Fuckin roasties
Fuckin roasties
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>im baby
How is the adult women so pants on head retarded while the 12 year old girl is thinking quick?
K keep me posted
Anyone else baby here?
>Hah whatevs sweetie ill be in 10
I don't understand.
Is this Method: Other M roleplay?
>Mom's Edge
Baby reporting
Fucking grown-ups trying to larp as one of us.
Possibly an explanation for the weird stuff the mom says. She might’ve been using voice commands in her car (a Ford Edge, perhaps?).
Wtf is this? Rest of text? Relevant how? Is it you Q?
>i'm baby
fucking useless bitch was probably sucking off the mailman
Maybe if her daughter didn't look like a fucking pig in heat she wouldn't get raped by a pack of niggers
>mom theres a big fat nigger here to rob everything and kill me
Im baby
>I'm baby
Why did we let this generation breed?
oh shitttttt good call. my edge has text to voice so def possible.
also the Ford edge is a great car, highly recommend
Translators note: I'm is a contraction of I am
Translators note: baby is a nickname/petname parents like to call their children
>are you coming home mom
>I am, baby
you're (you are) welcome
So he broke in and stole nothing. Hmmm. hmmm.
You retard. Obviously the mom has an iPhone Edge.
She would feel so much safer with a gun.
I would.
Why did the mom just reply "K" when her daughter is being home invaded. Makes no sense...
Nobody uses “I’m” in that context you double nigger. It’s poor grammar.
It's called swype
Mom meant
"I am, baby"
>moms edge
>mfw my child is telling me there's someone inside the house
K... keep me posted
Replying just K might seem a little ridiculous, but it’s a quick acknowledgement that she got her daughter’s message. My mom texts in a similar way.
>stop driving
>calmly pull over to the side of the road
>begin typing message
>"ok sugar booger i will be home as quick as i can. remember to stay calm. mommy will protect you. the best spots in our house to hide from an intruder are 1. in the closet. 2. in the bathroom. 3. in the garage. now that you know the 3 best locations i am sure you will stay safe"
>hit send
>go back to driving
>get home
>daughter was raped and murdered 10 minutes ago because you spent time typing out a message instead of calling the police or speeding home
Did you ever text with your mom?
my mom writes exactly like this, might even end the text
>regards mom/her name
It's kinda strange
my baby is already a member of the KKK
This makes more sense, I was assuming it meant "I'm busy" but the nigger cock made it hard to speak.
dk, are you a Fed?
Did you text her while niggers are robbing your house ?
lost at
>here me
This is the blog they were trying to scrub from the net.
Just a concerned baby.
>hmm, someone is breaking into my house
>better text mommy to see if I should call the police
What a heroic quick thinking female
>im going to call the cops
>going to
>worried he's going to here her
>here her
>tells mother to call which would reveal her hiding place
>suggest her mother goes home and walks into potential danger
>i'm baby
I'm rooting for the burglar on this one. Should have killed the dumb bitches.
how dumb are you retards?
mom was texting daughter as quick as possible
mom was probably calling the police
>meme flag
>reddit spacing
>calling anyone dumb
>get call from neighbor MILF with qt trad-daughter
>plz go clear my house and save my girls!
This is what I dream about every night.
"Our nations chocolates are over-rated and there is better skiing in Prague.
Regards, Mutter"
Like that?
Her mom was telling her to ask /k/ what to do. They suggested an 8mm Mauser, ofc.
Pity the daughter didn't just shoot the intruder. Women are always useless in every situation
You’re right. She should have been more mindful given the circumstances