Intercepted this a few days ago. Similar to the one posted before the teacher "shot up" a school.
I think that they know we know... the question is... do they care enough to back down?
Intercepted this a few days ago. Similar to the one posted before the teacher "shot up" a school.
I think that they know we know... the question is... do they care enough to back down?
Other urls found in this thread:
The "teacher" even was clearly engineered to capture the news cycle and "discredit" arming teachers. This came out about a day later I think.
Almost identical wording to the last one which was real.
Also this guy just tweeted about it. Twitter tards are trying to send the feds at him. I'm guessing he's just a Sup Forumstard referring to the Craigslist ad
Im gonna keep this thread bumped
why not sign up to be a crisis actor
get paid $1000
then expose them and say you are crisis actor
they won't take you to court since it would expose the truth..
ez money
Yes we can't let (((them))) keep getting away with this shit. I have no doubt that they'll keep this shit up. (((They))) double down on everything when they don't get their way.
because you die
Bump, if it happens. Just
Normally I'd think that there aren't people in the world stupid enough to believe this, but I've been on this site before so this is par for the course.
We got us a couple hours yet til the Houston Rodeo. There is a whole lot of potential moloch symbolism at a rodeo i tell you whut.
They are taking people with experience only. No doubt they want a "resume" of prior events and since they are all run by the same group, they'll be able to check them out.
Confidentiality stuff
get in here
First shill. That was quick. Prepare for a flood. Of them.
The ad mentions a medical center, but they could be looking for mugs to talk to the camera about gun control after a mass shooting.
>attempt a mass shooting in Texas
>good fucking luck with that
https ://
For those that don't know the houston rodeo is actually a number of things, one of which is a country music festival. Kinda like that whole route 91 thing. It fits their M.O.
Medical Center is actually a neighborhood of Houston.
What was dallas?
Does crisis actors get a greencard? Pls no judge me, I just wanna be in America
Strage stuff happening user
I think this is (((their))) hardest mission, 'cause thank God americans are stubborn when it comes to weapons
Every time they pull one of these, gun sales go up and nobody in congress will touch a gun control bill. Emotional libtards will lose their shit but the vast majority of Americans are VERY distrustful of government and they should be.
These cards were made in 1995 for a game called Illuminati
You know it's funny. Most of the major arms dealers in the US are owned by a certain group who may or may not be neanderthal interlopers.
Maybe i got this whole false flag thing wrong and the whole shebang is an ad for the NRA...
No I think the New World Order jews know that they will never take America until they can control speech and they can't control speech with an armed populace.
So they are doing a two pronged attack. False flags meant to weaken people's resistance to gun control which will just lead to more gun control.
Secondly, they are trying to censor the whole internet and circumvent our 1st amendment entirely.
>Supposed "false flag" would recruit from Craigslist of all places
Well I've done what I can do. Hopefully this caught enough eyeballs that if shit does go down, it will be pretty conclusive.
Hello chaim shlomowitz
now go in oven pls
Just about every time. They're comfy with using craigslist for ordering 'pizza'
They did last time fucktard. Obviously they're operating on a compressed time table.
>we have his emails
>a lot
>pol rather talk with brainletards about why le race-mixing s bad instead of investigating pizzagate and shit
I just wanna kill myself when I see such threads getting over 100/200 replies, fucking idiots wanna put their opinion in a JIDF thread
where can I apply? Can I get greencard?
kek, this whole thing is a larp
why hire crisis actors through craigslist?
I'm pretty sure they have their own referrals and networks for such a thing
>make crisis actor requests everyday
>eventually a crisis actually happens where a request was made
Nah, it is just being filmed today, its going to be in the news this week. No schools on Sunday.
>Actually believes they would use Craigslist
Something else Solomon?
They use craigslist to hire protestors.
Boy howdy you must be on to something, the shills are literally shaking in their kippas.
the prophetic qualities of this game continue to terrify me.
False equivalency.
>Ad-hominem attacks
When you can't attack the talking point, attack the individual?
wouldnt they just call their trusted actors up personally then instead of making a public ad?
How do you like the new stage?
>Actually believes no one here personally knows any paid protesters
>Paid protesters= false flag shooting "victims"
one to many posts hyping this up
It’s Blackjack, ace of spades black jack. Winner
Don't sign up for these. A friend of mine did one of these acting gigs and was actually shot. He breathes through a tube now.
I feel like the people who sign up are the designated victims who actually die and the actors are already part of the deep state.
>I'm sorry I'm dumb and did not consider craigslist as a means for advertisement
if they are evil enough to kill random people, i dont get why they wouldnt just kill all their actors after each shooting unless they were friends and family. when you apply they could start wiping all traces you exist and then kidnapp you later. who knows how much power a group that can fake giant mass shootings can have
>Just believe my false flag memes or you're dumb
Nice brainwashing technique.
Let us take a step back from your ingenious post and break it down. I'm brainwashing you by confirming that Craigslist is used to advertise nefarious oddjobs? Don't be so paranoid. All I did was show you how wrong you were. I hope you will be more considerate in the future.
