Friendly reminder that on the day of the rope cripples will be the first to go. They are useless burdens on society and waste our resources
Friendly reminder that on the day of the rope cripples will be the first to go...
able bodied people who don't work will be the first to go*
>They are useless burdens on society and waste our resources
unlike you of course
larpy spergs will be dealt with even earlier
kill yourself disgusting faggot
Ignore these 13 year old cucks, user.
I agree with you. Everyone that doesn't contribute has to go.
b-but they are to thank for all the refugees in Europe
I'd rather let a cripple live than an empathy-lacking autist such as yourself.
i know this guy from a pic
>muh feelings
Fuck out of here you fucking woman
>yes goyim, contribute to the society that's slowly destroying the planet or die!
You are the worst kind of idiot.
>muh autism
Fuck out of here you fucking subhuman.
>because only physical capability matters in today's society
Yeah no, buddy. We have injured vets who are learning to code and be software engineers while you still flip burgers.
fuck off
That man served in war and got blown by explosives.
What the fuck did you do basement single virgin fag?
The irony of you faggots,caring about war veterans whilst spitting on them.
lefty tier
>fuck off
>not feeling feelin
>being human
Pick one
You are weak, it's as simple as that.
Ahhh fuck.
You know what? Your pretty fucking upset my friend and I think your posting has given me just enough insight into what the fuck your problem is. You see, ever since your mother left, your daddy's been raising you in every regard to be his fucktoy sissy daughter. He works hard to pay for your hormones, makeup, and clothes, you show your appreciation by dragging him to bed as soon as he enters the door.You just love the taste of your daddy's sweaty cock after a day of eagerly waiting for him to come home. The wait is excruciating; yo're horny all day, and your transition is at the point that you can't even cum without his thick rod rubbing against your aching prostate. Often you spend the entire evening licking his gorgeous shaft and drinking his sweet precum. Once he eventually wills it, you sheepishly let go of him and stick your rounded ass out for him to ravage as he pleases. He pounds you into the sheets all night long, his massive member milking your little balls dry as you cry out and orgasm for the fifth time that night.Judging by how closely related you two are, it's almost surprising how his cock is so much bigger than yous! Guess that just goes to show that you were meant to be his daughter all along!
Fuck you
Now, hold on a fucking second... why cripples first? they still have functioning brains.
You are a Moorish rape baby, it's as simple as that.
lol not even the nazis did that.
>on the day of the rope cripples will be the first to go
No, niggers will be the first to go, followed by Jews, followed by race-traitors, followed by faggots. So you're pretty much out of luck, OP.
That dude can work plenty of jobs, just not gonna be a good waiter or delivery driver though.
Why is this getting spammed all the time now? You fags have nothing better to do?
Congratulations that's really edgy, but that guy's standing in a hole. It's the oldest trick in the book
It's an empathy test to see who gets sent to the camp
Here we have another shareblue divide-and-conquer thread. Everyone responding is either a shill or retarded.
I too am a social Darwinist, the strong should not compensate for the weak at the expense of themselves.
what about asthmatics? i’m fit and able bodied but i need to puff on my inhaler every few hours
How that nigga get stuck in the sidewalk?
I thought they killed all disabled people too?
Director Tony Scott Commits Suicide - The Atlantic
>intrinsic value doesn't exist
>all that matters is how comfy i am
He could still row a boat...
No wonder you can't get womxn! It's misogynistic cis scum like yourself that make this world a shitty place. You are a disgrace to peoplekind.
what have you achieved?
Yes and we are going to murder the elders and children next, because "killing people who can't help themselvels" just screams like "society".
Society works because people who need help get it.
In reality, it will be the people who harmed the innocent, either through immigration or through violence who will be led into the streets and hanged.
"Loving your people" means loving all of them, whether cripple or not.
haha you sound like a fucking soyboy, stay mad cuck.
Cripples can still contribute to society intellectually.
What gave you the impression that Sup Forums advocated for social darwinism?
op is edgelord wow op
Was he the original larper?
He was awesome in Silent Running
>All these newfags defending commies
Its always traitors first you silly brit
You can't expect an idiot like OP to know the value of the mind.
It's rather be a white soyboy than a sandnigger lmao.
>i need to puff on my inhaler every few hours
Right in the gas chamber.
Like any sane and rational person I would genocide my own people because of a aliment that can be easily kept in check.
You are practically identical to anyone else except that you need a bit of medicine every now and then, OP's fat is a greater harm to society then you will ever be.
Hello, triggered autist
Actually the most dangerous/burdensome thing to a society is people with low levels of empathy. They are unable to identify with others and tend to behave in a predatory manner not beneficial to society.
