It's funny because there are no schools in Africa, right?
It's funny because there are no schools in Africa, right?
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haha showed him haha
It's funny because even in the most backwards ass place on the entire planet, people are more reasonable there than in the US.
Wow, Africa isn't so bad now.
I thought they're raised to be child soldiers
If africans had been left to their own devices they would still live in mud huts, while whites would be walking on the moon. I'd say its safe enough to disregard any opinion they might have on anything.
when you troll a republitard epic style xDDD
They literally make up ramdom shit they are so fucking stupid it is amazing
No, they just send them out to die as child soldiers.
No they don't raise them at all
No they just put tires around people’s neck and light them on fire.
Niggers don't go or stay in school long enough to become one.
>Africans don’t raise their kids
in Africa it's typically the adults, and they usually kill each other with rocks and sticks
take that, America
Things that didn't happen (Part 1)
Got em
but they do raise them to shoot up their schools
Blacks are more extracurricular
Not their fault CIAniggers are trying to engineer a 1984-type government like the one establishing itself in the UK
why do they always assume we don't have the bantz to reply back shit like "yeah your kids shoot up the streets" or "that's because niggers don't go to school"
its funny because in africa the adults shoot up schools and the kids die of preventable diseases
It's amazing how easy it is to win arguments when you control what both sides say
yea... because Africans don't smash each others heads with cinder blocks and light each other on fire every day while raping and spreading aids at all. They don't tie up their own and drag them with vehicles across asphalt and have dozen of kids even though they can't feed a single one.
No, they just shoot up everywhere else.
Boko haram lol
Their kids don't get killed immediately, they get kidnapped by terrorist groups and sold into slavery.
If you go to Namibia you will see a school in every shit hole tiny village.
Because otherwise they'd show their true face (ie. assault you).
Does anyone else hate the normie laughing emoji? I don't know why it triggers me so much, like it's such a condescending emoji. Most of the time it comes in packs too, which triggers me even more. It's like the laugh track of typing.
the rate of school shootings is falling though
Al Shabab just killed hundreds of students in Kenya only last year when they were at school
haha gottem xd
Haha yeah, they kidnap entire schools of children using machetes and force the boys to become soldiers or food or forced labor and the girls to become rape slaves. Good thing they banned guns!
haha got em
>It's like the laugh track of typing.
That's a good one.
Africans raise their kids?
If I had to go school full of niggers, I'd shoot it up too.
In Africa if a kid has a gun he skips school and goes straight to warlord status.
Dead nigger storage.jpg
No, it's funny because Africa is the continent of child soldiers.
Haha man, he totally owned that guy lmao
>when your lifespans are so incredibly short thanks to a hyper-violent chimp brain that all education is essentially useless due to those educated dying before they can pass it on.
Disproved in one image
Wow he really BTFO'd that strawman.
No, African schools just get rushed by gangs of niggers with Aks who kidnap all the kids, turn the girls into whores, and the boys into fighters.
He forgot to put in
>and then the whole room erupted in applause
Is this the kind of racist crap you scum bags post on here? I'm a 60 year old truck driver, get a job you low lives! My wife who happens to be black is the greatest fucking real woman I've ever met in my life scum bags, I should fucking sock all of you in the jaw right now!! I can't believe it's this shit my son does all day, sitting on his ass on this Sup Forums Sup Forums website. You fucking ruined him. I can't believe my son is a white supremacist. All his lazy loser ass does is sit in his room looking at this shit, fuck you. When I was his age at 24 I was already a home owner making 24k a year. You fucking kids are pathetic low life scum bags who are LAZY. Fuck all you scum bags I hate all of you for ruining my son.
ngl found a wifi years ago called kkk11 and tried the password grandwizard and it worked
Haha it's funny because most gun deaths come from less than 13% of the population and 1/6 of the race is in prison haha
Things that didn't happen (Part 2)
I know you are a shill.
70% only have one parent
Hmm, haven't seen this one before. Or maybe I just haven't been paying attention.
Part 2.
This is now a nigger thread.
Yeah, instead Africans raise their children to rape the babies of the opposing tribe, takes their women as rape slaves, an eat their men's hearts to absorb spiritual power.
Yea I'm new here scum bag. The name's Daryl.
I bet that conversation happened exactly as the nigger claims.
funny because niggers are 300 times more likely to shoot someone
>at least africans don't raise their kids
>haha I beat my opponent in this scenario I just made up
That's some Sup Forums-level of impotent arguing.
What level of chimpout was that?
how many white children are murdered by niggers in SA?
>he didnt even win in his made up conversation
what a dumb ape lol
>literally using a wadjet as your profile photo as a nigger
this meme is getting out of hand.
all the people watching and not one stops the niggers attacking that woman...
Yeah, instead niggers raise their kids to be pussies and gang up on people with guns in the streets. Most school shooters are doing it because they're bullied. Say what you want about them, at least they're standing up on their own and fighting back, unlike niggers who get with their homies and shoot people in the street for no reason.
This has to be a prank, right?
god bless, user
add to your collection
spread nigger hate in every thread
No one took her to Taco Bell™ that day.
Why do niggers do this?
>It's funny because there are no schools in Africa, right?
>Africans don't shoot up schools
Is it because Africans don't go to school
What of the actually hell have I witnessed?
Geez Litbro,I get it that your country it's cold and depressed as fuck,but this is not good for your health
Nice collection with some rares.
link to tweet
And then everyone stood up and applauded.
Stfu snownigger xddxdd
>t.Le ebig meditarrnean droll XDDDDD
It gets better with China, Mexico and Brazil but lets stay on topic with our melanin friends.
Fuk u niger
> ctrl-f everybody clapped
How do niggers even in third world countries get to be that fat? I thought their stupid asses we're starving. what the fuck.
>mfw democrats will never stop owning you
>Steal tendies from tribe
Oh look planking is cool there now
Thanks for the clarification
R.I.P Shebonika