These Twitter fucks do not deserve to know your identity
>Claims to have proven me wrong
>No argument posted
pls continue
People survive being shot. Also the actor friend I am talking about didn't even get any warning. The guy they had shooting was a real psycho, didn't even give any directions or anything. Even shot people that weren't involved in the gig.
Yeah, because as soon as Trump calls for armed teachers, within two days the first teacher ever decides to shoot up a school.
What a cohencidence.
LOL. Only Sup Forums could confuse a drill with reality to fit their fake news view of the world. May you all die at one of these "false flag" events.
Wait, do you seriously think that the deep state is recruiting crisis actors via craigslist? Fuck off user.
It's called hiding in plain sight and they do it all the time. Nobody believes it. That's why they do it.
They aren't doing it like that you retard. They're finding these people secretly amongst the "true believers" out there.
Yep... I view them as containment threads. Keeps the morons busy while Anons try to put together the puzzle.
Several theories on the shooters. Most have been groomed for a long time by operative pushing them closer to the edge. Pretty much all are on antidepressants which may serve to lower the threshold it takes to push someone to murder.
There's even been chatter about so called "skull devices" which is a tiny transducer that gets implanted behind the ear and uses a cell phone signal to basically make them hear voices in their head. Creepy shit.
NO. Give me your guns. GIVE.
Another theory... or possibly a different method... is to use cops/soldiers/agents to do the actual shooting well out of sight. Funny how there's never any footage of these people lately. Recorder malfunctions, whole casinos full of cameras and no footage, missing body cam footage... another cohencidence I'm sure.
Then they get some crazy fuck to take the fall after the fact and by then, everyone says they did it and they have no way to prove their innocence.
Fuck this gay earth
>conspiracy theorists making up their own smoking gun
Wow, like this never happened before.
>The government is going publicly advertise its big false flag event to disarm Americans on Craigslist
You guys are just a different flavor of fake news-spreading disinformation shills.
Tick tock kike
we should start posting these asking for previous crisis experience then catalog the names, faces and places we get
>They're finding these people secretly amongst the "true believers" out there.
>Implying you know more than people that data crawl on a daily basis
You really have no idea how at a loss you are. I can't tell you how many of us were able to enter antifa circles. Most of them come from schools that focus on acting! Wow, what a coincidence! If you find someone that's antifa, don't be surprised if their whole family is in on it. Don't be surprised if they receive checks for it in the mail to attend random protests. Don't be surprised if you've been invited to a protest so they could earn more money. Do not be surprised. Antifa, shareblue or any shill group are targeting an empty honey pot.
I'm just getting warmed up
Tons of people get playing card tattoos, this is nothing.
Bad idea. No doubt the NSA already has that info. Plus it would only serve to muddy the waters and make things too difficult to track.
These people are stupid. They make a lot of mistakes. We need them to keep making these mistakes so that we can make the connections.
Likewise they might be stupid but they are also very dangerous. If they see a fake ad that they know they didn't post, they might show up and kill you.
The public ad is fake to throw cover to the real operations. It gives plausible deniability. There are absolutely massive counterintel operations to promote "conspiracy theories" to deliberately poison the well.
You'll notice the (((media))) never interviews demolitions experts or engineers calling out blatant errors with the one-bomb theory in Oklahoma. The (((media))) instead gives 100% of the airtime to the lunatic screaming about aliens.
Sometimes the insane are legit, used as useful idiots, often actors pretend to be insane. The jew needs these nutters front-and-center to discret anyone asking the right questions. The jew triggers a pavlovian reaction by associating anyone asking questions with their flat-earther squads by simply giving a jewish sneer, pointing, and saying "muh spiracies, amirite goyim?" any time someone asks the right questions.
Having been following FF timelines since the boston event, I would surmise that goys get shot and (((others))) do not.
>digits on both plates
>within two days the first teacher ever decides to shoot up a school.
... but he didn't shoot up a school. That was 100% jewish fabrication.
Spotted the compromised mod shill. Nice GETscript tool faggot.
Also his initials
That ones kind of a stretch
Holy fuck
I'm working on a different theory for this one. My hunch is that Trump has been really fucking them up with his executive order and has been seizing their assets. The Rothschilds just sold one of their major estates.
Why is this important?
Because presumably, they are the wealthiest family on Earth.
Why would they need the money?
Well after Trump gave the Saudis our "all seeing eye" technology, they took down all of the corrupt princes and severed the Clinton crime funding/ties to Isis. The House of Saud and the Rothschilds are two of the biggest players on the world stage. Turns out that the Rothschilds were planning on cutting the Saudis out or severely undercutting them in this 16 year plan. The Rothschilds were the ones who corrupted the Princes and got them in bed with the Clintons.
What does this have to do with false flags?
Well now that the Clintons are severed from the Saudis and the Rothschilds are on the run and likely have had major assets seized, the American criminals who are trying to overthrow Trump are getting pretty desperate.
Russia narrative has imploded.
They need to control the news cycle to distract the people. This is how they do it and go for a gun grab at the same time. I don't think they actually expect to get any guns, but it makes major drama.
Yes they are willing to kill people for a distraction... they kill people for far less.