Wrong, if someone decides to kill them, they will lose support from their loved ones
That guy could work a desk job just fine. Niggers would be the first to go.
end yourself
Diagnosed autist here. You're thinking of sociopaths. Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) doesn't make you incapable of feeling empathy, just very bad at expressing your emotions. By contrast, Antisocial Personality Disorder (ASPD) will make you incapable of empathy, regret, or remorse. OP probably has ASPD if he can look at another human being who has done nothing wrong, and think they'd be better off dead.
My mother is disabled, and I'd probably pick up a rifle to protect her from people like OP. The US has no room for dictators and mass murderers.
How does this guy poopoopeepee if he has no holes to do it?
>actually dont want to know though
Was this a subtle SeshPost
buttblasted cripple lover detected
>My mother is disabled, and I'd probably pick up a rifle to protect her from people like OP.
Good on you user
kill yourself insolent fuck
I'm thinking Vegas, this guy could make millions working for a magician.
Lazy degenerates are not worth the resources wasted to keep them alive.
Even if law and order breaks down there will be people left to resist you and your evil schemes. Do us all a favor. Shut the fuck and go find a hobby until you learn better. SJW tier nitwits.
Man these shitposts are getting less and less original. They just seem to be written by mean-spirited children now.
His mother is disabled obviously you retard sperg waste of oxygen
it's up to their family, mostly
No, /leftypol/ will be first.
Traitors first.
I'll bet he just stands with legs in a storm drain.
Uniform probably fake too.
Easy way to make money.
so if one is crippled while serving in USA army, he doesnt get any help from state?
i think this is only actectable for of welfare system.
Nobody except sociopaths actually think like this. Everyone here is LARPing, you must be retarded if you don't see that.
>ple as that.
Your gay therefor crippled in head
Think of all the crisis acting they could be doing...
We need amputees to stage hoaxes, keep the people scared.
We need them to train first responders in a realistic way!
No, the first to go are going to be these pointless shitposted such as yourself, OP faggot. And it's not going to be quick, either. You're going to be undressed from your skin and boiled alive in front of people you care about.
I'd love to hold the rope with you on the other end, until you're dead, dead, dead.
You piece of shit!
Get that !an a stool and put him on an assembly line.
>Former soldier knowingly participating in a false flag event
What a piece of shit!
>Nobody except sociopaths actually think like this. Everyone here is LARPing, you must be retarded if you don't see that.
It's literally what ISIS did though, well maybe not first but somewhere along the road. Plenty of dutch Mos and Ahmeds were quite enthousiastic about joining that famalam.
Just call it a caliphate and all of a sudden it's normal and understandable (in the mind of a leftist) that viewing snuff films makes you want to join the producers of and executioners featured in said snuff films to live like their warlord pedophile prophet did centuries ago.
I think there are plenty sad pretend-nazis here who actually dream about this day of the rope, appearently unaware that they themselves are the very trash society would rid itself of soon as they would've outlasted their initial usefulness.
They're exactly the same as their communist counterparts: in their minds always higher up party members, never mere commoners or less.
Yeah all those useless cripples, not adding any value to humanity and our place in the cosmos
>>Former soldier knowingly participating in a false flag event
If you've got an evil government that stages attacks on its own population for political effect do you really think it'd go through the trouble of coming up with an extremely elaborate fake event with infinite points and possibilities of failure when just executing the real thing would require near zero resources and people in the know?
God, consipritards are the fucking worst.
How is he a burden on me? What resources of mine is he wasting? This is the US, we aren’t socialists.
Would you rather be Stephen Hawking or an 80 IQ normie with a moderately hot wife?
I would rather be a genius and live alone.
Lucky me, achieved that goal.
No, people who just believe the official story and don't look into things themselves are the fucking worst. I am so sick of you slack jawed idiots. We all put ourselves on the line to inform you dipshit mouthbreathers of the truth and you ungrateful shitheads get mad at us just because you can't handle it.
Well, you better learn to handle it. Because when push comes to shove, we're not gonna have time to inform you knuckleheads of everything those who paid attention already knows.
If you refuse to take care of wounded veterans, it's going to be impossible to recruit new soldiers
things the meek don't say:
>OMG look how great I am with my parlor trick that I can heckle you with your own thoughts in approximately real time
So they were unable to find another crisis actress? Any idea what crisis actors make? I mean if there's such a scarcity....
>If you refuse to take care of wounded veterans, it's going to be impossible to recruit new soldiers
No it's not. Your country among many others treats random third worlders demanding asylum alot better.
I know that woman. She we used to work out at the same gym. She had some plastic surgery since then to make her eyes look slanted.
Greenberg family. Crisis Actor family.
Appreciate the input.