Please tell me none of you here actually deny climate change

Please tell me none of you here actually deny climate change

The minorities in each circle prove the majority wrong but keep ignoring that

what abou tthe 97% of studies that say blacks are a different species

kys faggot, AGW meme is nothing but a wealth redistribution scam

Every time i fart the globe warms by 0.000000000000000001 ºC

So human caused global warming is real

No peer reviewed studies have come to that conclusion

This is the key word. The answer to your question is, of course not, nobody ACTUALLY denies it. We're all being sarcastically ironic.

>babbys first PCA
Oh user, that's adorable.

mockery doesn't help people see your side of the coin


Why should I care what you see?

I don't deny it, im just suspicous of a few things:
>The rate of climate change, it is undeniable that the climate does change, just how fast they are saying it is looks off.
>The human influence on climate change, how much as mankind got to do with it.
>The people who have built entire careers on climate change, lets face it whatever they say its gonna be to keep their job.
>Why it is only the west who seem to be responsible for climate change, all while china is choking in smog from their factories burning coal like its noones business.

i think you mean "jew-reviewed"

Not caused by humans paki

Goddamn emus. If they're different species, you wouldn't worry about one knocking up your roastie slut daughters. They're the niggers of humans though.

Ice cores from the WAIS Divide (currently the most high-resolution retrieved ice core) indicates that the maximum global warming trends during the last deglaciation, which is the nearest geologic precedent of larger-scale warming, was 0.0015°C/yr. This is at least one order of magnitude faster than the current decadal warming (0.018°C/yr).

But remember: temperature is just one of the numerous ways in which human activity in pushing the planet into unknown territory. For example, thanks to the Haber-Bosch process, the nitrogen cycle is currently undergoing the biggest perturbation since the last 2.5 billion years. And this relates very much to what you said about smog in China: the anthropogenic influence isn't purely CO2 but is rather a complex mix of opposing forces.

The aerosols from the burning of coal cool the planet by direct scattering of sunlight as well as influences of cloud albedo and lifetime. And you better hope that this cooling effect is as small as possible, because a strong present-day aerosol forcing would imply a hot future.

The global warming hoax is perpetuated by the oil industry in order to impose a carbon tax on coal. It would make coal too expensive to burn in powerplants, and they'd switch to natural gas. Oil companies own the largest natural gas reserves. How do retards not see this?

>97% of people agree on something so it's a fact
We're not fucking orkz.

I am highly sceptical of it. We should, according to them and their scare mongering in the past, all be dead and underwater by now.

Today we're still all going to die, but now in another 10 years. No doubt in another 10 it will be the same story.

>Movie called inconvient truth
>tells us florida is going to be underwater before 2018
>it's not
>they have the balls to make a sequel

1. Funding to investigate global warming
2. Scientists find signs of global warming
2. More funding to investigate further global warming

wait so op yer telling user that climates change?

Yeah and there was a time when 97% of scientists thought the Earth was flat and the sun revolves around it.

climate change and global warming are not the same thing, climate changes all the time.

>when 97% of scientists thought the Earth was flat

That was religious people. And science disproved it, just as science disproves climate change deniers.

Theres at least a 3% chance climate change isn't caused by humans, that means it's not proven you retard.

Shut up stupid. Every scientist is eventually proven wrong. Assuming the theory of gravity hasn’t already been disproven, it will be soon enough. Do you remember the Theory of Temperature? Exactly

When did you fags meet up and decide to call it "climate change" instead of "global warming".

Also, if you're so worried about greenhouse gas emission, go preach to the chinks and indians. That would be more logical than your current approach given that western industry is dying off.

The same (((Science))) which gave us Cheddar man believes in global warming.

We wouldn't be able to breed if they were a different species, maybe a different breed (think dogs) but not a different species entirely. That's nonsense.

Climategate bitches, Greenpeace and NASA both been caught fudging data.

This. Followers of the religion of climatology always ignore this fact and they also try sweep Ice core samples under rug.

