoku was and his role in Japan's history. Others might not know what sushi is.
>And no don't even try to argue that the flow is lost from reaching an extra line or two during the show
That's exactly what happens. Learn what CPS mean in subtitles.
That's literally what censoring is.
This is why you may as well just watch dubs, because only native japs will get shit like this, even the subs aren't going to get it across. If you need something explained then it's in the wrong language for you.
Underrated post
It does for me because I like the language. Don't group me in with you.
>30 replies in a TL Note thread and no one has posted the CCS manga page, you know the one
Are they hardsubs?
That's where you have to use common sense and discretion and realize not everything is black or white. Depending on the nature of the reference and how easily it can be explained in the space available it should be.
For example, if Miyamoto Musashi is namedropped with little context in the show, there is no harm in using a TL note to state that he is a legendary Japanese swordsman.
Another example, using TL notes to state a price conversion, especially when something like that could be important to the immediate plot.
This is how it was actually done in old anime. They would include indepth files at the end but still have TL notes in the show see Urusei Yatsura for an example.
Whether or not the viewer happens knows what is being referenced irrelevent, because it can only help people that don't know. Anyone who does know could easily just ignore it.
As for the CPS, again discretion should be used on how long it stays on the screen and how long the text is, you're not writing a paragraph, again this is pretty much a non-issue.