Why did Soros buy so many coal companies at the bottom if he truly believed in his climate change gospel? It's a money grab and you're stupid for falling for it

Well considering that one field of study is archaeology and the other is meteorology, no, the same science did not give you cheddar man

Ice core samples prove co2 follows heat, not the other way around. Totally destroys all their fake models on climate change and its why they try to bury them back in the ground where they found them.

I don't deny climate change but I think we are already too far gone. What counts now if efforts to prepare for the oncoming refugee crisis that will dwarf the crises of today. People will mock Trump's wall until the tide begins to rise and we realize that his actions will have protected the American south better than any emission control or other effort could. Control the borders first and then begin to counter-act whatever we can with regards to climate change.

>people whose careers are based on the idea of climate change try to convince you it's real

Gee what a surprise

Nobody denies climate change.

What we deny is how the Left uses it to distract the public from REAL problems facing our countries. The world is going to warm up like 1 degree in the next 100 years - completely trivial.

The Left tries to make global warming look like it's going to be the end of humanity. Meanwhile, they import tens of millions of third worlders into the West who hate us and have no intention to integrate - this will cause brutal racial and religious wars across the West within the next 50 years. This is what the Left is trying to distract people from.


Climate change is real, manmade climate change is a psuedoscientific religious cult popular amongst Marxists.

Nobody denies climate change, climate change is real, it's very much a fact, our climate has changed continually throughout the history of the planet. Man-made climate change to the degree that these government-paid shill scientists promote is where the BS starts the enter the equation.

The climate always changes, but man has nothing to do with it.

97% of climate change scientists are faggot scam artists.

According to (((climate change))) we shouldn't have any polar ice caps left now

Did you look at your own graph? It goes back to 95 years BP, in other words 1855. It doesn't even cover the second half of the 19th fucking century

Climate change hasn't happened on a scale that can be proven as the usual "Signal/Noise" level hasn't reached an alarming level yet. And even then you can't really prove that it's human caused.
And EVEN THEN if it's real and if it's human caused, it would be Creationist to try and stop it and Darwinist to go with the flow.

Seasonally , climate is constantly changing.

Climate change if real would effect 1 thing more than any other and that is agriculture. Yes temperatures are increasing but we know are planet was highly tropical once. Earth has seasonal changes that take millennia on par with solar seasons. Temperatures may be increasing but it has not deveatated and collapsed agriculture. Our planet is highly resilient and constantly active and changing. Earthquakes , volcanoes. if plant life is having no problem adjusting and thriving , showing no cause for concern , then there is no cause for concern.

I knew it! Climate change is done by the Jews because Israeli water supplies benefit from rising sea levels.

>97% of """climatologists""" reliant on climate change funding agree climate changes
Powerful stuff. Keep me posted.

Nope. Anthropogenic climate change is real and it's happening right now.

Only edgelords who are alienated from nature because they live in air conditioned boxes haven't noticed how the climate has chaned in their everyday lives.

This /thread

What? It goes back ~10000 years, like it says in the title.

CLIMATE CHANGES 24/7. Anthropogenic climate change is a myth. The SUN NIGGER, THE SUN NIGGER.

The other day snowed. ON THE BEACH!

We wuz stars 'n shiet

Climate is always changing, nignog.
But your physics is shit

Given how shamelessly academia lies about genetic differences among the races and sexes I don't know how anyone can trust anything controversial that academia tells us is totally true.

That’s not how species always work, though

Why are Amerindians closer to Neanderthals when some western Europeans have actual Neanderthal ancestors from thousands of years ago? Did an actual monkey make that graph?

The nigger-aryan offspring is unfortunately also capable of having children.

What is the Medieval Warm Period for 200, Alex?

Daily Double: If the Jew Franz Boas was able to subvert Anthropology into becoming a race-denying cult, why should anyone believe in something like Climate Science when the Weather Channel can't even predict next week's weather?


You seriously think an appeal to authority is something that even needs to be "denied" in any way?